Lisa Bella Donna Edition

Lisa Bella Donna Edition

New to production? Check it;
Post what you're looking for in feedback. GIVE feedback to get feedback.
Post WIP's in; but please make an account as "Demarcus" with a blank photo, or you won't get any feedback.
DON'T link to Soundclouds or youtube channels (or be banned)

last thread -

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someone explain comb filtering to me

>Lisa Bella Donna is a multi-instrumentalist, composer, modular synthesist, and clinician. She has many years as a session musician as well as developing extensive techniques with musique concreté, modular synthesis, analog & digital recording techniques, drumming & percussion, micro-tonal music, orchestration & film composition. She has also toured all throughout the USA, Japan & Europe as a clinician, drummer and keyboardist. She's been commissioned for many multichannel audio art installations in the USA and Europe.
>is a tranny

is phaseplant actually worth getting or is it just a massive production streamer meme that they were paid to promote? i'd like to get falcon

Please stop making threads before the old ones reach 311 replies.

but I want to make sure I'm the first to make the new thread

its a filter

im the only one that actually makes the threads, i always wake up and the thread has been archived for 7 hours and nobody could be fucked to make a new one

no u

You're a disgrace.


Almost every time people either take hours before making a new one, or the thread just straight up dies without anybody making a new one.
If you wait for the 311th post you'll always have enough time to make your new one.

why did Reason have to add vst support, i was so comfy in my zone with their own plug ins now i feel inclined to buy others REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Here's the reminder.
Would love to hear some cool sounds made in Iris 2.

these threads have become so cringe

two years ago

where u been?

You can make a plucked guitar string, flanger and chorus with it and it decreases the polyphony on the waldorf blofeld massively

it feels like a meme to me since I'm still getting better and faster results with serum but it's definitely a powerful synth, what really sucks is the price inflated by the effects and the ui

mono midi was the last good meme


to be fair some of the justicefag memes were excellent like the video

We need less trap and more new age producers here

didn't even think about it before replying last thread but these were already uploaded lol
at 1:30 i basically resampled an entire other song+layers to "interact" with the distortion
the sound that comes in at 2:34 is layers of random shit to make a lead

i can upload more clear sounds later
a trick for the meantime that you learn by *reading the manual* is that you can highlight harmonics by clicking them, and clicking again will select harmonics above. you can really tone down busier sounds into more usable stuff once you get a hang of hearing what sounds will yield more usable tones within

that was the only one tho

>i still need anime recs
Cromartie High School if you haven't watched it.

tried making slow house-y pop? idk

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Serious feedback please. I'm trying stuff out.

>at 1:30 i basically resampled an entire other song+layers to "interact" with the distortion
>the sound that comes in at 2:34 is layers of random shit to make a lead
Cool process, but if I didn't know about it they would just sound like normal sounds to me.
Maybe on a more clear example I can appreciate the result more, idk.

>a trick for the meantime that you learn by *reading the manual* is that you can highlight harmonics by clicking them, and clicking again will select harmonics above. you can really tone down busier sounds into more usable stuff once you get a hang of hearing what sounds will yield more usable tones within
I do that with RX when I need to clean up samples and whatnot. It's probably a lot more practical to have it in a synth though.

u relax and wait for the cash to flow in yeahight

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The toms (maybe its the bass with too much attack) are a bit too overpowering.Try some gentle compression 2:1.

Zoomer as fuck my dude.
Also the drums are way too weak for this genre, and the bass is too repetitive (alternate two or three different ones in creative combinations).

go away

>funny tho

>clip not found

don't mind it, could be worse!

TY bro. I am trying to corner the zoomer market soon.

bruh this has no sub first of all. then it sounds like a bunch of cymatics presets thrown together with no thought.
>nice meme tho

i've never heard a cymatics sample i actually like, why are they so popular?

i took the advice i got here

I wanna make music like minecraft

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no you didn't
christ alive do you have to have autism for this?

no that's just shit cable management

Worth 30k

their one shots are slammed too hard to be used but if you don't know what you're listening for they sound 'pro'
the serum presets are in depth and useful for learning that type of sound design. sometimes they're downright impressive fitting all these different things into macros
finally the musical samples are great, with lots of ideas to use as a starting point/filler elements
just stay away from the drums and you'll find some neat things

yeah i guess i never listened to much other than the drums

yes i did

>/prod/lets seething because they don't have a $50,000 studio with gear they'll have their entire life

this raises the question of what would y'all actually buy with 50k?
blow it all on synths? rack units? compressors? mics?
it's not enough to really make a true studio but it's still a ton of money

>buys 50k worth of behringer gear

all on monitors and acoustic treatment

hey now the new behringer stuff is pretty great post their midas acquirement. I really like my dm12/umc interface. eyeing the neutron or crave whenever it gets released

yes this is probably what I would do also. get some proper sub treatment finally and go for some 5-10k monitors. maybe the genlecs though I did really like the aps trinity's when I heard them

>you cant buy talent

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i wasn't taking the piss i would unironically spend loads on the behringer synths and maybe one of desks, then some on the warm audio racks/mics that are dirt cheap and such good emulations.

>ghost producers exist nigga

you literally can though they're called session musicians and songwriters

I had a warm audio tonebeast and honestly the behringer pre's did 95% as good a job with my mics as it did. with all the post production going on with vocals now I can't imagine spending the $$ on something like a great river pre t b h

ive never used a tonebeast sadly, the only one i've used is a WA73 but that was with a genuine u87 and it sounded great. i'd love to try a WA-87 though because it's a quarter of the price

the warm audio large diaphragms are great. though I would probably spring for the high end Blue stuff if I had 50k. the kiwi and dragonfly sound real fuckin good

they are nice mics but i wish they had low pass filters desu. if i had 50k i'd want a culture vulture

>ywn fuck ariana grande while playing minecraft

>not using reason

what the fuck is wrong with you user?

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>you will never show her your automated farm on a date and take her back to your dirt house for business

>using daw preference as some sort of personal identity factor
kys faggot redditer

>not using lmms

t. fl studio user

Can anyone give me some advice on how to make this better?

no soundcloud links.

If it was just to have in general I'd probably get a DM12 or a King Korg, a nice midi controller, and maybe a neutron/model D and their 909 clone, and save the rest.
If it was entirely to be used on music probably (in addition) some dumb shit like a Matriarch, effect modules/pedals, some old synths I like the look/sound of like a Juno 60, DX7, ESQ-1, CZ 1, maybe even a K5 (for the sheer autism of it), and of course some monitors, a bigass interface, one of those meme gamer chairs, and of course some piano lessons.

kinda wanna buy bitwig kinda don't


I don't have it

Image related is two copies of the same audio track, with the one in the bottom-most track delayed by 1ms - when the tracks are summed they cancel out at certain frequencies and they add up at others, the frequency plot looks a bit like the teeth of a comb so it gets called comb filtering and at extreme levels of cancellation and addition it has a bit of a metallic character to it.

As mentioned by you can get flanger effects if you modulate the delay time, although a traditional flanger also modulates pitch slightly too since it's based on using vari-speed techniques on old tape machines, but it's still recognizably flanger-ish without the pitch modulation.

The reason comb filtering gets mentioned in a studio design and acoustics context is that this effect happens in the air when signals from multiple sources arrive at our ears at different times - in the image the delay is 1ms which is the amount of delay introduced by sound having to travel 13.5 inches in air to reach your ears. It's why reflected sound reaching your listening position creates the potential for comb filtering, because it will have been delayed more than sound that reaches your ears directly from the speakers.

Attached: 1ms delay comb filtering.png (2451x995, 195K)

Then have it

human condition

redpill on melodies now im stuck
but enough about me
hows YOUR 1000gecs remix coming along?

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No soundclouds, we're not here to give you plays.

Outside of asking for a second opinion, how do you guys objectively judge your own work? I can never figure out whether the stuff I make is trash is not.

is there a contest or something?

i unironically want to too :p

>Cromartie High School
lol i never knew where that banner was from
kinda need a harem fix right now though

I really like the part at :50 but the intro is a mess would recommend cleaning it up

is reaper shit?

objectively? dont think thats possible but you should try seeing if you like it as a way to see if its good or not

Based. I like analog gear too though.

1. Does it make me feel anything? Sad, angry, excited, lonely, happy, etc. Or is it just a kinda "meh, but sounds good though" kind of song?

2. Are those feelings a result of conotations that are exclusive to me? In other words, does it make me feel shit just because it reminds me of something only I have a strong relationship with? Or is it general enough that it can convey it to a larger audience?

3. Is it cliché? Does it run headfirst into every cheap and overused trick in the book? Is there one thing in there that was the result of a "inspired" moment?

I just got a job at large recording studio.
What am i in for?

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youll be their bitch basically and do all the shit things nobody else wants to do

> youll be their bitch
probably not as fun as it sounds like but anyway

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do you get paid?
what kinda gear they have?
lowkey i'd buy a handheld recorder and just nigger all their rare sounds and make samples

should i get a midi controller if i have a microkorg?

you could use that for a midi controller unless you want more keys or pads and shit

sell the microcock and get a midi controller and a ms2000 with the money

Pretty legendary analog gear and an ssl console.
When they showed me the mastering suite they said thats the gear you see maybe once in a lifetime.

Be honest, does it live up to the hype?

just steal it one in a lifetime chance this gear can be yours for free

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Fugg Reasonbros, Spectra is 40 dillios all this month and I think I might be giving in...

Please stop reminding me that I bought Reason and haven't used it at all. I mean, I opened it up for five minutes when I first got it and then never opened it again.

Why not? Europa is fookin boss and Thor has Casio CZ oscillators.
Admittedly Kong is a bit of a mess and Redrum is a bit ghetto looking.

The sequencer just doesn't feel right... but the main Reason is that I'm just too depressed to do anything.

I kinda feel you breh, I haven't produced anything for over a month.
Sequencer is OK by me, but I rarely use it because I've bought all the players so I just pattern sequence most things til it's time to humanizer the midi.

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I don't know if any of you fags are froggy with circuits and shit but there's a DX11 on CL just south of Cary IN for 175 that needs a repaired amp output.

and here I am worrying about not finishing stuff wtf guys just doodle around for fun

I do mang, I just don't save doodle projects.

i'm gonna do it, /prod/
going to pirate ableton tonight
i will finally do something with my freetime

I have issues with composition, becauew I don't have emptionmals dfepth in real life so I can't mae my musig emotionnally beeb.
How do I fix this?

bro it's 100% a recommendable and worthwhile hobby as long as you don't expect anything to come of it.
Make your highest expectation "produce some things you're not embarrassed to play on your car stereo" and you'll love it.

that's pretty much what my goal is. i'm just gonna do my best to learn and have fun with it, i don't have to show anyone else what i make

>"produce some things you're not embarrassed to play on your car stereo"
Ok, this is pretty based.

I told myself I could end it as soon as I put out this album.

Fuck, mail me a cassette copy first?

>I have issues with composition, becauew I don't have emptionmals dfepth in real life so I can't mae my musig emotionnally beeb

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I'm having trouble with trying to get a track to come in violently. My current habit is starting from softer/slower vibes and building it up over time. I almost want to do the inverse in a sense.

My current theory is to start how I normally do, then when I finally get it building up to cut off the beginning and restart the track from where I built to. But this seems highly inefficient to me.

Am I missing something or do I just have to keep trying to throw shit at the wall until something sticks?

>tfw my musig doesn't emotionally beeb

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did you have a stroke?
are you ok?

I got you bro, I actually wanted to release it on a cassette like this one so its funny you brought it up.

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I'll just leave this here

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>People responding to and trying to help me
>Stop responding once they figure out who I am

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I remember ableton loop had a tranny one time

no fucking shit they know who you are you dingus, make a different profile without your name

why do I need to be someone else to be eligible to receive help and feedback
people engage with Justicefag but I'm memed and ignored

this is why the op suggests your name, no one can tell who's the real one until you hit play

They trying to keep us brothers down.

don't be so fucking dense, everybody shit's on justice fag too. the difference is that even though he sounds like shit and is an enormous faggot, he's at the right level of bad (not *that* bad) to where other people want to engage and collab.... or at least try. so far as we can tell he's just procrastinating like a little bitch

also shut the fuck up, you're not being ignored, you still get like twice the attention as any average poster just for being you. you still suck, what the fuck do you want? the same responses from a year ago from the same people? shit's tiring dude, we get bored

the entire fucking point of /prod/, and Yea Forums as a whole is to be anonymous you dickhead. the only reason to have an identity is to have special treatment- ON TOP OF breaching that rule you were annoying in the past, so that has stuck with you. That's another point of the anonymity as well: even if you were a faggot in the past, you don't deserve to be treated like that now if you're no longer being a faggot, but people don't think these things through. Once you're labeled a faggot they're going to treat you like that forever

>to where other people want to engage and collab
Can it be my turn next?

Such a shame because it sounds pretty cool. 15 min it gets pretty interesting but I feel too much pity watching for some reason.

When did S(he) upgrade from Synth Witch to Sonic Sorceress and how do I achieve such power?

wait but I like eddie murphy


>it probably has more of a sex life than me

bing bing ?

>it probably has more of a sex life than me

>so far as we can tell he's just procrastinating like a little bitch
There's no place to be innovative in electronic music, and music in general really. It's dead. I don't want to rehash the same ideas. Unless you guys have some real ideas. People like Wolfgang Gartner built off the Justice sound. Then Skrillex happened. Music is all very bland and will become blander.

I'm watching a MO video over and over. She's so beautiful to me. I'm glad I discovered her. I love her fangs.

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defeatist PUSSY
bad ideas are executed well and good ones shit
inovative =/= good and simple =/= bad

you're just making excuses and you're a faggot, you should feel bad about it

This is cool

Bad mentality

is he only "famous" because hes a tranny?

the way she moves makes me wanna cringe



any of you nerds used syntorial, is it worth it?
any free alternatives that come close?

yes just playing around

do you think this is a mother fucking game

>just playing around
>when you could read any synth manual

>because you can hear a synth through its manual

Not the guy you're replying to, but thanks for the explanation.

>kinda need a harem fix right now though

>>Yea Forums

opinions on this?

i really like some of the sounds that came out of dubstep so im trying to use them in a way that doesnt come off as too generic

a bit schizo for me, but otherwise i like it!!!!

going to get someone to do a noisey ass guitar bit with this, is that higher synth going to clash with the guitar too much?

Why does my music sound like it was rendered/recorded at a low bitrate? It sounds... fuzzed over. It's not like I'm low-pass filtering the master or anything

only when bouncing or is that what the monitoring in the daw sounds like already

Sounds like it in the daw, then renders to sound the same
here's an example. This is a wav file so it shouldn't be lossy, but it still sounds like it.

so it's just the sound you created? if you can hear something you don't want then change it

that kind of distortion can come from pretty much anything, starting with the drum samples that could just sound like that, pinning a compressor too much or overing any plugin anywhere that doesn't like that because it emulates some sort of analogue reference level and distorts when overing

Or just watch one of the Bobs talk about his studio

Do these movie dialogue samples fit in this mix?

Any of you nogs got a link to Welsh's synthesizer cookbook volume 1?

Any Yamaha Reface fans here? Just got a CS and it sounds killer, not a bad sound on the thing. Seems to be able to do everything from bells and keys to pads and leads, love it


waste of money

>no patch slots
>for 500 on release

I'd consider the dx if there was a version without keys or a fullsize keyboard, but these minikeys are just the worst

What? The Reface DX keys are fantastic unless you're some dumb nigger that needs full size keys. Even Aphex Twin said it's one of the best keybeds he's ever used. Minikeys are fantastic for electronic music production

Hell. Yes.
I fucking love science and craft beer and eurorack and collectible Lego sets.

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Kill all redditors

this is simultaneously the lamest and coolest thing.

there is nothing cool about any of this, i love modular as much as the next guy but fuck me it's not cool

do you not like beer?

not gay ass craft beer no

For those of you who use renoise...
I just opened a decent track from when I first started using it, and it's very clear I had no idea what the fuck I was doing.

The current LPB is set to 4, and I need it to be 16. Is there any way, any utility I can change the LPB while preserving the arrangement and tempo of the song, rather than speeding it up to retardcore

Who makes the most musically complex beats?

any competent breakcore producer

Kanye West

travis scott

lil ugly mane

danny carey

did you make sure you're at a decent sample rate in the DAW itself? at least 44.1khz/16bit or you'll get a high freq rolloff

so what, you drink piss water domestics then?

not that it matters, everyone knows real producers are mega alcoholics so you should be hitting the liquor anyway if you ever want to make it

i drink stella

but i am a hardcore alcoholic for captain morgans

>you're gonna make it

can't remember the last time i was sober going to bed

Yeah I have a DX and it's fun to noodle around with. Still too paranoid to take it out of the house but my original intention was to use it to practice during lunch at work.
I was heavily considering the CS as well, and honestly I kinda regret not having the faders to play with, but overall I'm happy to have an inexpensive FM synth.
Sounds great, really nice to have a visual representation of the envelopes. Feels solid, like the action on the keys, built in speakers are decent for their size. I do think it would have been better if they'd omitted the looper and given the DX 6 operators and the CS a sequencer or an arp instead.

4 years ago this was a very good point, but now the CS and DX go for under $300 new.

Yeah, sounds pretty natural to me. Might do with a slight gain boost on some of them, kinda hard to make out some words, but that also kinda fits with the dream throb of it.

I don't know when you last used it but you should be able to changes the lines per beat independently from the bpm now

>VA fm synthesis

you can get the same sounds out of basically any of the u-he synths and you'll also get patch recall
they're fun toys but don't sound anything truly special for 300 bucks

(still a better investment than anything korg volca related tho)

thanks, good point


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>VA fm
Nigga DX style fm has always been 100% digital. Other than that you're spot on.

God, imagine being a tranny. We have (as far as we know) one shot at life on this planet and you're doomed to be a fucking mentally ill freak like that pretending you're something you're not every second of every day. The whole idea of it is so gross. Ugh. And god forbid you're an ugly non petite qt one too (which are still gross but at least they're feminine), good lord.

i'm gonna become a tranny just to vex you further

damn this sounds good

£1900 though :/

The only good modern synthesizer

Everything Novation makes has this certain element to its timbre that doesn't sound bad but sounds kind of plasticky or something. I have a BS2 and like it a lot but it's a weird character you have to learn to accept

i feel the same about my ultranova but i still enjoy it , especially cause i was given it for free but still

Same thing with modern korg. Would love to try one of those fabled vintage synths to see if they sound any different.

i'd love vintage synths but do they reallllllly sound warmer?

>The whole idea of it is so gross
you realize that gross feeling you have is from internalizing your own 'forbidden' sexual desires right?

Warmer? I don't know, for me it's about the filters and resonance. Whenever I tried VA synthesizers (hardware and software) I noticed an extremely unpleasant ringing or treble that I simply couldn't get rid off even when I applied external EQs. The only two waveforms I can listen to are triangles and sines. Should probably try FM or additive synths instead.

i get what you are saying, see the way i feel about VA synths and digital really is what room im in, in my room through my krk 8's all synths sound like ass, but in another room that synth might sound absolutely amazing. i can never be happy. just need 50k to build a room exactly how i want :(

>find CP gross
>oh well its because of your sexual desires bigot

>can't into psychology 101

shut up tranny


Please show me where in the literature it says that anything you're grossed by you're actually attracted to.

That's probably that piece of shit that insisted on she for that faggot in the OP picture

Any good DAWs for Linux similar to FL? Obviously something with a GUI I'm not autistic.

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LMMS - Free
Renoise - Cheap
Bitwig - Expensive but was made by ex Ableton employees and is a great daw but its what $400?

none that are in any way similar to FL. not that im condoning using FL i wish that meme would die

LMMS was made to replicate fruityloops

is this good? FL is ok but always feels cheap and childish, want a more pro DAW but that has FL functionality

its not every good compared to fl studio

wow it must be bad then because FL is terrible

the boogeyman has got you user

There are faggots and trannies in this very thread, making music

>FL is terrible
mention 10 things fl is terrible at. ill wait.

>There are faggots and trannies in this very thread, making music
>no mention to cds
yeah, keep invisibilizing crossdressers, how modern of you.

Oh you're right, and I shouldn't forget furfags, this is post-reddit 4channel now

i dont need to name 10.
it is absolutely dog shit at recording audio in any meaningful way.

90% of hip hop and trap beats are recorded in fl. most sound pretty good.

>sound good

also vocals are about as much as you can get away with, and even then it's awful.

multi track recording is definitely one of FL's weaknesses. but if you're doing that you should still be in pro tools t b h most DAWs suck ass at 10+ mic ins

that said, the new FL update introduced some loop recording/comping features (finally) which are honestly about as good as logic's. not AS good but still very useful, and now I prefer tracking vocals in FL to Live 100% of the time

well Live is pretty shit at audio too, but at least it can actually do multitracking with ease i guess. even if it sounds like ass. i know deadmau5 does recording in cubase now just cause of how awful live is for it.

Midi Standards
Midi Controller Support
Multitrack Recording
Live Performance
DMX lighting protocol
Timecode Standards
Mackie Control
CV/Gate interfacing
awful UI Design
CPU efficiency

Why does the automation have to be on its own lane its so weird

It's Every Day Bro

uhhh half of those are super nitpicky and not true

midi standards work absolutely fine
controllers are click and spin to assign ableton style
live performance mode is basically only surpassed by Live
who tf uses DMX lighting through a DAW, use a real program for that if you're VJing or programming for a show
timecode works fine especially with the integrated video player for to pic work
UI is not perfect but still an improvement than low tier DAWs like reaper and the browser is just straight up better and more readable than Live

not to mention you ignored the truly stellar parts ie: best piano roll in the DAW world, flexible mixer routing, comping features, loop recording, the patcher for parallel processing, automatic 32bit bridging (lol ableton)...

it doesn't, you can stack the automation clip over patterns and toggle between them with the playlist picker buttons

>who tf uses DMX lighting through a DAW
alot of people
>low tier DAWs like reaper
>the browser is just straight up better and more readable than Live

>best piano roll in the DAW world
it would have to be because it's not like its easy to record real playing
>flexible mixer routing
every daw is fine with this
>comping features
every daw is fine with this
>loop recording
>the patcher for parallel processing
fine but bitwig has now truly surpassed this in their newest update by far
>automatic 32bit bridging
because who cares about 32bit anymore?

Name a better synth for 250

It’s easy as hell to make a patch on the fly, takes no more than 10 secs to dial the sound you want if you’re not a retard

The keys feel amazing, I don’t need or want 61 keys.

I’ll prob pick up the DX sometime, though I can get some good FM bells and lead sounds out of the CS. It has an FM setting (or some imitation of it)

all of the volca stuff
the new behringer synths

a second hand dx7.

I wish I could change FL20s main colors from grey to black. I see all the windows users able to do it but no one has any info how to do the same simple color swap on mac.

change daw

Try not to drool on yourself.

try not to drool over babies first daw

gonna overhaul the master.... to make it like.... "SLAP"
what else?

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Of course it's easy to dial in a patch considering how limited the thing is. No patch memory and only 32 patch slots on the dx are still massive jokes considering we aren't living in the 80s anymore. They don't even output audio via USB. These things launched for 500 quid and they're gimped to hell for the price even after the thoroughly needed pricecuts. It's still absolutely disrespectful by yamaha to sell these as they are.

Why is there a subbass and not a dombass?

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How much time do y'all usually spend mixing a song? Not looking for some objective answer

I mix as I go then spend a bit at the end not long tho
The best advice I got from a mixing engineer here in the uk (he mixed a load of stuff for tv adverts and some top 10 records) is that 99% of the time your first mixing choice is the best mixing choice, double guessing yourself just ruins it all

Thanks for the advice. I feel like usually going with your gut immediately is the best decision. If your first impression is that something sounds good, other people's impression will probably be similar

>99% of the time your first mixing choice is the best mixing choice, double guessing yourself just ruins it all
Maybe that works for him because his well developed ear and experience allow him to assess and take decisions immediately on a subconscious level.
A beginner's first choice won't be the same as an expert's, so in that case it's better to analyze things consciously and go through a mental checklist of what needs to be done, as well as comparing your song to a well-produced track of a similar type.

Yeah we heard it the first time.



this but disagree on the last part

typically what's different at the end is that i'm actually paying attention to references and tweaking smaller stuff- like i don't get hung up on the release time on the compression of the snare while i'm writing the song or the *exact* levels everywhere, but still usually in the end i'm only moving stuff a couple db at a time, basically trying to go from acceptable to polished

Attached: ffs.jpg (1280x720, 173K)

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why are you putting so much effort into derailing a slow thread?

>They don't even output audio via USB
Not that user but this is a giant meme. there is no industry standard protocol for audio over usb, everyone does it different, and only Macs really benefit from it cause they can aggregate multiple audio interfaces.


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what's the difference between compression and just lowering the volume?

kys pal

(ignore that shit)

think of compression as controlling the volume over time, or making the range of volume more "compressed"

So why don't I just automate the volume instead of using compression?

Not that user but there's nothing stopping you from doing that and getting the exact result you want, if all you're wanting is dynamics control and not any additional tone-shaping that classic compressors can add. It would be tedious as fuck though, especially if you're working with drums.

yeah, you're trolling

I am now reminded that I will need to make spreadsheets to accomplish basic tasks.
>something with a GUI I'm not autistic.
You're missing out.

Attached: tracker.png (724x585, 42K)

what tracker is good for beginners?

Renoise if you're norman, Schism if you're a cool kid.

Attached: 220px-Prince_doves.jpg (220x227, 18K)

what about openmpt?

That's for cool kids too; probably cooler kids than Schism kids, but I wouldn't know because I'm a Schism kid.

why do you all hat eme

It's projection.
Does the bass mix well with the sample

Attached: 5927a27d023940ffbd5c2789b5feacfacb188b21acedf9848641c6cb2146dbc6.png (776x795, 934K)

more bass

I'm going to change some stuff but I can't be asked right now. I've grown bored of working on this song, but the general layout is there

Attached: Thors-Battle-with-the-Giants.jpg (692x1024, 163K)

no, it needs a smoother bass, yours is thin and has too much attack.

why do you want to be justice

That's what I keep asking myself

Attached: pepedistraught.jpg (250x242, 10K)

bus it

Attached: yeehaw.png (1280x720, 1.64M)

I love her

Attached: MO.png (1281x689, 1.17M)

you should make it sound more like Toto

Why is german trap superior to american trap?

Provide examples

Europeans rapping will never not be funny, sorry it's just the truth

Fair enough. Its definitely not as gangsta for the most part but I think from a technical perspective it is way more interesting.


Attached: 1000MEMES.jpg (1400x1400, 3.57M)

sheit wrong link hahaa yeahight ^feedback

Attached: YEAHYEAH.png (638x389, 499K)

That's a GUI. You can tell by the graphical interface you (the user) are interacting with.


fresh vibes, liking this

if this is any help to you I'm listening on a subwoofer, and all I want is more sub bass.

Attached: YEAHYEBUSTIT.jpg (779x779, 81K)

thanks (:
that's actually a great help, it's the biggest thing i was worried about

i'm working on 5's; in your opinion is it missing like *a lot* or do you just think it needs a slight boost?

moderate boost

Attached: YEAHOK.png (400x479, 217K)

Anyone want to do a /prod/ submission for this gecs remix contest?

i wanna do ur mom for this fuck arrangement

Yngwie Malmsteen was my favorite guitar player.

>On classical music, I'm reminded of the song "Heavy Metal" off of Woman, which sounds like a Baroque harpsichord etude. What classical influences do you and Xavier draw from?

>The over-the-top baroque feel is something we've always liked with our music. Kind of like Yngwie Malmsteen, that "shred meets classical" style. Then there's Bach, of course.

They got to it first. I'm creatively bankrupt.

Attached: peperope.jpg (655x509, 53K)


you write one note, then another, then another and so on and if it sounds nice, you have a good melody. how fucking hard is that?

Attached: trap.jpg (480x360, 39K)

Why the hell you stopped putting the thread title on the last editions

So I can make convincing piano and synth tracks

yngwie sucks, they just refered to him because he's the most known guitarfag thinking playing "classical" music with a highly distorted guitar sound is a good idea

also, you sound very narcissistic, justicefag

Meme of the day

Attached: had i learned to make my own music i would now be a free man.png (1320x1318, 615K)

Studio One needs better automation. The values of 3rd party VSTs in automation tracks are not the same as in VST.

Attached: automation.png (584x465, 27K)

When I type 250 (as in VST) in that menu and enter it, the point goes to maximum and not where it is meant.

Here is automation and audio of that. The thing on second half is infuriating.

Attached: automation 2.png (217x194, 2K)

i have no idea where to go with this, it's shifted from listening to the new HTRK singles and trying to make something more akin to that into this and now i just hit a wall.

Attached: lain02.jpg (1058x745, 139K)

Tfw basses can sing tenor but tenors can't sing bass

Attached: images (1).png (396x372, 24K)

Hmm, well your DAW should have some sort of "audio clip to MIDI" option which will usually just give you midi notes at the transient sounds.
It'll help you get the rhythm out, but the notes will likely be all fucked.
Alternatively do one of those guitar-midi-controller mods on your shit.

does any DAW actually read values from vsts for parameters and scale their automation values accordingly? does the vst format even support that? i'd expect most just do 0-255 / 0-100 ranges.

Everything is going to have a GUI in 2019.

Attached: lilypond-compile.png (1000x647, 53K)

Find consolation in the fact that I sound like a mega-pussy-bitch-boy when I reach the tenor range though. I don't think I've ever heard a bass singer with good tone above the E just above middle C.

I ask myself that too.

I think VST3 does that, but I'm not sure.

Most DAWs do that with their stock plugins, but I don't know about third party ones.

>imagine thinking Cromartie isn't Harem

Attached: images.jpg (259x194, 10K)

any good torrent websites for plugins?
It's private but it opens registration once or twice per month, and once you're in you need to deal with ratios and all the typical stuff of private trackers, but it has everything and a great community that keep everything clean and neat.

rutracker - messy, but most stuff is there if you look

audionews - see:


It's up to the plugin to pass the currently-set parameter value to the host, which is very possible to do even with VST2, but passing the entire parameter range is more tricky since the scale of the range is normalized to 0-1 scale in between - ie: you could easily pull minimum (0) and maximum (1) ranges from a plugin but each of the floating-point numbers in between (say 0.2576 for example) don't get reported until a slider in the host has been moved to that point, because you theoretically have millions of possible values between 0 and 1 depending on the resolution of your slider and querying that amount of values for each slider would tax the host and plugin quite a bit, unless the process has been thoroughly optimized.

A DAW's built-in plugins can do it easily, but third-party is trickier - this is an old thread but it explains the process, and also mentions some plugin manufacturers (like Voxengo) who do work with host developers to pass this parameter range along.

Cool, thank you very much.

No worries, will post to the new thread in case anyone wants to continue the convo.

This shit sounds like A$AP Mob
It's not special its just at a lower BPM

gonna listen later