Talentless hack that murdered the second coming of Christ.
Why does everyone hate her?
It's because she's literally autistic
Is that her daughter?
She's simultaneously cringe and based. Hole was a pretty good band, too. Also, those people you listed deserve to be hated far more than Courtney.
she looks like a muppet
op here
i don't personally like or dislike courtney and albini is the only person i like who i listed
Frances did nothing wrong
>I was hired through the venue to record this show (including many others throughout that week) and was then left standing with a hard drive and an invoice no one seemed to want. Four years later I still have the files and not really any idea what to do with them. But I like to share. So here we are. What you are hearing are just Courtney's isolated vocal and guitar mics (with the obvious bleed from the rest of the band).
Hahaha. Not a bad comparison, actually. Especially now. But you have to admit, she looked real good in the late 90's when she cleaned herself up a little bit..
this sounds like a meme