Guitar pedal videos

> Be me
> Watching a guitar pedal video on YouTube
> *Stairway To Heaven starts playing*
> *Close up of guys fingers all the way at the top of the fretboard*
> *Zooming out*
> *45 Year old boomer with dad jeans and new balances*
> *Stairway To Heaven continues for about 3 minutes*
> *Finally stops*
> *Guy starts talking
> "Listen to that Gibson! Did you guys know that when Jimmy Page was playing in Led Zeppelin......"
> This goes on for about 10 minutes
> Plays the occasional blues scale solo
> Makes a retarded strained looking face when he plays
> The pedal is barely "turned up"
> Can't even fucking hear what the pedal sounds like
> Mfw every pedal video is like this

Attached: 1489768334134s.jpg (242x242, 7K)

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It's a sign from good telling you not to buy any fucking pedals

Attached: b39.png (471x467, 357K)

But I like pedals motherfucker

Save your money, get a Gibson. Thank me later.

I'm happy with my guitar right now, but I do really want a Gretsch

Only a Gibson is good enough.

maybe youll like more the soi enhanced "doodles" and ""melodies"" of the quirky soimaster from the Knobs yt channel, you cocksucker.

Yes I know him!
So glad I found his channel, he actually goes over all aspects of the pedal. And doesn't fucking talk while doing it.

Then you should know that real men play straight into the amp.

You are shitty boomer rock personified

I don't know about you but that JHS fella does a good job. I thought he was another dad rock boomer but he's pretty chill.

>5 guitars
>not one pedal

Attached: cutie.jpg (600x600, 33K)

I just don't know how much worse it can be. Vid related.

> shitty boomer or indie rock


Yeesh, at least learn how to play a riff before making a pedal video.

Just buy pic related and now for the price of one pedal you can emulate 100.
Physical pedals are sold just to rip off boomers and hipsters, if you're paying $100+ for some analog components in a box you're fucking retarded, and if you're paying $100+ for a single effect digital pedal you're even more retarded.

Attached: G1FOUR-large.jpg (620x750, 53K)

>JHS fella
that guy is a piece of shit. also hes ""christian"".

>try to find guitarist on Craigslist
>be drummer in Midwest looking to start post punk band
>every single one is a boomer who wants to play blues rock like stones and clapton or ac/dc gnr metallica
Save me

That's because you're on craigslist, zoomers weren't even sentient when that site was popular and they're your best bet for a post punk band

Jazz, classical, blues, any neosoul actually worth listening to, and metal all work as "straight into the amp" genres.

All you need is a fender tone stack, spring reverb, and a volume knob. Pedals are for people who bought shitty amps and shitty guitars so they can't get a good tone out of what they already have.

I live in a boomer dominated shithole in Indiana, I'm desperate.

Is the zoom gx1 actually good??

link 1

I haven't used any other multieffects units so I can't really compare but yeah it's great for the price, whole bunch of effects and amp sims built in plus a few more you can download through their software, plus a drum machine, tuner and looper.
UI and button layout is extremely comfy too.

i bought a zoom about 20years ago. i'm glad i didnt get rid of my 13 stomp boxes. which do you think still works?

>looking to start post punk band
and youre complaining about blues, boomer rock & metal?