This board has reached a state where a band like Tool is unironically posted and discussed

That's all I have to say, congratufuckinglations for letting that happening, every single one of you is to blame.
..and it will only get worse

Attached: zu.gif (400x225, 828K)

Tool has been a meme for years, you just started using Yea Forums during a lull in Toolposting, probably during peak reddit (election).

We have constistantly some of the most random threads on Yea Forums and what pushes you over the edge is tool

nice projection retard

I was thinking about this when I see anons keep asking for slipknot leaks and snippets. They make mediocre metal but damn it really be like that

>complains about the quality of the board
>posts anime
fucking hell

OP btfo

>lets see how much worse we can make it!
I blame invading forces from other sites.

tool is actually good u manlover

"Why don't you kids like the tool" threads have been posted on a regular basis since at least 2011.

>bitching about actual music discussion on a forum that's been flooded by nothing but /pol/ and off topic shit for months
>muh tool
>i don't like them
too bad, we're going to talk about them faggot

Tool is garbage but Yea Forums has passed even that level of shittiness ages ago.

Why is Tool so bad? Someone explain to me. And I don't want to hear any garbage logical fallacies like "their fanbase sucks" or "reddit". I want criticism of their music using understanding of theory. Their song structures are very interesting more in depth than most of the trash their critics seem to like. Their chord structures and time signature changes are groundbreaking but not masturbatory.

they aren't it's just the shitty fan base that makes them look bad.


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All anime watchers would be lined up against the wall and shot in my world faggot

Attached: Have sex, incel.jpg (480x321, 23K)

>what is irony

Can you even read nigger?

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Says the poster using an anime image - opinion discarded

if you're through drooling like a weeaboo manchild over people posting tool now, there's the door

All anime haters need to leave Yea Forums immediately. You're not welcome.

Tool is better than the garbage you listen to weeb

Think I'll stay. Been here since 2006. Not going anywhere soon.

You know, this thread would be valid if it were about a band like, say, Nickelback or Imagine Dragons, but Tool actually has decent music.

>complains about Tool
>not all the rap, kpop and fantano posting
You have to go back

Yea Forums didn’t exist in 2006 checkmate normie.

So wait, you've been posting anime hate on an anime imageboard called "Yea Forums" for 13 years? Are you also aligned with the political right?

Yea Forums did. Which is where most of us start out.

No, i don't go on any of the anime boards.
I only post my disdain for anime avatar posters on non anime focused boards. Just like my disdain for mlp posters outside of /mlp/

Yea Forums is where you go before you notice /s/ is a thing. Worthless board

the extremely main-stream, well-known band "Radiohead" has been discussed for decades, you are way too fucking late to be laughing about Tool

If I can survive the Gaga and Grimes spam eras, I can survive the unironically enjoyed art rock and prog rock eras

my asshole annihilation is complete. i had not realized this

>im le unreconstituted 4channer because I like shit most of the world does

>implying all those other websites aren't also full of weebshit
If anything I come here because it's a relative refuge from that shit

kill yourself

Nah, Yea Forums all the way. Fucking chantology newfags.

Typical Yea Forumstard normalfag.

is tool good

Find out for yourself faggot

What's wrong with Tool?


They’re fucking tools