Live in the hood

>live in the hood
>walking down the street
>hear rattling hi-hats in the distance
If you know this feel, you know.

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love that feel tb h

It always makes my heart beat a little faster. I don't own a gun.

I heard this leaking out of the earbuds out of every kid at my high school in the suburbs

>live in the hood
You're a pasty white upper-middle class gentrifier aren't you?

i get a similar feel from dembow beats. hearing them non stop for the past 15 years and shit almost gives me ptsd

>muh gentrification
>boo hoo, white people are coming in and making the place less dangerous and shitty, I’m so sad that there are actually shops and services now, it’s tragic that there aren’t crackheads mugging people anymore; it’s not fair that we can’t afford to live here because we don’t contribute to the economy and commit crime and do drugs all day
>why couldn’t we improve the area on our own? b-because y-you’re systematically oppressing us! It has nothing to do with the degradation of our culture to focus on crime and fetishising oppression

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>mental gymnastics to justify racism
this is why i love coming here

nah i live in a single parent home and we're broke as fuck no one has fucked with me because of my white skin but i do stick out and everyone always thinks im going to snitch

This. We improve everything we touch.

Well maybe you should stop coming here and go back instead
Complaining about people economically improving an area like it’s a bad thing might be the most retarded thing ever

>massive corporate chains moving in
>”improving an area”
lmao globalist capitalists have no souls

i feel you op, i really do


I don't listen to rap, but I've lived in a really bad neighborhood for years. I swear I heard a song that sampled "Mushroom" by Can for the beat.

>mall bad
>crackhouse good

All gentrification does is move problems, not fix them. More people come into cities and drive out the people who have been in them forever just sends those people to the suburbs. Nothing gets “better”, it just gets way easier for corporations and businesses to milk dry city yuppies since cities are so much more tightly packed

>getting rid of violent criminals, and increasing quality of housing and infrastructure
>not improving an area
lmao extreme leftists hate decent living, maybe that’s why they like communism
>who cares that you’re starving bro? it doesn’t matter that the nuclear plant is exploding due to improper safety procedures needed to cut costs because our system can’t compete. It doesn’t matter that criticising the government gets me sent to a work camp, at least there are no corporations

I have grown west side Chicago my whole life in a 90% black neighborhood. Literally just being white means no one will fuck with you, there is no chance I am a rival gang member or mistaken identity. Maybe it's just Chicago niggas that are cool with white boys, but everyone on my street would kick someone's ass for me cuz they know me as the respectful white boy who looks them in them in the eyes with a smile and buys dope everyday from their cousins and has good lookin'

Maybe those people need to improve their lives on their own, there really isn’t anything holding them back anymore, and then they can stop complaining both when the area they live in is shit, and again they complain when that area improves because they can’t afford it anymore

It's funny. If you imply black people lower property value you're a racist, but if you're white and move into a black area you're an evil gentrifier pricing people out of their homes. But sure, we're the ones doing mental gymnastics.

>Nothing gets “better”
The city gets better. No one cares if those animals are gutting each other out in the boondocks, but they clearly don't belong in civilization.

You just implied black people lower property values by being black, as if that’s the sole purpose and cause of inner city poverty. If that were the case, then the entire east side of Dayton, Ohio, one of the most segregated cities in the U.S., of which the east side is the white side, would not be cheap as fuck. And yet I can buy a house down there for less than the cost of a new car

0.27 has been deposited to your Koch account, Thank You!

>as if that’s the sole purpose and cause of inner city poverty.
Nice strawman. Except the "sole purporse" part. That doesn't even make sense. The purpose of inner city poverty is to cause black people to lower property value? As to the cause, I never claimed that was the only cause. But as black populations increase, things that affect property value like crime and academics goes down. Regardless, the point of the post didn't have anything to do with that. I was merely pointing out that you can't simultaneously say that people who worry about property value being brought down by minorities are just being racist yet also maintain that white people who move into black areas are evil gentrifiers purposely taking didndus home's away.

> sure my wife got mugged by a crackhead last night but at least we have an independent record store down the block!

>implying communists have souls

I didn't care at the beginning, but I heard it so fucking much at my school that it filled me with seething rage every time I heard it.

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You children are worse than /pol/ with this shit. Not everyone that disagrees with you has to be intricately connected to some capitalist conspiracy. Do you honestly think the behavior of black people has nothing to do with others' hate for them?

>walking out of the post office today when I hear the rattlin’ of a dozen hi hats
>I steady myself as the ground starts to rumble
>a podcast of five or six zoomers bound by on their horses
>one of them drops something
>I bend to pick it up and holler, “hey sonny, looks like you lost something”
>he woah’s his steed and trots back over
>”howdy grandpa,” he tips his hat, “big mood today, innit?”
>I hand him what I’ve found to be an AirPod
>”here, something for your trouble,” says the zoomer, sticking out his tongue and closing his eyelids to display the dollar sign tattoos thereupon
>my phone vibrates
>I look at it and find a notification
>”oldtownroad666 has sent you 400 VBucks”

white boi uplifting communities n shiet

fuck outta here