Songs for this feel?

songs for this feel?

Attached: shooting.png (268x301, 95K)

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Proud To Be An American

tim heidecker - i am a cuck

this is american, unironcally

came here to post this

Reminder that Canada and Mexico are just a few hours car trip away

If you total all the casualties caused by bears and cartels in those respective countries then the violence is equal

Ban guns
Fuck you rednecks, overcompensating shrimpdicks, and illiterate interpreters of the 2nd amendment. Enough is truly enough and I'm fucking sick of thousands of people dying because schizos can buy deadly weapons at a fucking corner store

this but unironically. the constitution is shit and has no value in modern society

fuck your guns

Nothing ironic dude

Why don't we just ban mass shootings retard? Didn't think of that huh bahahahah


you don't have to ban guns but to push for stricter means of getting them. it's unbelievable how easy is to get so many of them.


Toby Keith - I Give My Rifle a BJ Every Night (No Homo Mix)

But you told me criminal illegal aliens were a good thing to have in the country

No I didn't, some guy on tv did but not me I don't even know you bro

I love the absolute retardedness of the "just ban shit that kills people" argument. Everything that is illegal will be done, no matter what happens. But you know what reduces the occurance of illegal shit? Making it harder to do.

Fanatical gun loving faggots will soon figure this out once their failed child steals their toy and kills 30 middle schoolers.

Dude lets just outlaw school shootings too then its all gooooood bro

NOFX - Kill All The White Men

>schizos can buy deadly weapons at a fucking corner store
Yeah, pretty much bullshit. Who actually needs a knife in 2019? And yet schizos can walk into any corner store and buy one.

Gun stores exist, in many states you can buy guns at big box stores or a Walmart Kroger Dick Sporting Goods whatever.

Man it is le current year who needs scissors I mean like what the fuck?

Thugs will continue having access to guns though.

>Big brain boy over here has the answers to all society's woes

Gang Starr - Full Clip

you know what will make it harder for thugs to get guns? restricting guns. you know what happens when guns are harder to get? less thugs with guns. you know what less thugs with guns means? less gun violence.

if you're pro gun you're a ticking time bomb desu
no reason to own one unless you have violent or paranoid impulses
fuck guns, if you want to go be call of duty rambo jon wayne hunter man so bad go join the army and be a "hero" for your country

Whay does that mean? Is it code for "me likey slurp poopy from my gay boyfriend's butt"? Homo

It means I don't want people like you having access to assault weapons so innocent people don't die

Part and parcel, commies. Part and parcel.

you didn't get the memo?

having a rational solution makes you a faggot. they tell you this whenever you buy a gun.

Dicks out for HARAMBE!!!!!! 0_o


Marxists are pro gun
I'm a democratic socialist

Hahahahaha so you do likey eat da poopy! XD homo fag

Nice b8, this may get replies

cops and gun nuts will be the first ones on the guillotines after the revolution

Lololol never gonna happen dreamer keep wasting your life on pointless causes nerd

>has happened multiple times every century for the last 300ish years
>thinks we’re not due
sweet, sweet summer child..

Yeah you and all your limp wristed fag buddies are going to defeat burly, trained officers and gun nuts who are stronger and better equipped than you the massive delusion lmao have fun dying like a chump

The only revolution they taught me was 1776 and the good ol Dixie boys rebelling for freedum which ain't free like Mr Reagan said

based mgsv

damn I haven't used 'XD' since 8th grade. how's school lunch nowadays? do they still serve chocolate milk?

Yeah i bet you love chocolate cuz it reminds you of da poopy u like 2 eat xD gayboi

Creedance Clearwater Revival - Ooh, that Red White and Blue

objectively correct

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I normally hate this band but this song is a great fuck you to America and gun violence

You're against America and gun violence? Wow way to compensate I bet you love them both soooooooo much!

Lol the bud light's giving you brain damage, boomer.

"Music for this feel" threads should result in an automatic permaban from all boards and a drone strike on your house.

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This Is America
Don't catch you slippin' now

At least I still have a brain to damage, unlike you mindless leftard. Go vote for berngay sanders and watch him lose lmao fag

And this track is a nice fuck you to US imperialism

Also fitting


If only you naive retards would read a single history book and realize every oppressed nation like the one I come from first had to ban guns to become fully authoritarian. Commie Americans don't deserve the AC they breathe. Go fucking starve in Cuba and wipe your ass with newspapers. No running water no freedom for any speech but goverment mandated. UK looking the same and so is the rest of Europe. You fags are pathetic and making the only decent places in this planet into complete shit holes.

columbine was the only real mass shooting

Guns are for violent larpers, we don't need people owning deadly weapons. Quite frankly, I don't care about your Slavic right wing shithole, we're talking about common sense.

Common sense is knowing governments are a necessary evil. This is a historically proven fact. And the people being armed the only defense against it. That simple. That timeless. And if you don't know this you are a fucking brainlet. Truly and effectively a retard. Learn some history fag.

>Billy Bob: i need mah ar15 to rebel against tyranny
>gets shot by drone in seconds
Cool bro
Sure but you know this is the real soundtrack for these shootings

Yea they can go ahead and carpet bomb half the populace and destroy billions in infrastructure. It doesn't work that way you once again proven naive 70 IQ manlet. Vietnam and Cuba are proof that you can go ahead and Nuke because people United and armed to defend their homes are never going to be easy to defeat.
>You are so fucking retarded that is almost impressive

Why is the text in your post green? Did you throw up on it after sniffing your gay boyfriend's butt? Homo

Retard detected, typical Amerimutt who cannot into politics.

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>look at my image dat mean me right!
Lmao whay a pile of shit you leftards come up with xD

lol bro read a book unironically

>dude I read that mean i know everything

>bobby sauce: like ohmyfuckinggod yas we stan charter arms feck yas s. r. ayy betch
>gets shot by the same drone strike
very cool sis

Rammstein - Amerika