What are some bands whose best albums are the ones with the least amount of tracks?

What are some bands whose best albums are the ones with the least amount of tracks?

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Frank Zappa

prog is such dogshit

imagine actually listening to this and asking for more.

It sounds good in my ears.


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I think you're just retarded, user.

Some of it is good.

>t. listens to Yea Forumscore

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Only Skin

t. art hoe

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Anthony Phillip - 1984
Eloy - Ocean
Magma - Kohntarkosz (Magma dont really have a best album)
Maneige - Les Porches
Supersister - To the Highest Bidder
Utopia - Todd Rundgrens Utopia
Lets add more anons

fuck off rapshitter cuck

>Seething Prog fans
Prog is is boring shite made by people with zero charisma and passion.

crine and unoriginal

Oh? So what do you listen to that has this 'charisma and passion'?

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we wuz crimson kangz

Not prog.

i don't understand how people like faust 4, it is just retarded sounds

recommend me some rap artists whose best albums are the ones with the least tracks, then.

I've noticed Krautrock is experimental rock for people who love the zanier side of the 60s. That would explain this bizzare overlap of tastes between prog listeners and alternative art music types (who otherwise have totally opposite tastes).
I mildly enjoyed Faust 4 whenever it sounded like progressive electronic; just without the electronics. I didn't find it great either but its unfortunately still one of the best krautrock albums I heard.

Jethro Tull

Anthony Phillip - 1984
Eloy - Ocean
Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick
Magma - Kohntarkosz (Magma dont really have a best album)
Maneige - Les Porches
Supersister - To the Highest Bidder
Utopia - Todd Rundgrens Utopia

Lets add more anons!

>plebs here not listening to prog and rap

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Is this actually progressive rap rock?
I know Pain of Salvation and Eskaton did some rapping in their music but its still such an unlikely combination.

>Prog/Rap/Seashanty/8bit/Slipknot screams
i guess. these cunts remind me of primus in that slapping a genre on it is kinda like water off a duck's back. they just kinda make whatever they want

I tried searching this up to no avail. Where can I try this out?

I hope you die

miles davis

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Edge of sanity