MP3 files start degrading

>MP3 files start degrading

Attached: IMG-20190421-WA0002.jpg (1200x1600, 434K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>he doesn’t have a temperature controlled drive

>he thinks his mp3s are safe from degradation

They can last decades with temperature control and a dry space.

>not ripping your library on to wax cylinders

fucking plebs

>tfw house has started to crumble and return to the earth but my FLAC’s are still crisp

Attached: C8B3B0A8-3AE0-4180-89A8-1485556B569D.jpg (770x963, 84K)

>wax won't degrade nono

>It's time to reencode degraded 128kbps back to 512 kbps again

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-02 tired at DuckDuckGo.png (606x621, 686K)


This faggot has thicker wrists than I.