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White people are no longer relevant




what happened in the seven years since this article was published?
hell what happened in the three years between the end of the graph and the publication of the article?

Minorities Increased

white males are the only ones out of white females, black males, black females, mestizo males, and mestizo females that listen to music outside of top 40/hip hop.
that is 100% true.
whether its metal, punk, butt rock, indie rock, noise,etc. its exclusively white males listening to those genres.

Obama administration psyopses were coming into effect. This was one of them. Cuck porn was too.

If every white person went extinct today, would the others ever stop talking about them?

im sorry but if cuck porn is a psyop it was obviously to stir racial / gender tension in service of getting a fascist like trump elected

Its purpose was to demoralize white men who predominantly occupy porn saturated environments. Porn is not an artistic statement, it's a highly ideological, engineered product that engages with the psyche at its most susceptible moments.

There's a reason that the shit flooded tube sites at the same time authorities were trying to push a critical race theory inspired discourse into the mainstream. Whatever backlash occurred was marginal as these operations have since become far more sophisticated.

no one is forcing you to watch black men fuck white women lol rent free

No, but the manner of communication used by tube sites suggests it with a great deal of power.

I honestly stopped watching porn a few years ago because of it. The only reason I'm still aware of it is that it gets spammed on this site.

Asian here, isn't this racist?


(and that’s a good thing)

lol unless you were actually searching for interracial porn, it doesn't pop up a lot.

It wasn't interracial porn, it was specific cuckold pornography, and it flooded the front pages of these sites it a way that couldn't have been accidental.

Well, that sounds like an open and shut case, detective. As we all know, if something seems wierd to one guy it must be an insidious Jewish conspiracy. I hope one day you get the recognition you deserve for the groundbreaking work you do.

I never said anything about Jews. I'd always wager that the vast majority of the people involved are white gentiles.
You should try thinking about pornography in a critical manner. In today's world it's a necessary skill.

Fuck off christfag inçel

I'm actually neither of those things. Just someone who's cynical about industrialized sexuality and the propagandistic elements of pornography.

I'm not anti-porn in principle. It just needs to be understood as a product for which regulation is necessary to maintain public health.

>im sorry but if cuck porn is a psyop it was obviously to stir racial / gender tension in service of getting a fascist like trump elected
Hillary Clinton started the racist bullshit you fucking idiot. God I have grown to hate the fucking left...

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So white people are the only one smart enough to not pay music (((labels))) and instead download for free? Sounds about right.

So you’re saying pop music is for niggers, spics, et. al.?

>be a person who is not a white male
>go to a shoegaze/experimental/krautrock/anything considered remotely "patrician" show
>white dudes who post communist/refugees welcome/black lives matter shit on social media are always the ones most surprised to see you there

Not giving money to the worst genre of music is pretty fucking based.

It's talking about white musicians sales

>unless you were actually searching for interracial porn, it doesn't pop up a lot
This is a false statement. The tube sites operated by MindGeek all use a similar algorithm where the content they promote gets recommended on the front page which creates a feedback loop.

lmao you're the one who brought up Jews for absolutely no reason at all. Why did you do that?


You speak the truth. I've noticed a huge uptick in all kinds of suggested incest porn the last few years.

>you should think critically
And you had the audacity to imply he's the religious one

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>white people are irrelevant in pop music
>waaaah why aren't white people buying music

Modern pop music is the equivalent to AIDS

They can't make up their minds

When were they ever? The (((industry))) has been blatantly pushed in one direction for longer than most people on this site have been alive.

Because white people don't feel the need to spend their money on music when they know they can just listen to it for free on YouTube or Spotify.

wtf does "multicultural" even mean in this context (apart from being anti-white as per usual)?

Not true, Latinos, both male and female, listen to a lot of Metal and Indie Rock.

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Funny how the people that make all current pop music are rich swedes that downloaded ableton when they were 17 and found out how easy it is to make pop music