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Other urls found in this thread:


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Submit to Chinese supremacy

Attached: wKWNSiB.jpg (722x960, 100K)

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rate my wife/whore

Attached: 1559193571591.jpg (704x712, 60K)

showed her true face

Attached: 1534336193283.jpg (600x549, 37K)

she's ugly

Attached: haseul drink.jpg (842x841, 59K)

Hair experts, is Yeji going to eventually be balding like a 30 year old black woman since her stylists are fucking her shit up?

imagine blonde yeji guys


Attached: oZabLaa.jpg (1331x2000, 513K)


What the fuck, Koreans eat live octopus? Isn't this a huge choking hazard?

Attached: 1564884339192.webm (960x540, 2.91M)

>does CLC make money
you bet your ass they do

Attached: D_fIVonUwAEacLB.jpg (960x409, 107K)



well, at least they died eating what they want amirite


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣TaiwanFormosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie thePooh劉曉波动态网自由门

Attached: IMG_20190622_004443.jpg (2048x1366, 263K)

I see the Nayeon Inernet Defense Force is out in full force right now

bitch wony smoking

This looks like a bingo hall.

>tfw you get your waifus photo card

Attached: ScratchyHauntingHawaiianmonkseal-size_restricted.gif (480x432, 2.03M)

what the fuck is the difference between main/lead vocalist??

The title.

lmao how many cardboard cutouts are there in the stands

don't reply to me with this busted plastic grandma ever again

Attached: 1564609895334.jpg (1000x1333, 259K)

Attached: D_gaFwHU8AESymH.jpg (960x960, 176K)

main vocalist the one that can sing, lead vocalist means they have to sing

Attached: haseul and thats a fact.jpg (600x800, 68K)

Attached: 1556048950438.jpg (617x707, 61K)

I can't tell, but this had better not be SIMPLIFIED characters

choking on kim jisoo's man meat

there was this case last year of a korean woman who had to go to hospital after the octopus she was eating shot his spermatophore in her throat

fish and that kind of stuff taste like fucking nothing if you eat them uncooked, I bet they use strong sauces or or similar with that.

Attached: 1562536813483.jpg (1920x1080, 664K)

Lead is main vocalist
Main is lead vocalist

Attached: haseul crying.webm (1280x720, 1.21M)

Koreans are fucking nasty

>he fell for the traditional characters meme

our freakin girls

Attached: 1556542185816.jpg (2048x1366, 249K)

Based Haseulhusband

Main is the power house, lead is the work horse. They're usually the first and second best singers, but you can't make the one that can hit the harder notes sing the entire time because they won't have the breath to do the hard parts/they'll damage their voice.

For RV it works out because Wendy is a glass cannon who has already had chord issues anyway, so she does the harder stuff less often and seulgi does the slightly less hard stuff most of the time.

fat faced freak

wonder when she'll go on her next plastic surgery hiatus, needs more dbh

fucking animals

Attached: file.png (500x625, 609K)

main is the main singer, the one who can sing well
lead is the one who leads the bad singers and helps the main singer in some parts

Attached: 11135.jpg (1125x1686, 300K)

if i won 3 million dollars playing fortnite i would go to every blackpink concert

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she should go blonde again

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Attached: tzuyu 000Dvt4uJ3VsAEB8hB.jpg (1367x2048, 234K)

>Mogs all of IZ*ONE
Nothing personal, kid

Attached: Haseul 4.webm (1280x720, 1.51M)

exols are brainlets tho

explain how solo singers can sing their entire songs with no issues then

It's a distinguishing feature. Simplified was introduced by the commies and Taiwan maintained traditional.

Attached: 1559702523343.webm (1920x850, 1.88M)

Attached: keklo.jpg (497x297, 38K)

who is that caballero

mains get solo singles some years into their careers, leads get them too but like 5 years after

For example Chuu getting the high notes and decent lines because she’s the main vocal, unlike a certain bird...

Attached: 119F28FE-4AE4-41BA-A8DF-A718D7F77360.jpg (1201x720, 97K)

based chewbot

Attached: DwO8q4sVsAAYISJ.jpg (771x1200, 170K)

same for Hong Kong

>she'll never look at you like that

Post crying idols.

Attached: dubu.webm (500x298, 376K)

>TFW this mogs all of BTS
How, bros?

cool shirt and im not fat

i could just take a bunch of sleeping pills and have them take me to the airport and stuff

Attached: 1551212869731.jpg (1536x2048, 301K)

wow, what a fucking bitch whore

if she ever met you, it's a real possibility

They can, but who would go to a group concert to hear ONE member singing?

used to be the poorest country in the world and couldn't afford to cook food

A vast majority of their song's run time will not be difficult to sing, they will not dance or will dance far less, and there's a good chance of well placed instrumental breaks.

That's how

hitomi needs to donate her face fat to keep people warm

Attached: haseulangry.jpg (1200x801, 89K)

yes, and Macau, but that's irrelevant since it's Mainland vs. Taiwan and HK maintains some degree of independence

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what is she even eating

Attached: 1564567627146.webm (1280x720, 1.6M)

this is the worst post i've ever seen

>not recognizing le napalm man

Attached: cuboof.jpg (702x650, 111K)

Jennie choking on black's 9 inch meat


Attached: jispo.jpg (1250x2000, 235K)

I was being ironic

Attached: Chaeng 11.jpg (1152x2048, 345K)

Crispy Monkey Penis

crazy guy from Apocalypse Now, we need some viet qts in the kpop industry btw, we have some thais already

Attached: Sorn_Chamisma_promotional_photo.png (1024x1024, 728K)

Who's the milk-maid in G-idle?

you think any twice girls ever woke up in the middle of the night to sana molesting them while they were sleeping?

Looks like poop.

she's a baby you freak

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oh... i dont watch violent movies


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So what's Irene then?

fortnite is so boring compared to apex but if I won a tournament I would spend $0 on black pink

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Either bread or potato
She should try taking tinier bites

Attached: IMG_529.jpg (1200x1800, 279K)

Twice is the best girl group and that’s the real mf tea

>When this is the worst memecrop you can find

i would beat you in both and you dont have the mechanics to be good at either sorry friend so you would win $0 anyway

Attached: 1560748957238.jpg (1241x1241, 96K)

sana molests them while theyre awake

Attached: haseulie.webm (1920x1080, 997K)

the new fortnite update is so dogshit. i played it like once

irene is the main rapper

i don't know. maybe some pussy grabs.

Attached: 1544079210336.webm (1270x1080, 2.75M)

rapper and singer. Apparently main rapper but I don't think that means anything anymore when you apply it to rapper, and she doesn't have a special singing role


ah... it was going so well...

just came into a good bit of money, how much does jennie charge per hour

well plenty of people go

sana prefers they have a little fight in them

Global K-community website 'Namesns' has revealed the final results of this year's 'Best Visual KPOP Idol' poll in male and female category!

Attached: 1556375974652.jpg (1000x1161, 184K)

At least 10000 ameribucks per hour

kpop? what do you know about kpop?

Attached: d420789a6bea0323d15e062f5363d4e9.jpg (640x964, 111K)

o i take it that 99% of you only listen to k-pop because you think it's trendy or cool to. you never used to listen to any pop music before, not like this, but because it's korean it makes you feel special.

the other 1% listen to it because of the females in the groups.

OUR Girl yaaaaas slay queen

Attached: ia.webm (717x720, 1.18M)

Post the biggest kbop of the year

yes jisoo is the #1 visual of kpop right now

Attached: 1560197954426.jpg (1365x2048, 500K)

please, she'd do it for a hit of a vape with thc


Attached: sana cub.jpg (1638x2048, 542K)

i remember the early days of fortnite when most people would just build ramps instead of whole fortresses and nobody was capable of editing shit in the blink of an eye

my boomer brain is too slow for fortnite now. cracked out zoomers are building castles in under a second and i just can't compete.


Attached: bua.jpg (1462x980, 492K)

that would be chung-ha

I’ve had a really bad day, can you guys please post some cute seulgis please

Attached: 1563916952840.jpg (1000x1334, 214K)

freakin look at what i just posted

Attached: 1535363725275.jpg (2048x1366, 235K)

why is that poll all ugly bitches

>brutally mogged by grannies

chungha is uncanny valley levels of plastic

*angry reply insulting you*

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minju omo

Attached: 1564786000432.webm (640x696, 2.85M)

this has the same level of importance of winning a strawpoll posted on Yea Forums

i matched with a girl tinder and she said on her bio "send me memes"
so i sent her an emoticon of a frog and mentioned pepe

she then said "did you know" the creator of pepe "killed" pepe cause it was appropriated as a hate symbol

i then said how could a cute frog be a hate symbol?

she unmatched me

and some gay bts also won but nobody cares about that

jisoo is not old

Attached: 1562533049011.jpg (2000x3000, 566K)

that's what happens when you give millions of dollars to kids. now everyone's trying to be a pro

most others are before 80% of the plastic surgery sadly

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don't correct me in front of the others again
send me a PM next time

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Why is Yea Forums so desperate to solve the mystery of kpg lately?

it seems quite important, apprently they have over 12 million users

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gaypop groups get killed by mandatory military service, but what do girl groups die to?

pretty good song, friend

Attached: 1550556031515.webm (640x1138, 1.9M)


because kpop has been on a never ending upper trajectory for the past 20 years

Freaking Cute!!!!!!!!!

Attached: Haseul 5.webm (720x720, 282K)

i can't remember a time they weren't. it just comes in cycles


racist bitch

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Attached: choa and sandwich.jpg (4310x3356, 1.75M)

im into kpop for the slutty plastic korean girls


>my boomer brain is too slow for fortnite now

that might be the reason for me too but I also just don't understand the appeal of it, especially as a third person shooter. it's cool how they update their game so much though. also jennie could get it.

Attached: 1546448973725.jpg (2477x1651, 584K)

haha thats cute

it just takes a lot of practice until you can build like them second nature
its not a game u can just not practice because you wont be able to do that at the beginning 100% . theyre not gifted they just play alot

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what are they saying?

Attached: 1560312005995.png (720x348, 74K)

>implying people are one dimensional
also i like the music so whatever nerd lmao

Blackpink has occupied the top 17 spots on global Spotify as the biggest days of a kpop girl group.

They did this with “Kill This Love” and “Kiss & Make up.

Attached: 1536975202411.jpg (2400x2400, 1.51M)

ryujin isnt wearing a dragon costume either, itzy coodis really dropped the ball here

for me, its twice


Does Wonyoung have a younger sister that I can fap to?


>The power of SEAs

>she is a hate monger according to nu-normies

it says global right there

Attached: 1535346064726.jpg (1024x598, 95K)


Okay. Twice stills outselling.

my sister is pretty based, i would date her if she wasnt my sis

I just watched a gameplay video for the first time and I have no idea wtf is going on. I'll stick to UT99

the wall

>shit no one has ever said

>listen to k-pop
wait... Kpop has music?

who's this cute slut?

Attached: choa.jpg (736x1104, 94K)

koreans dont use spotify

so what blackpink are millionaires

Attached: 1551214009670.jpg (485x722, 38K)

she has a sister but idk if older or younger

yeah but there's a reason all the best fortnite players are like 15, their minds are just faster. once your passed like 24 your reflexes just falls off a cliff

freakin cute

So much cuter than Jisoo

sisters atleast one thats like eunbi age

ninja is 28
every shooter game i ever played in my life 90% of the people were little kids cuz kids get off from school and they hop on fortnite . adults are working

for me i can notice my coordination with the differeent keys once you get your keybinds right to flow more fluidly . at the beginning i was like a boomer just looking at peoples builds in awe

Attached: D-chHcvVAAIAVQS.jpg (1334x1334, 233K)

lmao did you actually delete your post

Attached: cubmouf.jpe.jpg (343x436, 12K)

Is Rocker Punch m/v out yet

And respect you shall not have

Attached: Luda 5.jpg (3072x4096, 795K)

choa is like, more talented than all of blackpink combined if we think about it

Attached: 1430697836533.jpg (866x1260, 220K)

yeah to play along


Attached: choa.webm (582x860, 1.6M)

>Watches their Coachella performance
That's gonna be a yikes from me

Choa is 100% cuter and hotter than Jithoo

Attached: choa_shark.webm (888x500, 522K)

Touring Data
@JYPETWICE's "Dreamday Tour" joins @spicegirls' "Spice World 2019 Tour" as the only concert tours by girl groups in history to average more than $3 million gross and 40,000 tickets sold.

very true woah she snapped sis

>Spotify pays about $0.0084 per stream to the holder of music rights. And the "holder" can be split among the record label, producers, artists, and songwriters.

Word and AOA based

why are jailbait idols allowed to dance erotically?

*triggers ludaposter*

Attached: ­.jpg (1000x1500, 172K)

rip blackstink
muh 1 million sales
walled out again

You could start with not force spamming Blackpink

Attached: Luda 25.webm (520x700, 1.17M)

They're useless for anything else

the oldest player at the world cup was 24. ninja's a great player but he's not a pro. there are no 28 year old fortnite pros Kang Seulgi the most beautiful women in the universe and everyone agrees looks great in this m/v

Blackpink literally need to be shilled every day on TV, shilled by every celebrity and still play to half empty venues

meanwhile Twice just strolls into the US with no promotion, no shilling, no label support and sellout their venues.

blackpink are fucking try hard clout chasing whores.

looks like I'm gonna have o start a choa brb folder

Attached: choa fat ass.webm (600x1066, 1.94M)

no one posts jisoo anymore

Attached: aNDcC9[1].png (750x819, 645K)

Nah, we comfy

Attached: Luda + Eunseo + Bona.jpg (2048x1536, 1.05M)

is this the most based post in image board existence?

adults work 8 hours, kids go to school for 8 hours plus homework, it's the same

Korean age system allows them to be 2 years older than how the rest of the world perceives their age. Remember 2018?

kav when

nooo yejibros noooooooooooo

no korean support = forever nugu based 2018


Attached: 1436373692805.webm (300x670, 411K)

>not including twicelights
based twice

it isn't erotically, it's confidently

holy fucking based. keep dabbing on blackstink user. Also Choa is 100x more talented and pretty than Jithoo

Attached: smug_dab.webm (720x362, 1.38M)


also more talented

based princess

Attached: 1564878017712.jpg (1280x1920, 225K)


My waifu can eat whatever she wants.

Attached: Yerin Biawak_NS.webm (853x480, 2.87M)

tfw there will never be a song like this again


i'm not your buddy, dickface

thats because people who play video games in general are always young. every single competitive video game is mostly younger people

youre getting old. ninja is a pro you have to be very lucky to win a tournament with millions of player. the odds of him getting into the finals is not likely and all the kids who won this year will be someone else next year it wont be the same people.

thats not how fortnite works

how many 30+ year olds entered the tournament at all lmao.

Attached: EAD2j_2UIAE061X.jpg (480x480, 57K)

sorry buddies, I'm trying to post the real blackpink image I just copied from and edited in paint, but Yea Forums is retarded and says "Detected possible malicious code in image file" when it's totally false and a lie

Attached: 1564723275657[1].jpg (1153x1552, 409K)

real woman is #1 and mogs your kpop idols

Attached: 1432546563445675.jpg (1920x1080, 403K)

objectively true

making generic USA pop? we're seeing that now and we're not impressed.

lisa is more popular and more talented than jisoo. plus she's not lazy unlike jennie

Attached: lisa elite.jpg (576x1024, 73K)

>only the hook and chorus are good
i hate songs like this
actually the chorus isn't even that good

Did know?



It's ok, you can be a miracle instead

Attached: Binnie 6.jpg (1200x1798, 1.39M)

of course. they are literal prostitutes.

kangchad's side hoe looks like yeonwoo-ya

Attached: 201908012224419847_1[1].jpg (520x420, 60K)

apologize to yeonwoo

Twice literally can't stop winning

Attached: 1451377847589.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)


Like it, don't like it
Luv it, don’t want it
Weki Meki, I'm so Picky

Like it, don't like it
Luv it, don’t want it
Weki Meki, I'm so Picky

not even americans were impressed

i fucking hate twiceshitters WHY DO THEY ALWAYS WIN

lol never seen this before

Based Twicebro

Attached: Sana 10.jpg (1364x2048, 248K)

koreans have discolored vaginas, too, though

Attached: 1556162331011.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)


No shit, but I'll never have to see them. That's the point. I hope Minnie writes more songs.

>literally taped tothe wall
Imagine being a world class idol who makes billions and yet JYP doesnt even bother giving you a proper birthday setting for your yearly live

literally millions of people played in the qualifiers. pretty much everyone in the champions league did, then only 2000 would make it to the second day. and only one 24 year old made it, even though there's a million neets that don't have work or school, the average age was like 16. they're just better

Rich Man's Rose

Someone post the picture of Black Pink's shitty dancing on Good Morning America

Attached: 1550070446592.jpg (564x713, 43K)

avatarfag nuked

source? Have you stanned loona yet?


Attached: Hyunj 13.jpg (1200x1800, 454K)

at least blinks can win in youtube >totally legit views

Attached: 1560919453651.jpg (1200x900, 189K) Why didn't Cherry Bullet blow up?

what a nerd

rosie is the richest version of rose in looks and actual riches

Attached: 1554388902724.jpg (1364x2048, 156K)

better than that which followed it


Attached: hairy creature.jpg (540x810, 429K)
Not many post pre-Cheer Up Twice, it's a shame

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WTF, Two Roses?

why did clc add eunbin again This is our chance floverbros

because AOA wasn't popular to start with and is half-dead
Why would their successor fare any better
Not to mention big groups just don't work anymore

where's gary

should've been called B-Patrone if they wanted to blow up

Attached: 1564893543649[1].webm (640x360, 437K)

>eat more grass than every other cow in the field
>still plenty of grass left over for others to eat
>gluttinous Once/Marxist cow: "I ate the most grass! Since the amount of grass is finite, I win!"

Why are Twicefans such commies?

Senorita was great.

>nigger has more screen time than loona

Needed a decent looking member.

How come the Loonaboys are posting here? Something happen at lg?

no it was fecal matter like Bach

post more Nancy

no shit kids are better at video games because 30 year olds arent trying to be pros they are boomer in that sense

when youre a kid thats what you do. the average age of the millions of people in the qualifiers was probably like 17 maybe? lol dude

theyre not better a 40 year old can be the best fortnite player if they wanted to be its not all about snappy building and shit .patience and decision making and being smart is more important than that shit and aiming steadily and consistently

Attached: EAJIv4IUEAImQOY.jpg (1000x1500, 202K)

you mean decent to balance out the 5 goddesses?

me on the right
me on the left
me as the horse
me on the left

I see you m/v posting user. You're trying to steer the thread away from blackpink and twice posting. Well it won't work.

i like them but maybe they are too formulaic and not better than existing groups who are similar

Attached: 147.jpg (1000x1500, 203K)

Well at least you know that you need to be a classical enthusiast to appreciate it.

except your retarded analogy doesn't contemplate that people, unlike grass, are the ones that consume and choose.

You caught me.

every single one of those should become a webm

>kia sponsored the entire bp tour
We know, keklo

Attached: 4.jpg (750x67, 17K)

it's a hard balance between trying to do something different than sets you apart from all the others while at the same time tapping into something that has wide, mass appeal

seriously, who gives a fuck about blackpink. they literally have no charisma, shit personalities, they have no songs and the little they do have are shit. The'yre the biggest pile of nothing I've ever seen in kpop. Propped up by a literal pimp and a thai hooker who can't sing or rap.

If you spend even a waking second of your life listening to or shilling this band, re-evaluate your fucking existence for promoting what is essentially a glorified group of prostitutes.

Hot take: Most groups don't deserve to be successful in an already saturated market

I'm looking at you Rocket Punch

Ryujin though.

Attached: 1546505605858.jpg (2730x4096, 843K)

>40 year old can be the best fortnite player if they wanted to
no he can't. in sports an athlete is past their peak in speed and reflexes at 25, and then with strength is like 30s but they're much slower mentally and physically than they used to be. the best fortnite players all have lightning fast flick shots. when there's 30 people rotating at the end you can't be patient or smart when someone pops around the corner, it's just who's faster and more accurate and the kid will beat the old guy 9 times outta 10. it's just nature dude. getting older sucks but that's just how it is

>This video was blocked in your country on copyright grounds

Fuck living in Korea

Attached: 1562087514282.jpg (1080x1080, 138K)

Hey tinny you're the best poster here

serious question - why do fags and trannies like loona? was it something is their lyrics or what?

I am angry! Angry about Blackpink!

looking forward to rocket punchs debut since it has juri but its led by poollim so my expectations are low

but can you show proof that a fan liking one group means they won't like another group? fans can chose multiple groups so there is no winner/competition

sucks for you. the video was kino.

Attached: Cnyu4LxVUAQPvzz.jpg (600x600, 81K)

seriously, who gives a fuck about twice. they literally have no charisma, shit personalities, they have many songs and but all of these are shit. The'yre the biggest pile of nothing I've ever seen in kpop. Propped up by a literal cult leader and a japanese hooker who can't sing or rap.

If you spend even a waking second of your life listening to or shilling this band, re-evaluate your fucking existence for promoting what is essentially a glorified group of prostitutes.

Attached: babysoul.jpg (2000x3000, 562K)

Boomers (30 and 40s year olds) also weren't born with smartphones, etc. Their brains aren't wired the same way from a young childhood.

inclusive concept/mv

Attached: 12816.jpg (1241x1241, 108K)



gotta follow the basics of the success formula with differentiated value, ggs like itzy look fresh, with natty looking girls, not going for the japanese knockoff kiddie purepop, etc, they just need less generic songs,

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ugh so it finally reached kpop huh? disgusting

Nancy mogs Somi here

itzy is boring and bland as fuck

it's brenda though

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what's the finite grass then?

You have to like them. They're JYP!

>seriously, who gives a fuck about twice
Best selling gg ever, so a lot of people.

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I believe you

they're just g-rated blackpink



Itzy is basicaly a f(x) ripoff.

i care about twice...(specifically mina)

>who cares about blackpink/twice
kpg because they're 95% of the discussion of every thread.


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which twice is the japanese hooker

gotta love newshits thinking they know what's fresh and unique

what do you think kang mina is doing right now?

Ah I see you've been to a kpg thread before

lmao fanboy, I don't like them or need to hate them for being jyp


playing knifey-spoonie with Rose

seriously, who gives a fuck about red velvet. they literally have no charisma, shit personalities, they have many songs and but all of these are shit. The'yre the biggest pile of nothing I've ever seen in kpop. Propped up by a literal interpol fugitive and a jejuan hooker who can't sing or rap.

If you spend even a waking second of your life listening to or shilling this band, re-evaluate your fucking existence for promoting what is essentially a glorified group of prostitutes.