I don't like any of the rap Yea Forums talks about but I like this...

I don't like any of the rap Yea Forums talks about but I like this. How do you describe this as opposed to mainstream rap?

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Have you never heard of Underground?

Is that an album, label or a rapper?

the term underground has been used to describe rap that wasn't liked by the mainstream hiphop heads since like the 90s

They are so shit OP
At least do yourself a favor and check this out instead

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I don't like this. This is why I made this thread in the first place. That's why I posted what I posted.

try Funcrusher Plus and Deltron 3030

I don't like any of those either. This is WHY I posted Binary Star. Fuck.

Atmosphere then? Specifically the release titled GodLovesUgly

Why do you like Binary Star? for god sakes describe why you like it so i can recommend you something you might like retard

I'll def vouch for Deltron 3030, that is some good shit

OP it sounds like you enjoy being oppositional to your nebulous definition of what's "mainstream" more than actually being interested in hearing music that flies under the radar or that engages rap in innovative ways


I thinks thats exactly his problem

like, i'm listening to this album and it feels somewhat like a knock off sci fi version of a DOOM album, kinda like Deltron 3030. which aint bad, always nice to hear more music like that. but it aint got the hotass beats of madlib, DOOM, nor Deltron 3030, and the rapping is just kind of generic. this dude a fuckin troll lmao

they only spent $500 dollars on production which really shows in some parts, I really don't know what OP likes about this album so much

yeah, kinda shitty of me, but honestly I got bored so I'm just checking out Kool Keith as Dr Octagon for the first time. checked out the shitty "Why is Madvillainy considered good" thread, saw a dude say he's similar, figured I'd check him out. better use of music listening time imo

Deltron 3030 is great, pleb. Most of the hieroglyphics stuff is good too, though not quite at that level.

nice choice



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Not bad suggestion there desu