Slow Midwest/Second Wave Emo to pass out to?

my partner and I have been cuddling and falling asleep to American Football - EP1 and Mineral - EndSerenading for the past 2 months and although we really love it, the music is getting old. We know all the words and we both sing along which makes it harder to fall asleep. What other albums in the genre are good for passing out in the arms of a lover?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-08-03 at 7.43.04 PM.png (1097x1077, 737K)

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i'm so fucking lonely, reading shit like this destroys me.

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check out:
love, claire


shut up faggot

they identify as nonbinary. I really don't care desu. the international jew can cut off my cock, its worth it for a warm body to hold and a soft voice to tell me im loved.

These bands aren't second wave emo but you may like The World Is A Beautiful Place And I'm no longer Afraid To Die and Foxing. Both bands have great debut albums. This Town Needs Guns is a pretty good American Football-like band.
Also definitely check out Mike Kinsella's solo stuff under Owen, his last album, The King of Whys was really, really great. At Home With Owen is also dope as hell and very comfy.
Sunny Day Real Estate is another obvious rec.

Theyre not? I thought second wave was the Capn' Jazz scene.

TTNG is great but a bit complex for spacing out imo. Want to come back to my room and listen to some Belle and Sebastian is in my playlist of best songs tho

TWIABPAIANLATD may be assholes but they sure do make good music

how are they assholes? i don't know anything about them more than their music

Afaik these bands are emo revival.

Attached: laughffff.gif (320x240, 1.82M)

empire empire i was a lonely estate

Fairly sure they're literally antifa. Tim 'leftie cukboi balding at 25' Cook mentioned it I think.

Attached: possum hates dis.png (379x382, 205K)

couple sexual assault scandals, and they also like to spread lies about other bands they've played with (e.g. Dads)

>My partner


Its going to be so funny when zer discovers you're secretly redpilled

They just go by they/them, neopronouns are surprisingly rare

and im an anti-industrialist, which they're aware of. We wanna fuck off into the woods one day and live in a self-build cabin together. They look surprisingly cute when they're using an axe lmao

ooo call me another slur; i have a thing for degredation

>I-I may be l-lonely but at least I'm not happy w-with someone who doesn't fit my standards 100%!!!!
Pathetic cope, seethe harder

lets juuuuuuust forgeeeeet

why did you choose to work into the thread that you have a partner of indeterminate gender