Why does everybody shit on this? Locus Flower is better than anything on HttT and IR

why does everybody shit on this? Locus Flower is better than anything on HttT and IR.

Attached: 3580049.jpg (600x536, 112K)

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Bloom and Lotus Flower are really good. Codex is alright. Rest is basically pleasant background noise. It's all competent. It's by no means an embarrassing record, but probably their weakest (except for Pablo Honey).

> pleasent background noise
you just described all of IR, look at the image

>>you just described all of IR
I did fucking not.

you did for me at least

Separator is better than anything on Kid A desu

this is less interesting background noise

Okay, but I described TKoL for me.

one of my all time favorites but I think they just didnt make a compelte album desu. the last 3 songs are deep cuts, I appreciate them but as an album there is just such a big drop off momentum wise at codex and it just never gets going again.

pleb didn't ever click with mr magpie and little by little and feral

also I htink it might be the shortest radiohead album. which is confusing doesn't seem like they are ever short on material

Yeah the last 3 songs was probably the weakest part of the album, it did run out of steam. I think they just scrapped some material and didn't come up with anything else

Lotus Flower and especially Codex are complete garbage, Little by Little is by far the best song

It produced *that* music video, and is therefore the best thing Radiohead have ever made.

they did what now?


but it is a great song

>he didn't slowly wait for the pre-order download first thing in the early morning while watching the Lotus Flower video and being puzzled, embarrassed and sorta let down, but eventually came around to love it

Studio version sounds like looped, inorganic garbage. The Live From the Basement version is based though and definitely proves that the songs are good, just done incorrectly.
>better than IR
No. Just no.
>better than HttT
Maybe better than some of the filler bullshit on that Blum like Backdrifts, The Gloaming and We Suck Young Blood but not the rest of it like Myxomatosis, 2+2=5, Scatterbrained and my personal favorite, Wolf At The Door.

Its painfully mediocre, the epitome of background rock music

It's the best Radiohead album which means its shit

There there is better than anything on kotl
In rainbows is 100x better than anything on kotl (15 step is the only song you could make an argument against)

You're in for a treat.


Attached: peeping thom.jpg (1200x675, 60K)

>that pic
This dude has aged thirty years in the space of less than 10.

2nd best song on tkol

> fantanodrones

little by little is absolute garbage. one of the worst songs they've ever released. keep on sucking on scaruffi's cock.

ahahaha the last video I watched from fantano was the KOTL/amnesiac vids, which destroyed his credibility for me. You're just mad it's objectively worse

The latter half of TKOL is a big reason why it's Radiohead's greatest album. Besides Bloom, Separator and Give Up the Ghost are the best tracks on the album and Codex is underrated.
