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Other urls found in this thread:

what was the deal with that OMG fag

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dunno friend, thanks for not letting me alone tho


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Everyone posted after this post will be mogged.

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we love blackpink here and we always will

Now i want to know about the good korean cars
They must be really good...

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so I cant post Momo?

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are you guys fucking serious, go to facebook or some shit talk to the normies about that

I'm waiting for minju's sex scene cgset from that mobage

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Now let's compare kpop to food

i hope yeji doesn't end up getting lip filler just because she has smaller lips
theyd probably end up looking ridiculous on her face


Any shartman in?

if it works and isn't about to fall apart, it's a good car

and they're all 90s sports cars too, these fucking boomers are living in the past

the only necessary car is the beettle, the rest is useless spending

Would Bumblebee stan Loona?

she used to be so hot

its so sad

how about lil tecca and blackpink


real thread here btw

Attached: smugri.jpg (473x463, 21K)

>lexus lfa
>lc 500
>new supra
>acura nsx
>90's sports cars
You sure knows a lot about cars

maybe she can still come baack from it

jimin was a top tier cutie before the plastic surgery and anorexia

Attached: 150521 jimin AOA 안대 지민 흔들려 동아방송대 축제 직캠-[01.25.518-01.29.989].webm (405x720, 2.29M)

there is no coming back from that botched plastic surgery, she looked awful even before she lost all that weight somewhat recently

I love her so much...

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it's not that often kpg tells funny jokes but she was maybe the 5th hottest in the group

post some cute blackpinks and idiots don't respond because you are not funny

you don't even know her

>re-used Produce 101 chairs
>tried to rub the numbers off
>It just made it look disgusting and you can still see the rank numbers embedded in the chair
most low budget ass show ever

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if you're counting from ugliest to most beautiful

yerims precious ankle


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are you fat? I'm almost worried about that guy, he disappeared out of nowhere
Is he dead maybe?


if blackpink aren't there it's not a real award

haven't they heard of goo gone

moonbyul and lee dahee are literally sexting each other in instagram comments right now

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>driving a kia
oh no no no no (the stinger is pretty cool tho)

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momo posted

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we don't know who those people are

Ok I'll post Jennie and Rose

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Attached: 150521 jimin AOA 안대 지민 흔들려 동아방송대 축제 직캠-[02.20.640-02.29.716].webm (608x1080, 2.88M)

Thanks I'll put it in my kpop idols gay moment YouTube compilation

I can't believe it, Nayuggo actually mogging someone? Holy shit, now ain't that something?

thanks friends i love them

/kpg/ should have id's


She looks like Quasimodo. Jennie is cuter even if she sucks.

who are you even talking about

that's not funny

based, I like those

Post it

koreaboos btfo

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oh chamni

Attached: 150521 jimin AOA 안대 지민 흔들려 동아방송대 축제 직캠-[02.43.663-02.44.764].webm (608x1080, 1.18M)

how do they call these types of shorts?
and these shirts that dont cover the belly?

based me


Attached: 1561439656051.jpg (1333x2000, 451K)

Based shartman
bp blown the fuck our

*uses your waifu to start shit and falseflag*

choa bro
that japanese girl is ugly too

i think jisoo is the best representation of korea

Holy fuck Jennie actually doesn't look like the ugliest shit in a picture

lol is that the professional street nigga chappie?

she had to dance with dirt on her ass because of that

Attached: 150521 jimin AOA 안대 지민 흔들려 동아방송대 축제 직캠-[03.06.853-03.10.356].webm (608x1080, 2.96M)

do those stripes on gook flag have a meaning or are they just there to look cool?

Closed immediately when I saw it was a fat white roastie.


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this shit needs to stop

>ugly and talentless
Yup. That's most of Korea for you.

Which gaypop is this

I think mina is the best representation of japan

I would still worship momo if she took off her mask and revealed she was a big cricket

do you think twice girls and itzy girls even have pajama parties and talk about their STDs?

did not even watch

because she's beautiful all the time

>beats you up

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based bug eating SEAcreature

Why would Itzy want to hang out with old women

cringe she's the prettiest girl in korea and talented too

Post some underrated kpops with talented assets.

sana is pure sex

>momo posted

Attached: momo pantsu.webm (708x586, 1.19M)

I hate Twice and Blackpink

lol he thinks we love momo for her beauty and not lovely personality. must suck being so artificial.

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Underrated album track of the second:

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based wizcuck

can i get some Fs in chat for mina's child

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sana is sexually pure

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For me Momo being gay is the canon ending

LOL get a load of this mouth breathing retard

She's back boys

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>we fans are here fighting each other
nigga i'm only posting twice, idgaf about other groups

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nayeon probably tells jisoo and jennie all the time about how much she hates the useless japs


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Does anyone have Hyewon bareface pics?

i miss you babe

this i only have blackpink pictures

why the fuck is she wearing shoes? totally ruins it

my daughter wife

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Wonder what racist things Wendy is telling Rose

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small but perky

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>"you guys should get rid of that thai monkey, she stinks like hell"

Ahn Yujin

Perfect sharting position

freakin bitch is probably making fun of lisa and rosie is too nice so she just has to laugh along

her plans to euthanize all the abo scum


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>Weki Meki has confirmed its high-speed comeback three months after their last release in May.
>It's a summer-time activity celebrating the second anniversary of their debut.
>According to a music industry source, Weki Meki finalized their comeback in August and finished filming the music video for the new song on August 1.

>On the same day, Fantagio Music told MBN Star about Weki Meki's comeback, "Weki Meki is scheduled to make my comeback in August with 'LOCK END LOL' repackaged album."


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Random Q I've been wondering: did Seulgi always have her mole on her eye and was really good at hiding it, or did she gain it recently?

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Fromisbros this is our chance

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want it

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looks perfect

jihyo and wendy have the best legs in the industry
fight me

Who was in the wrong here?

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btw anons thank you for picking my thread, please take care of it

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the ugly one of course. they are always wrong for existing

i like weki meki, can't call myself a fan but they're actually likeable

Freakin CUTE

romsae's juicy saeroms...


There were 9 strawberries on the cake.

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future of kpop

I don't get it

you have to be specific

They're sisters


for da fans

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no but here is an f to go fuck yourself

cute squids


how come you havent commited suicide then?

probably just hides with makeup

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why did sunny nipslip tiffany

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oh i'm sorry. i forgot to specify that it only applies to roasties since their looks are the only thing they got going. so why haven't you an heroed yet roastie?

lol no
i'm going to sleep

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the two original turbosluts

chest competition

Imagine what goes on under the covers. 8 girls alone in a condo and at least half of them are heavy drinkers.

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where my mommy's boys at

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Yeah I too wish there were sex workers as hot as Mina

Fromis_9 is the cutest and most talented nine person girl group

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sleep is for pussies

i'm not a mommybro but that's a cute one

Too late. She belongs to Nayeon now.

i would say blackpink is the cutest and most talented group overall

Joyboys where are you

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who's the dude with the black shirt?

Which kpop has the longest/sluttiest neck?

anyone have that one nationalist Momo, Mina, and Sana edit some user posted like 3 years ago?

did choabro die?

We want ITZY
Where is ITZY
We need to find ITZY

During their last vlive I was actually surprised at how eloquent she is.

Joy has a face that is very ambiguous in age. You could place her anywhere from 20 to 30

That girl from Rocket Punch

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he posts jisoo now

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Park Jeonghwa

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Beep Beep

everyone should post jisoo

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Somi. Somi's big fat milkers.


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yeah but he disappeared, I guess mods finally learned how to ban someone for good
was he small brown? was there a tsunami recently, maybe?

I remember her from attack of the clones

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right here bro

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notice she had to change her name because best jisoo kim jisoo exists you dingus

i think he did this before many times. disappears for a few weeks or so and comes back even more deranged. probably stops taking pills then reboots with new ones

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kpg would be so much better if we had regular Japan Korea flamewars like in other boards

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you don't understand bro, the voice and attitude is top class here
you can close your eyes and imagine your waifu, but no way to filter out the voice

Damn this Yuna girl is actually really charismatic when she dances

Attached: EAuGohzVAAYpEFZ.jpg (2000x1333, 247K)

Coincidence. They would disembowel Jessica if given the chance.

>had to change her name
>jihyo since trainee

not gonna lie, I'd love to have ryujin's thighs wrapped around my head.

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exactly and jisoo was jisoo since she was born

cute squid

Jesus how long until Taeyeon officially ends it all?

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people who resort to name calling have already lost
blinks have no need to do that because of their large brains

It wouldn't have been a happy childhood anyway.
>"You ruined my career!
>"You ruined my figure!"
>"You fucking Thai bastard!"

Why is that one short girl from Twice so ugly

I really couldn't care less about some cumguzzling blonk's opinion.

Attached: jihyo 2.webm (472x1032, 2.8M)

Left: Makes bitches suck dick
Right: Makes bitches get abortions

She's actually from rv

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i wuv my tight widdle Wony.

gook gook blah blah

Shut your whore ass mouth bitch!

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This is the type of shit you can only do with monolids. Cute and precious.

get his ass

Have you ever heard a CLC song

mad how hyoyeon is now the cutest

Are you guys talking about K*klo?

can any of you faggots explain to me what happened with I.O.I?

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;_; wasn't prepared for those early morning feels desu

They were never meant to be a permanent group

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We don't deserve Yerin, bros...

Attached: Yerin9.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

contract ended, people didn't give a fuck about the splinter groups

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That little bitch Somi killed it

minarets used to be my wafiu, if she is pregnant or leaves due to boyfriend issues, I will release some anti mina propaganda that I made, my iq is 130 and thought I love her, I will not hesitate to destroy her life.

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-cwqYlemlDeu-1.jpg (1854x2697, 3.94M)

that's the true power of being a badster

talk about old and busted

Are Koreans on par with Russians in terms of alcohol abuse? I heard Soju costs only like $1 per bottle and considering it's pretty strong, it's no wonder they go ooga booga like this.

I'm waiting for someone to post a REALLY beautiful girl

do you think jessica ever came up in conversation? it's kinda weird that they all just moved on from her

Mamamoo Solar looks like IU

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Source: not my ass

Attached: ilename=UTF-8''Hard_liquor_consumption.svg.png (800x436, 35K)

okay but no one gives a fuck. also get a fucking life.

apologize to IU

Attached: 1564550012002.webm (736x538, 2.97M)

that would be a good show to watch, Koreans and Russians vs Germans and Mexicans see who got some the more hardcore drinkers. Ireland also comes to mind
4 days

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Saw a vid of a kpop idol being asked where they see their group in ten years and she said we're not that old then so still making music and hopefully they'll still be close like they are now. Sad because neither of those will happen.

kill yourself faggot. posters like you are the worst
and I'm not even him

JYP had nothing to gain by supporting it as it was direct competition to twice so he killed the whole group by putting the brakes on somi

just make jihyo your new waifu

I mean there’s nothing to discuss, SK has little brother syndrome SO HARD, they do everything well only after Japan already did it. Soft annexation by the US, Japan did it first, massive economic boom based mainly manufacturing, Japan did it first, Culture victory, Japan did it first. Contemporary Korean politics is based 100% around fighting with Japan over past aggressions (which have been legally hashed out many many times), and claim over uninhabitable rocks in the ocean and imaginary line. Most recently all Japan did was remove SPECIAL economic relations with Korea and now is simply treating them like almost every other country in the world, BECAUSE the Korean Supreme Court tried to get reparations from Japan by forcing a private business in Korea to pay them.
Essentially Korea is a child crying over and over and over, and Japan just ignores them until they can’t.
Kpop>>>>>Jpop and Koreans make better Jpop too tho

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you mean

i'm sure she did, although SM aren't particularly keen to recognise her
desu when things like this happen it just makes me feel sad rather than happy as I wish she was there too


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Fromis_9 will be together until they day they die

Shut your retarded slut ass mouth!

I'd imagine they have an unspoken agreement to not mention her. Considering that they all hated her towards the end and it was her who instigated the house of cards coming down, they probably don't like her very much.

Imagine all 9 of them coming back with a banger next year. The internet would explode.

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This but everyone on the list is cute

>Lee Chae-yeon (이채연), January 11, 2000 (age 19)
>Lee Chae-ryeong (이채령), June 5, 2001 (age 18)
The fuck?

Attached: EAy7FgbVAAYzFhS.jpg (933x738, 72K)

You can't even spell "waifu" right. Also Mina's non-existent pit hair is worth more than your whole existence.

Attached: Minapit_053.jpg (2000x3000, 455K)

Oh wait, 2001. Never mind. I'm just retarded.

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hit a nerve? incel

fair enough, we should love all these girls here especially blackpink

why are posting same shit over and over?


>mah IQ
>can’t even sound out a word

and now he's samefagging
Thoughts on this Irene song?

To shitpost, of course.

Attached: 1530739423475.webm (1280x720, 1.39M)

word, but if BP and TheBoyz pull out of Summer Sonic I’m demanding a refund

HOLY FUCKING SHIT!?!? Is this accurate? God damn it Korea...

Attached: 5ap0w1y.gif (320x240, 216K)

think she keeps in contact with some of the members, obviously the ones she was closer to like sunny and yoona (who've been subtle in giving her little shoutouts since she left)
i'd happily trade the memories I have of the groups I followed in this current gen to have them back as a 9

It was Yuqi. Being a traitor is in her DNA though so they'll only last till she goes rogue.

no you're just an annoying nerd and its fun to harass you

Apink is on a good course with their annual visits to Dr Kim

Attached: 1549037689062.webm (720x762, 2.97M)

i dont like japs in my kpop groups

If you consider Wikipedia to be accurate...

Momo is a faggot

did snsd remain at similar success levels after jessica left?

and now he thinks it was me who posted it

stupid sexy squid

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so are they just never gonna perform YoY anymore because of the opening?

don't tempt me fag, my propaganda will be released in Korea and will even reach minas eyes. those I love her so much. spent 30 hours making it don't wanna release it. I wanna die


J-line was the only time Japanese people in groups has even been a good thing
Yuta in NCT is just boring, the Japs in Iz*one ruin every song, and that one man Jap in that nugu group makes Manber look cute
Now that every groups wants their own Sana its become over saturated and will likely go away completely next year

if you see jisoo tell her i said i love her

they were on their way down well before she left

We are all here

>have them back as a 9
There would be unprecedented drunken chaos in the streets of Korea, social media sites would lag, nuclear plants would melt down, Blackstink and Twice would perform naked just to stay relevant.

oh... so can't really draw any comparisons to mina and twice then

>tfw can’t tell if he is trolling or a seriously this autistic and delusional
you DONT know Korean, you DONT know shit about Korean internet culture, and most of all you DONT matter so just swallow some pills and shut the fuck up

Is there something being inserted in this webm?

Oh no kpg you've left your room for the first time in months and the kpop idol you spend 18 hours a day calling ugly is approaching you to ask you something, what do?

you can hardly call it success anymore. even if they did sell some more records, it's to people who basically kept buying to convince themselves that "everything is fine, just look how fine it all is, I don't care AT ALL about what happened"
most normal people dropped snsd within a few weeks tops

more than you think actually lol

kidney punch

She's so ugly. Haven't seen her sister in a while. Is she fat now too?

Do it faggot.

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I don't speak to roasties in the streets

Kokoro is the only good one

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yes, my dick.

it would be huge. hope all parties can sit down at some point in the future and make it happen, feels like it'd be foolish not to give it a go. that and it'd give some real closure

I literally cannot even fathom how mentally ill Keklo really is. He's clinically insane.

Attached: yeji message.png (1106x591, 339K)

why didnt you release when the bambam pic came out


I shart everywhere

not trolling and yes I speak Korean, it's not that hard to learn it's even more easier than Spanish and Italian. I am payed to to make ads with subliminal messages, so propaganda that hits where it hurts is right up my alley. I'm not autistic or delusional.

shut the fuck up retard

who are these people who call ryujin filipina, i have never seen a single one that looks like her
t. filipino

Neg her, then bring her back up by impressing her with all my trivia knowledge about her group

He's not even the worst poster in kpg.

because I believe in fairy tales I thought mina was still pure.

if your a fan of hers you will regret it

maybe but based in this post you are 100% schizophrenic

leave me alone and stop calling me that
i nevee did anything mentally ill once people are telling you fake stories

Yeah, but won't happen. There's enormous bad blood between Jessica and SM and you know their reputation. For that to happen she would have to give up her clothing brand, apologize to the members, come crawling back to SM and get a another slave contract. + I don't think the other members would be willing. A lot of thm jumped off the wagon when Jessica left after all.

thank you somebody said it

Sharkmen are so blessed this day since so many contents to post

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This but Shartmen

make it a shartman thread

he just a cuck thats all

No. Nayeon speaks the intro.

can you please elaborate how so? all I said was I made some propaganda because my heart is broken? how is that different then when you get upset about something?

Yes, I'm a Minabro. I will enjoy seeing your futile attempts to ruin her image.

Attached: ONCE_Halloween_Fanmeeting_Mina_2.jpg (682x1024, 168K)

listening to deathgrips with shownu

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who invited the mentally ill x-phile here to schizo-up out thread?

If Mina rang your doorbell one evening after the announcement of her hiatus and begged you to help her abort her child without anyone noticing, would you do it and how?

Attached: mina 34534.jpg (803x1199, 119K)

Who could possibly be worse?


I will try to abort the baby with multiple thrust attacks from my enormous penis.

yejifaggot obv

Yes I do I read every netizen buzz article

so for real, how fucked is twice? is it over now?