It was an easier time

It was an easier time.

Attached: IMG_7689.jpg (1242x704, 548K)

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If you did the s like that kill yourself.


Where the "S" come from? I saw people doing it all the time

no one knows

twisted sister? earliest ive seen it

We were doing it in the mid 90s, so at least then.

Anyone who played a card game other than Magic was a fucking weeb faggot who should've killed themselves.

no it wasn't. I got my shit kicked in by bullies and was extracted of all my lunch money.

imagine playing cards like some kind of faggot instead of ruthlessly asserting your dominance in butts up

Attached: 1429078507509.gif (320x240, 954K)

>"I heard he removed his rib so he could suck his own d*ck"

Attached: 1483829834847.jpg (233x188, 13K)

what is butts up and how do you dominate it?

We always called it "wall ball" when I was a kid

>that one person who's always sick and has a broken bone every month
i knew that kid. it's funny because he was pretty athletic too, did flips and shit

is that like red butt? because we called it "red butt" at our school

I'm 30 years old and remember kids in my elementary school drawing that thing, like around 2nd grade (1996-1997ish).

Stop posting off topic threads you absolute faggot

probably the same thing as butts up. throw ball at wall, whoever fucks up fielding it has to run and touch the wall before someone grabs it and throws the ball at the wall. if you don't beat it, you line up against the wall and someone gets a running headstart to peg you in the asshole

it's an MK-ULTRA psy-op
all the kids who were compelled to draw the S where subjects, but that's all we know

I was born in 98 and I had all this stuff at one point. Yet people o here will claim I was too young to remember any of it. God I fucking hate this place

okay, yeah
same game

it was a government institution
they barely fed you

holy shit that game is kino

It's a classic knot figure that has appeared in art motifs for centuries. Also it's a metal thing.

Yes to everything there except that eraser. Fucking gel pens hit me hard, it's probably the only one there that has been milked of all its nostalgia magic yet.