Metal is an incel genre

Metal is an incel genre

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Christgau drones should all be thrown into a lava pit.

What did you say, boi?

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>edgy neckbeards

Metal is a genre for guys who have hot wives

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every metalhead is married to some bimbo

Now post a metal incel fan with a bimbo wife.

Why would an incel have a wife?

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I went to a leftist black metal show a week ago. There were a bunch of tall bearded white guys with their petite Asian girlfriends.

I'm okay with that.

But srsly, posting on Yea Forums is way more incel than listening to metal.

Metalfags have more chance with women than your average Yea Forumscore pleb

OP is just a false alpha, aka a beta male larping as an alpha. He gets mad on Yea Forums when people tell him his favorite core bands and indie bands aren't metally enough for the metal club so he posts these threads and goes on rants. Probably also the guy who makes the anti "redneck" threads and says any rock band he doesn't like is "for rednecks"

no its not

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Juggalos aren't incels, trust me, sex is very casual and rampant in the Juggalo community, I'm sure even that slob beast has been laid multiple times.

T. guy who grew up in suburban Detroit during the late 90s/00s.

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is there any hope for the metal incel?

There is no help for any incel, that's why they are incels, it is involuntary

I was/am a metalfag, my first pussy was a Metal/Juggalette at 16, she liked Juggalo rap and nu-metal and brutal death metal shit I couldn't stand like Suffocation and Dying Fetus but she was open to my more old school metalness, and she was a hot goth looking bitch.

So I don't know....seems like girls into subcultures were very common back then, had sex with also metal girls and punk girls. I don't know what it's like today where everyone seems to be a pop fag. Girls are dumb anyway, since high school days, I've almost never been in a thing with a girl who was into what I liked and usually are pop or dance bitches, while I am still a metalhead looking fuck, girls don't care about your music for the most part

I grew up with a lot of metalheads around and I knew at least three amateur metal bands that looked exactly like that

dios mio

damn i knew bones was cringe

She's such a babe, and I don't mean Sebastian

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Who's that?

It is for most current metal fans but the musicians are chads, except for black metal. Also the fans used to be chads

>leftist black metal
Ngl thats cringe

except the middle one they look like adult version of the cringy guy at the back of the class who draw skull and SS on his notebook
and the middle one get a pass because he was lucky enough to have a real beard

>making fun of kids
I mean they listen to power metal but come on...

>leftist black metal show

>Metalheads who only listen to metal because listening to any other genre would be gay

I’ve met adults with this mindset

Saying something is "gay" to anyone who grew up pre 00s is just slang for "weak" "lame" etc etc

Not really, it was actually really good. The songs weren't about being leftist, they were about nature, but some of them had slightly crust-leaning vocals. None of the fans seemed particularly political beyond a couple anarchism and Dawn Ray'd shirts (who didn't play). The bands included Saor, Wayfarer, Falls of Rauros, Dead to a Dying World, and some war metal band whose name I can't remember.

But how the fuck was it leftist? Did they advertise the show a such or what?

No, but they're part of an entire scene that promotes anarchism, anti-racism, social ecology, and they play with anti-fascist bands like Panopticon and Dawn Ray'd. It's not in your face about the politics, but it's deliberately against fascism in black metal, and it has a kind of organic, folky, crust punk-related feel that's distinct from normal, apolitical black metal bands.

Eh, then it's a "who cares" scenario. If it doesn't involve far sided people I don't give a shit.

I KNOW adults, and retired fucks, who think this way about everything. They can't own anything that's even slightly pink, because that's gay. You can't drive anything but a truck, because everything else is gay. You can't smoke light cigarettes, because that's gay. A REAL MAN blah blah blah.

Overcompensating you mean

...and the opposite (metal=garbage noise for angry kids) is accepted wordwide. Much better mindset.