ITT: Albums you never skip a song on

ITT: Albums you never skip a song on.

I'm fairly certain i will love this album more than my first born

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Also this one to a lesser extend

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I don't listen to any album I feel the need to skip a song on. I always listen to an album start to finish, never individual songs. Playlist are blasphemous.


I perfer Dude Ranch

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Abbey Road
Laughing Stock


Well there must be an album you've listened too which had one song you hated and skipped. Right?

god imagine being this retarded. What ever happened to people who genuinely like music?

Travis > Scott desu

more like american snoozeball i skip every song

Pulse Demon

Happy to see someone who loves AHM as much as I do

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But i skip the title track song from King Crimson's Red album.

Jesus fuck this is some shit taste if I've ever seen it
Really should gather you people up and drown each of you individually


You can do better

Absolutely agreed. I think 90% of the board shares this opinion.

dont neglect your son user

Overrated, album is quiet samey and the vocals and lyrics are mediocre. Nice guitar though.
>babby's first pop-punk (the one you get for babby because he'll get vomit and snot all over it and you don't want to fuck up the good one)

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Vol. 4 - Black Sabbath
Songs From The Wood - Jethro Tull
Phenomenon - UFO
Summertime ‘06 - Vince Staples

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Based taste.

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Hard disagree

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this except salad days

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Yuppp. Albums with duds go into the garbage bin. There’s a lot of good music out there, the people baffled by listening to albums in full are either too retarded to find it or lack the attention span to sit still for 45+ minutes.
god imagine being this much of a pleb. What ever happened to people who genuinely like music?

many others but this is my favourite and everytime i listen to part of it i end up listenong to the whole thing

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Cowboy in the Jungle is trash desu otherwise good album