Why did Dave enforce a dress code

Why did Dave enforce a dress code

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god what a faggy era for music

He can't stand people with bad fashion sense.

I wouldn't expect neu-Yea Forums to know what chadness looks like tbqh. I mean, the average poster here is an emasculated 17-19 zoomer who wears pastel clothes or dresses like Hilary Clinton (unironically btw). This all goes hand in hand with listening to artists such as Cuco, Clairo and Boy Pablo and hysterically crying at the top of their lungs about how much of a ''bop'' they are. In all honestly it is probably for the better that the next century is gonna be that of the Chinese and Islam.

Two things....A. he was a girl about fashion, he was obsessed with it. If you read his book you'll find every single time he talks about a person he begins by insulting the clothes they had on when he first met them. B. he's a control freak and megalomaniac and likes to keep people under his grip in subliminal ways, same reason they shave your head in the military, it's a means of stripping you of your self control and identity.

You're a fag.

this is gay as fuck
you are literally describing a faggot. a beta faggot who just can't help it but trying to manipulate others.

>he's a control freak and megalomaniac
after getting tossed from metallica? yeah, of course. megadeth is his band and his only.

Metallica has nothing to do with it. They kicked him out because he was a narcissist in the first place.

and he's literally been crying about it ever since

What is your point?