Attached: 1562683575630.jpg (1138x1707, 1.2M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Twiceboyuggo and Chewbuggo.webm (480x600, 2.8M)

Attached: ENaJUl3OyMaVFePnf3xe35kxA2mgxGiFaMvlWQnQMWiOGeElNm4UYWP_OgLLDmJztnXbbSVTG_GlZvu4wi_Or1C2n71r0kMyw160 (600x900, 629K)

Attached: 46692922_1968986436740083_2263591565961309894_n.jpg (681x855, 69K)

my gf has proper trigger discipline

Attached: 4c432db431fa4d2e1e4bacdf91202c24.jpg (1242x1239, 184K)

here you go bro

Attached: oh no.jpg (720x1280, 87K)

Attached: 1564551581540.jpg (1334x2048, 404K)

no, very few women have the necessary dexterity. i'd prefer to just kiss/lick/suck them while she uses her hands

Attached: 15037823571189.jpg (853x1067, 80K)

someone said feet

Attached: bbbbomi feet.webm (680x382, 2.99M)

Attached: 201908031352460510_1.jpg (540x995, 567K)


Attached: 3Sxq2Cw.jpg (1080x858, 152K)

hoes mad because every part of a girl can be sexualized except layers of fat flaps stacked on top of each other

Attached: LHJ_1125_.jpg (2000x3000, 464K)

Attached: irenecute.webm (480x852, 112K)


Attached: EBDCOdQU4AAkwy6.jpg (1880x1704, 531K)

yeoreum working hard yet again

Attached: 1556719163817.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

Attached: 1546806166273.jpg (933x1658, 201K)

if they're good at it

Attached: Tiffany(2)-Feet-4401419.jpg (1365x767, 52K)

that's right

lia stop torturing me

Attached: EBDn1J_U4AEIbzG.jpg (1333x2000, 420K)

Attached: 1547644591591.webm (478x800, 2.76M)

excuse me, where are the hands?

Attached: 15506877127340.jpg (2362x3543, 1.03M)

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Attached: 1561485421267.webm (974x720, 2.85M)

Attached: himmlercollage.jpg (1200x1200, 277K)


jane is underrated

Attached: j.jpg (682x1024, 64K)

Attached: EBBIX8sUIAUnFgd.jpg (720x900, 155K)

>liked by homotozaki

Attached: Yooa-1.jpg (1462x2048, 372K)


post idols eating

her best quality

Attached: 1517368077174.webm (626x360, 404K)

jihyo's big eyes mentioned

Attached: large.jpg (466x628, 46K)

Attached: wonycutest.jpg (532x632, 188K)

you mean ahin

Attached: 61352866_2419858924926765_2118145628862969727_n.jpg (960x960, 126K)

Attached: 160403 오마이걸(OH MY GIRL) 아린 편집 직캠 (704x800, 2.89M)

cute sexdoll

Attached: DDUTXkPUQAAMqUf.jpg (400x400, 25K)

Attached: EA822FuU0AAN_eT.jpg (1428x2048, 954K)

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Attached: 1553959737946.jpg (749x1015, 98K)

Attached: wendy kebab.webm (1280x720, 3M)

post more

Attached: OnlyUnderstatedIndigobunting.webm (1280x720, 980K)

Attached: bbbominoodle.webm (1000x562, 2.7M)


Attached: F1245_캡처2.png (1491x1424, 2.48M)

stop torturing me jeongyeon

so pretty :3


Attached: 29 - yFmsvcV.jpg (1280x1920, 210K)


Attached: 34789.webm (1920x1080, 2.49M)

Attached: 1564144329159.webm (1280x720, 814K)

Dubu is very cute

this bitch is definitely an adopted indian

Do you even like kpop?

Attached: stop showing your feet.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

not by them

fuck off

Attached: Slug Tricks.webm (1000x562, 2.69M)

Attached: EA0K6USUIAAhetE.jpg (1200x1800, 390K)

i miss her so much

we love gugudan here

they can't stop her

jihyo's not indian take that back

Attached: xuanyi_indian.jpg (1920x1080, 158K)

>pinkfantasy and fanatics at the same time again

Attached: aa2fb89a-d782-4082-986f-1bbf93310ff9.jpg (1151x1151, 112K)

Don't steal this video.

Attached: Yerin_Eating_Caught.webm (1280x720, 1.55M)

Thats a fucking deep squat

oi! confess

Attached: 1564780444028.jpg (1365x2048, 344K)


>"Do you even like kpop?"
>Says the nigger that's only here for the feet

Attached: feed her.webm (1024x576, 993K)

Attached: 1552376369049.webm (480x910, 2.75M)

Attached: EAtM9znU8AA7Y4P.jpg (2724x4096, 1.38M)

i think her ass is touching the floor

itzy dances better than momo

now this is the proper technique

Attached: 0elg0toxj2w11.jpg (1538x2048, 533K)

nayeon mentioned

Attached: 1553946750325.jpg (575x1024, 116K)

I'll never understand that meme. Is not being able to squat an american thing?
I can literally sleep in that same position

Attached: Yerin has no idea.webm (1280x720, 1.6M)

I love Jane from Momoland.

Have to post this on /fit/

Attached: 1564119971169.webm (534x480, 423K)

Attached: 1563038122107.webm (1000x1080, 2.63M)

Daily Dubu!

Attached: DmvYzEaU4AEgAJh.jpg (1000x1500, 257K)

>5 days till BLACKPINK aniversary
we know

Yes not being able to squat is a white thing.
But even asians how can comfortably squat for hours, their asses never actually reach the floor like

Attached: Chungha (635).webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)

gay luigi?

we spend like 99% of our time at home, in an office, or in a car. we never really have a reason to squat. a lot of us are super fat too which doesn't help.


Attached: EATuAXzU0AAUjpj.jpg (1333x2000, 275K)

No. I think there's a disconnect. A 'fetish' is something you desperately need to get off, but simply appreciating cute feet is nothing unusual. I like touching and massaging them. It tends to make girls relaxed and feel taken care of. I also like to use them to grip the legs during certain positions and occasionally, when I'm in the heat of the moment and the position allows it, to put toes in my mouth. There's something special that I can't explain when have the girl's toes in your mouth while blasting.

Besides all that, they're a good indicator for a girl's lifestyle. Someone who takes care of her feet, removes hard skin, moisturizes them etc. is likely to have self-respect, intelligence and resourcefulness, which are great values for a partner.

Attached: moisturizing feet.webm (1224x1080, 2.88M)
unironically one of my top 10 soty

Attached: 1542199361145.webm (640x358, 2.93M)

*Hourly Dubu

Attached: 1563738020119.webm (1920x1080, 1.27M)

that one fromis is ugly as fuck

its the asian squat. when white people try it they lose their balance due to some anatomy stuff

>sana ass mentioned

Attached: 1547717518905.webm (1268x650, 2.91M)

the only one good part at 1:15

never listened to momoland. is there a song you'd recommend?

he has a nice personality though

Apologize to saerom


Attached: 1540255446218.webm (915x919, 2.67M)

>But even asians how can comfortably squat for hours

in what point do asians squat for hours that are not working at a rice field or slave labor lmfao

when you guys say brb, where are you going?

bboom bboom then there is baam wat is literally the same song

great post but you lost me there

to twitter

Attached: 1563787533688.webm (974x1004, 2.92M)

Attached: chipsrin.webm (720x1280, 2.94M)

her body is T I G H T

no, you're not supposed to listen to momoland

No ass.


to seethe

Attached: MOVE PIGGY.webm (720x1280, 2.9M)

Attached: 1564552481922.jpg (1242x1242, 150K)

yeah hag looks like the brain

with a body like that does it even matter?

buzzer beater

we hate gays here

Attached: D_0gSvdUEAACf2J.jpg (2134x3200, 654K)

nice boom booms

>he spends his days worshipping yellow plastic women
>talks shit about white women
The real reason you guys are like this is because if any women like pic related stares at your eyes, you'll probably be the first one to look away or sperg like the retard you are

Attached: 9E0FCCD11A1A4DB5A05F0FC47C3B5104.jpg (750x1334, 89K)

not like a company would let an idol get away with part of their body looking terrible

>sana feet mentioned

Attached: hzlsf1s4ha631.jpg (1365x2048, 398K)

Attached: 1563798962729.jpg (720x512, 323K)

She looks disgusting.

can you not post this

I remember she got a lot of crap online for dating an asian guy

Attached: 15539473031870 (2).jpg (987x1002, 145K)


Attached: eK9wgLd.jpg (960x1440, 1.08M)

i like both yellow and white women 2bh

maybe if you're a faggot


Attached: 1419172052475.jpg (1200x1920, 2.22M)

Attached: sddsdf.webm (608x1080, 833K)

any loona fans in

Sorry. I don’t like nigger bodies on white women.



Yeji seems to be growing up. You can start to see what her mature form will look like. She'll make a fantastic wife one day. Definitely gonna fetch a high price.

>I don't like women

i like all women as long as they're pretty

stop pretending you like women, faggot

so you confirm you're a faggot

My dude.

sana started showing off her feet after getting roasted by knetz now mina will do the same by spreading her asshole

Attached: EBDqJNaUYAA1Ohd.jpg (2730x4096, 1.08M)

Attached: ckJB2R3.jpg (2048x1638, 399K)

well, it worked amazingly well for sana

Attached: candyrin (2).webm (1024x576, 1.8M)

I love her so much with all of my heart...

Attached: original2.jpg (2536x3984, 1M)

Attached: oribias.jpg (1200x1800, 170K)

jyp will make sure she pays us back for being absent

that is not nigger-tier lol, that latin-tier, niggers are all fat while lats got all the fats at all the right places

now that's a "colonize me" pic

if it were a negress body she would be 215 pounds and rotting on the inside from stds

Attached: HairyParchedAuk.webm (1080x1168, 1.04M)


Attached: 3757574.jpg (3156x4700, 1.32M)


Attached: 39qv6LI.jpg (1364x2048, 295K)

Fuck of with your nigger asses. Faggots.

Real men prefer flat asses.

my slug bride

Attached: fyrhb59s28e31.jpg (1080x1789, 211K)

stop posting this specific pic

Attached: D-SvvkGUwAAlkJc.jpg (2048x1618, 326K)

based me

real men are fine with either as long as she's fit and pretty, faggot

>any woman that's not mrs. bones is nigger tier
some of you spend way too much time here

real man prefer yuna and wony ass

t. Catholic priest

Attached: EBA1r4AVAAAcd11.jpg (1000x1500, 246K)

수리 수리 수리 마수리야
시계 바늘아 느리게 구르르

Attached: 1564720139108.webm (1022x1440, 3M)

Attached: 0jvkGfW.jpg (1200x1920, 859K)

don't see nancy's feet that often

Attached: 7f7nnqd4o7e31.jpg (670x1317, 377K)

binnie wife

Attached: wonydoit.jpg (1435x1804, 263K)

I like sticcs

>This is what "real men" want

Attached: Capture.jpg (288x500, 21K)

Attached: bananarin (3).webm (762x800, 2.93M)

I never liked white anglo women. In 95% of cases they have a rather masculine frame and facial features, which only amplifies with age. I think Western culture is hyper masculine by definition and women grow up to hate their femininity, which is the most terrible thing imaginable. + I noticed that I personally don't like the smell of white women. I'm not even talking about stink, but when I smell a white woman's hair, it smells like 'salty dust' if that makes sense. When I smelt my chink gf's hair, it smells like a baby scalp and makes me want to cuddle. I guess there's something about genetic compatibility.

Attached: 59643848_329408284427755_5905245022006359663_n.jpg (640x640, 39K)

binnie prostitute

now that's the perfect woman

Attached: SVPFj8Y.jpg (1365x2048, 381K)

that guy was just trolling, that body is obviously not nig tier but let me tell you if you go to east asia, most people there are stick/thinspo-tier body type while SEA has a little more asses and boobs but still thin
all of them are still womanlets tho

Wow she’s beautiful

Attached: 1563807498965.webm (640x480, 1.48M)

This is what men wants

queen lana >3

Well, she has to do A LOT of feet marketing to make up for that giant blunder.

Attached: Mina feet.webm (544x920, 497K)

yeji's honey

Attached: 201608011845771841_579f1ae077aae.jpg (758x2031, 295K)

Attached: X4TTms8.jpg (672x1024, 105K)

imagine spilling it on her face


she's a big girl

Attached: 5zeykdtyv3e31.jpg (640x960, 72K)

Attached: 257 - RSKCrKD.jpg (900x1200, 198K)

>fx still exists
comeback when

i'm fine with either

Attached: thirsty girl.webm (608x1080, 2.91M)

giant feet for a giant blunder

What a wild look. But she can really pull it off. Always thought she has a bit of that amazon vibe to her.

wow, she's beautiful

omg are prostitutes and we're ok with that

Attached: 1564597264066.webm (592x926, 2.78M)

I wonder if she gets reamed a lot in America?

What is this Dreamcatcher ripoff shit?

she so pretty

keep seething pussy

please post pristin

kpop helps to distract me from all the painful shit that has happened to me and happening around

Attached: n5qwuib4g8e31.jpg (1133x1700, 245K)

better than anything dreamcatcher has ever released

i don't understand the arguing when all fetishes are redpilled, and the more exposure to them you get, the more you see women for the objects that they are

how was that post seething?

Attached: 32bab2ac3810069e0d7b404fda116f8bb2310afe.jpg (1879x2818, 370K)

i really hope she does deliver, if she comes back at all of course

Attached: f490o6lvs6631.jpg (2000x3000, 748K)

Attached: Yejis honey.jpg (1792x1080, 186K)

Attached: J8ZnASL.png (1200x1800, 3.13M)

tenth anniversary station and then disbandment

he's telling himself to keep on seething, don't know why he bothered replying to somebody about it

i can smell the cripple cope in your post

Attached: 1564597473479.webm (606x1080, 1.66M)

Attached: 1541821305219.png (1271x712, 1M)

Attached: perfect honey goddess yeji.webm (1920x1080, 2.74M)

Isn’t kpop basically just real life anime


painful samefag

yeji's feet

Attached: 1564597291107.webm (610x952, 1.53M)

Attached: wqqdmwmsj1e31.jpg (1024x1547, 151K)

Only to the turbovirgins who are into it way too deep, yes

have sex

That's the purpose really. But be careful to not be consumed by escapism.

Attached: momneyon.gif (268x300, 1.92M)

wow she's beautiful

your waifu is soulless

Attached: JitteryInsignificantGreatdane0.webm (736x1064, 593K)

And that's a good thing

nooo yejibros nooooooooooooooo

Attached: yejidog.jpg (1199x1800, 309K)

Attached: 2smacq5lhxy11.jpg (1700x1133, 119K)

Attached: really made me think.jpg (486x877, 52K)

I don't think she will. She's probably fed up and wants to hang around the tokyo mall again.

yes it is

my mouth

Attached: 1562965554449.webm (1920x1080, 2.82M)

Needs more lolis

Attached: 49353987_996568577199567_3088116623059208016_n.jpg (1080x1350, 157K)


how does one sink low enough in life to think this uggo looks good


Attached: .png (473x237, 18K)

Who has the best ass on Twice?

still seething


based all me it's just one guy poster

Attached: bomi_hungry.jpg (700x700, 77K)

everyone here knows how to uncheck the You button

Attached: sanaNUT.webm (446x902, 1.52M)

momo dubu or tzuyu

Attached: 1564552251582.jpg (825x720, 90K)

i duno desu they are all pretty flat except for cub, sana, mina who has a more toned ass

ryujin feetmogging hard as always

not all parents are ruthless like ella's

>Mogs your favorite idol while being almost 30.

Attached: images (9).jpg (452x678, 18K)

Attached: Yerin Cake.webm (1280x720, 2.65M)

Attached: 2c89c754-068e-4b7d-89ef-b0ddb506a117.jpg (1230x643, 117K)

it's just one guy

i made all those posts

it's only half a guy actually because the bottom parts don't work

stop posting this old bitch she's past her expiration date

she's 68


next idol to an hero


~you and me in the moonlight~


i can't stop seething

Yes, pretty much.

Kpop occurred when Western pop music became a thing in Korea and young people didn't care about the classic Korean theater anymore. So kpop basically became a mix of both, which is why it has such a strong focus on visuals and merging with other forms of entertainment. Then in the early to mid 2000s, Japanese idol culture became a strong influx due to the media wall breaking down between the two countries.

Today's kpop is basically modern Korean theater on steroids.

Attached: 5028c21bdb9c1f18d1e1a8181651b114.jpg (788x1200, 124K)

i cant stop making good posts

is april ever coming back?

Attached: 1515838207186.jpg (1000x1500, 295K)

my waifu poster...

Attached: 1516372907596.jpg (800x911, 120K)

i love my niece

in my motherfucking mouth until they're shriveled like prunes

Attached: Yeji honeygoddess feet.webm (1280x720, 2.68M)

Attached: Yerin Bread.webm (1280x720, 1M)

lol bomi

Attached: Gmarket - Puma/Unisex/BENCH COAT - (740x1568, 253K)


Attached: 1560102785933.webm (622x732, 2.88M)

>that fucking fat gook boomer in the background


Attached: 1564552562727.jpg (1080x1350, 136K)

it's getting more painful everyday guys. when i see some fucking shitheads here talk so casually about mina leaving it just makes me sick. i'm hurting here, mina was my favorite and now she's most likely gone and twice is almost finished. i really don't know how to cope, i really don't want to believe it's over and you guys make me sick.

No one asked for the history lesson bozo

Thanks for the Dubu though

Attached: EA4xKOdU0AExIG0.jpeg.jpg (1365x2048, 436K)

I switch the timezone and skin every time I post a screenshot desu

underrated hair

Attached: 3f4eb2b.jpg (1000x1500, 225K)

>giving a single fuck about heechul

it's getting more painful everyday guys. when i see some fucking shitheads here talk so casually about pristin disbanding it just makes me sick. i'm hurting here, pristin was my favorite group and now they're most likely gone and finished. i really don't know how to cope, i really don't want to believe it's over and you guys make me sick.

That's actually extremely cool. Not shit if I was a girl, I'd totally make that my main style.

Attached: 1521508092067.webm (1066x600, 2.86M)

you should go rampage and shoot up a Once meet up

Attached: 1524481797241.webm (1470x780, 1.8M)

thats a dude

Please step on me

Attached: dnf3ufb059e31.jpg (2048x1362, 277K)

>most likely

Attached: 1524391811375.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

>it's getting more painful everyday guys. when i see some fucking shitheads here talk so casually about Jennie selling her ass it just makes me sick. i'm hurting here, Blackpink was my favorite group and now they're most likely prostitutes to rich investors. i really don't know how to cope, i really don't want to believe it's over and you guys make me sick.

Attached: jennie well prepared.jpg (1920x1918, 589K)

Make it a BVNDIT thread

That looks more like Eunbi


I actually like jpop more, mostly because all the old bands from the west moved to japan and are producing their new generation of music.

Make it a Mina abortion thread

like who?

Chungha's spawns

>watching a kdrama
>normie brother walks by
>’this is just a real life japanimation’

we wanted a cherry bullet thread

Attached: f1DNcRS.jpg (1333x2000, 540K)

we want gowon

Then make it.

you're supposed to wait until after the new thread is made to say that

said no one ever


simple, by having good taste


Attached: 1556564877764.webm (608x1080, 2.93M)

I can sense that ur a nigger