I stand with Rostam and Clairo

I stand with Rostam and Clairo

Attached: sexism.png (1196x1030, 221K)

Fuck off

>it's what I feel and I think it warrants expression
What the fuck makes people nowadays think anyone gives a shit about their undeducated, vapid emotionally driven opinions or that they're of any value whatsoever to anyone? Age of enlightenment and widespread literacy were a mistake.

>I don't know if we're in a place as a culture to have a conversation about why
Congratulations to this faggot. He said the dumbest fucking shit I've ever read.

>I believe something inflammatory and I'm sharing this with you but I'm not going to explain or defend my argument in any way whatsoever

kys Rostam. your singing voice is pure garbage.

inb4 200+ replies

I hate Americans so much.


I hate you so much, Rostam.

What the fuck makes people think that you can actually get rid of this. Only thing happens is you get more sensitive, and there's no end to that. Imagine going back to 1500s and telling them that in 2019 there are people who are offended because you think they should at least be EITHER a man or a woman.

Hrmmmm the dipshit producer trying to whip up some publicity for his shitty project
That’s unexpected


but clairo is horrible, and so is rostam

also the clairo review was written by a woman, so what the heck, lads?

i dont know anything about this group, but i had a feeling it was one of these situations the second i saw it.

lmao what a whiny faggot

imagine getting paid SO much payola by the Cottrill's and FADER Fort that you're willing to think a phoned-in 8.0 review + an entire profile piece = sexism

fuck that cross-eyed over the hill arab twink

>women can't be sexist towards other women

having read and reread the pitchfork review i don't see wtf he's talking about

sexism = power + prejudice
women don't have the power to be sexist even towards other women

self hate and internalized patriarchal norms allow women to be sexist towards other women my friend. anyway who the fuck cares about these literal hacks kek

The most vocal feminist women are the most miserable. A patriarchy woman knows true happiness