What are you fucking losers listening to rn?

what are you fucking losers listening to rn?

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Other urls found in this thread:


My air conditioner

My neighbors air conditioner. He left it on and it's ten at night and it's loud as fuck

niggers tongue my anus

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the fan in my room


your mom slurping my asshole

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Think of all the time you actually wasted on Yea Forums and how many useful skills you could have mastered with it

I managed to master plenty of skills while browsing Yea Forums at the same time

I don't even care anymore

jeff rosenstock

Right now I’m listening to Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands, then I’m gonna listen to an anons SoundCloud, then I’m gonna listen to John Prines first album

This is the skill I'm mastering

i didn't care and still don't
whittle me some medicaid



grandeur of hair pt.2

NF's new album

Nice projection

Like what?

I've mastered getting 300+ replies on at least 5 boards.

Can you say the same?


At least I'm redpilling anons by forcing my irrelevant political views into every corner of the site. I've already wasted so much time that I'll never be able to get back. It's gone forever - I will NEVER get this time of my life back. But at least I got to argue about political beliefs with anonymous strangers. What a rush.

Susumu Hirasawa - Dune

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ah, just when i need a self-deprecating thread

listening to the blood on the tracks bootleg. its not that good desu

What a rush.

>But at least I got to argue

you think people replying "seethe", "tranny" and "based incel" etc is arguing?


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Where's that pic from, I've seen it posted here before

woah, hella based big guy.

I exercise 6 days a week and study electrical engineering. Useful enough for you?

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dubs of truth, I'm such a waste

Google Reverse Image Search says it's "Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji"

>he left it on
without anybody home? wtf?!

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I just listened to Feels by Animal Collective, very nice album

did you fart

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Using Yea Forums to criticize people who use Yea Forums only outs you as someone who is viscerally jarred by the content posted on Yea Forums.

Odesza's In Return album is playing on my tv

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A fucking rooster that has been wilding out since 330am. Never staying on a farm again
FUCK farms and FUCK roosters

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Black Milk

Who are you quoting?

based loverboy

Ziltoid the Omniscient

man with a mission

since when did linkin park move to japan and take uppers?


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21 pilots - hype

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>who are you quoting?
The guy he replied to

Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd

only posters with good taste ITT


a podcast

Techno or something like that.

Synth metal jazz foot loose break beeps tech no drone drudge sludge grudge fudge

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honestly? Two Princes by Spin Doctors


It's alright


Chocolate Synthesizer by Boredoms


Vindland. Some user recommended it to me the other day. Bretty good.

Needed a break after streaming Tool yesterday and today. Don't give me too much shit for it, I haven't listened to them since I moved out and left my recordplayer back home

like getting dubs

>grudge fudge

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Fear- The Record

Meek Mill

if he spends the majority of his time browsing Yea Forums, then being a master at it will be useful to him

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cloud rap lol

Twenty One PIlots - Levitate