>tape delay are you the fag with expensive gear and no talent?
Colton Anderson
Are you the sambo with no money?
William Morris
Nice toilet seat
Aiden Sullivan
i have a question regarding solos. i know scales and shit but whenever i try to solo using them it's very obvious i'm conforming to a strict scale. the most interesting parts of my solos are the ones i've borrowed licks from other solos. does anyone have any good solos to learn that utilize a bunch of nice sounding shit up and down the neck?
Evan Adams
What are you talking about i didnt post a pic of your moms face.
Justin Anderson
Listen to Jason beckers album perpetual burn from front to back
Jose Roberts
that means yes. You are misusing the T-Rex Replicator. Check its outputs.
Do you faggots ever actually talk about playing or do you just talk about the fucking gear? 99% of these threads are just shit flinging about brands
Elijah Roberts
nobody can play here
Ian Cook
Work on chromaticism, arpeggios and music theory.
Cooper Scott
the aerodyne jazz bass is sex
Nicholas Hernandez
So what actually makes an american fender so great? If you got a MIM and swapped out the pickups, bridge and neck for something you'd find in an MIA, what would actually be the difference?
Jeremiah Butler
>what would actually be the difference? It still would have been made in Mexico.
Connor Peterson
Yeah but it would basically have all the american "quality" parts except for the body. So in terms of how the guitar actually plays I assume there would be no difference whatsoever.
Isaac Harris
well america will be a part of mexico in the future so it doesn't even matter
Lucas Wood
I can
Gabriel Howard
prove it.
Angel Watson
When I do intense bends specifically on the higher strings, I manage to nudge the lower strings and make them slightly ring out. How do I stop this? I do sort of forget to trim my nails, plus I play a squire affinity so might just be the action of the guitar
Ryan Davis
Dont have to
Anthony Perez
>I play a squire affinity why
Nolan Williams
then you can't. What's your gear?
Carson Bailey
based telefriend. I've got 22 on my main and don't often get past 20 tbqh
Pathetic samefag. Your shit condor isnt a tele dumbfuck
Samuel Perry
don't you get tired of being wrong?
Brody James
Thats for me to know and for you to find out.
Jack Stewart
Put a womans hair tie on the first fret by the nut. Viola no more ringing strings
Carter Jones
I'm a poor fag, and t b h
Carter Wilson
This is what Mexicans actually believe.
Landon King
no one cares, and if you have posted your videos here, you can't play
Carter Lewis
Why dont you prove me wrong instead?
Joshua Wilson
If you go through the hassle of buying a MIM and upgrading all that, you really should just buy an MIA to begin with. These days the MIA still come with a proper hard case as well. Also some features are unique to MIA, like the neck shape and fret size or other refinements. The rounded fingerboard edges are nice too.
Zachary Smith
>making an effort for you lol enjoy your schizo
Jordan Sullivan
Someone in the other thread mentioned Ed Roman on the 24 frets thing. That guy didn't know what the fuck he was talking about and his point flies out the window as soon as you fret a note. P.S. the neck pickup on a 24 fret guitar demonstrably sounds worse than a 21 or 22, particularly for humbuckers.
Three saddles, compensated is the true patrician's choice.
see , also it is easier to talk about gear
They're both made by Mexicans, one is just over the border.
Thomas Howard
Two fags arguing about incel shit
Angel Sanders
And one was made in Mexico.
Samuel Brown
Im looking for a Celestion speaker for my cheap Vox to make it sound better, which of these should I get
d12 is mode, but include pentatonics as well as diatonic modes. The pentatonics you can play pentatonic or select one of three modes per pentatonic.
Jack Baker
David Rivera
What is this autistic system you're referring to? I want to try
Jordan Wilson
Lol why u mad tho
Aiden Long
Can you give me a brief rundown on pentatonic modes? Wouldn't that just be 5 of the diatonic modes? Or are you saying use the root and then there are five modes built on the pentatonic scale, which could fit any of 3 diatonic modes?
I just roll 4 dice (d12 = 12 sided die) and it tells me key, tempo, and number of chords. you can try with online dice rollers if you want and have a way to make back tracks.
Jose Anderson
not mad, not more than normally though. I just don't like special fags who claim shit and fags with silent guitars.
Samuel Ortiz
Ah makes sense now that you explained it for brainlets like me. I'll give it a go.
>play for about a year or two when I was younger >all that I did was look up random tabs of hard rock and metal songs >"learn" random techniques extremely sloppy like tapping sweep picking >give up and lock guitar away >recently get the itch to play again almost 10 years later >after 2 weeks it already feels like I'm better after actually starting from the basics properly and taking my time with Justin guitar
Jesus all that time I wasted as a kid just noodling around covering songs with no sense of rhythm or even knowing how to play the basic open chords is embarrassing
the moment i turned the mic on my ideas were vanished and replaced by old bored licks
Ian Cruz
Silvertone 1484 Prog sounds just like a bassman, but has a really bizarre reverb tank and the rotary effect is too quick 10/10 tone, 5/10 for extra stuff and weight
Benjamin Clark
I'm sure we were all there. Without proper instruction or a teacher we all just fucked around covering random songs badly. It wasnt until college when I was doing classical guitar that I really figured out how to practice efficiently.
Ryder Hernandez
so this is how losers and faggots think? what a manchild you are
Andrew Bailey
isn't that a bass' string tree?
Gabriel Stewart
Please do not use negative language in these threads, thank you!
Alexander Cruz
>Fender Bandmaster from the 60s >Post punk, indie rock, atmospheric black metal, emo, math rock >7/10
Josiah Thompson
play some black metal for us on vocaroo
Connor Thompson
the vintage tele ones were of that style
Evan Harris
is it gay to care about the weight of your guitar?
Dylan Lewis
Robert Hall
Not really. Its not worth hauling a boat anchor around
Austin Lopez
no. thats why everyone says to play in person before buying. everyone has different comfort
What types of guitars' value appreciates over time? Obviously vintage ones, any other?
Justin Gray
what amp?
Eli Ward
Limited edition ones or custom handmade ones, that's really it outside of vintage. Everything else gets mass produced so much it won't ever appreciate. Think about it like cars, no one would buy something like a 00s toyota corolla for appreciation value because everyone in the world had/has one
Sexy as hell Im jelly of the lucky bastards who own these
Aaron Campbell
Buy secondhand and they'll at least hold their value. It's difficult to predict though. Epiphone Sheratons are a good example, here they went for 300-350 a few years ago and now people are selling them for 500+ if they're Korean or Japanese.
If I had money to bet though, I'd buy a 70s Strat. They're awful guitars, but if the bottom doesn't drop out of the vintage market, they'll be the next Strat to increase in value.
Josiah Carter
Can we talk about something other than gear? Feels bad for all the poorfags here mang
Eli Russell
how about you stop being a poorfag scum
Jonathan James
Sadly this thread is basically all gear and shitposting about gear and not much else
Ayden King
> playing very casually for over a decade > doing justinguitar to fill in the blanks
if i want to play heavy music, would it be better to get a thr10x and get pedals for when i wanna play cleaner shit, or get a thr10 regular and get pedals for the heavy shit? I feel like the 10x might be TOO heavy and the regular 10 will be just right
Tyler Myers
Anyone else butcher the fuck out of the first guitar when they were younger? I just found mine in the closet and really wonder what the fuck I was going for
>random $100 Ibanez double cut from years ago >carved my name into the neck >burned parts of the body for a """vintage""" look >tried to scallop the fretboard with a screwdriver >put aluminum foil in the cavity
Really happy that guitar wasn't worth anything, I was retarded in high school
Carson Johnson
why don't you talk about something then instead of complaining thats the point of first guitars. also, we can learn set ups on them without worrying about damaging it as much
Levi Rivera
the regular thr10 has a couple high gain settings that work fine
the 10x just has a bunch of different flavors of high gain
you can probably just dial in a good sound on the regular one
Chase Campbell
Ok, I'll give it a go as I am bad for talking about only gear.
better than anything in months. extra points for the accoustic.
Jaxson Rogers
The nut size on my new MiM strat says it's 1.650in so pretty much 42mm, this graphtech says 1 11/16" in so pretty much 43mm. Would this fit? Is it actually a big difference in sustain and keeping tune?
Fender Hot Rod Deluxe (III) Jazz, rock 10/10, just had the tubes upgraded to Sovtek 6L6s and Tungsol 12AX7s. The drive channel is great, it absolutely screams, and it's great for all kinds of gigs.
Carson Davis
play Blackbird next
Joshua Allen
Oh man that's the goddamn Bible.
David Adams
no, im gonna lay in bed crying until the burger delivery arrives then ill eat it crying and sleep until i wake up tomorrow with an alarm called work
Brandon Jones
Its one of those albums that no matter how good you thought you were at guitar and writing it will put your ass in a humble space real quick. Absolute guitar perfection.
Jayden Perry
New Sensor Corp (Electro-Harmonix) owns both Sovtek and Tung-Sol. They're both made in Russia.
What realistically was the difference in splitting the pre amp and power sections with two different tube brands that are essentially the same?
I've always been more interested in rhythm and chords but lately I've been trying to learn some guitar solos and it's been surprisingly fun. Recommend me some solos to learn /gg/. For reference, these are the last two solos I learned:
Fuck that's sexy. Usually I don't care about the way a guitar looks but I would buy that for looks alone. Was it a limited edition run or something? I tried googling it and the price was pretty good (~$500) but everywhere was sold out
Ian Sullivan
ok then, I was wondering what made you pathetic enough to be on /gg/
Christopher Reed
Longevity: the Tungsols have comparatively better usage life than most current pre-amp tubes, and vintage tubes were out of my price range.
David Sanchez
>he can't afford a Gibson because he spends all his money on dildos and buttplugs
I unironically see nothing wrong with spending all your money on dildos and buttplugs, ESPECIALLY if it means none of that money is being spent on Gibsons. Fight me.
It's a very specific sound, and if you don't use the right materials for your neck you can kiss any semblance of a lead tone goodbye.
Levi Anderson
Its good shit no?
Kayden Gonzalez
Stop bullying Blue Fem!
Thomas Adams
I mean, the dude can shred without a doubt. But I get kind of bored when 100% of the song is neoclassical technical wankery. It can be a cool effect for a bit, but after a while I want him to play an actual melodic line and not just arpeggios to classical progressions at 300 bpm
Luis Baker
You just proved you havent listened to becker much. Take a listen to this song youtu.be/0lR1tt24mo4
Samuel Davis
I'm actually thinking of buying a blue jem, how's it sound for fusion?
Brody Garcia
Its a great guitar and sounds great T. Hates ibeenhad
Chase Diaz
what makes you hate ibanez?
Thomas Lee
I had never heard of him before today. This is better, but it's the same issue as before. He's super talented but I just don't think his music is my thing user, sorry. Part of it is it's just too bombastic for me. Lately if I'm listening to shredders I prefer them to be quieter - Ben Monder comes to mind as a very technical jazz guitarist
Shit house pickups shit edge and the wizard neck is not my cup of tea. Not to mention gaudy design and finishes. They are the quintessential 16 year old edgy guitar
Caleb Stewart
Robert Long
Oh your a woman. You shoukf have saud so from the start anyways. Heres a jaco pastorius song done by becker. youtu.be/76Y0l99vXno
Chase Carter
I've heard their Artcore hollowbody series is pretty good
Eli Martinez
Lincoln Diaz
As far as I know, there was a metal band in the early 2000s whose bassist had a signature bass with Fender featuring piano black finish, cream binding, no pickguard. Fender dug the look so they made a limited run I think 2004-2007 of guitars. They still make the bass but not the guitar.
i think their trems and necks are fine, but you're pretty spot on with the rest of it. i wish they'd just offer their guitars in solid colour options. their burst/wood grain finishes look dogshit.
Alexander Ortiz
Jace Rogers
See, this is why. No responses. It's less effort to argue about our preconceived notions about gear.
I went back and listened and it was better than I remembered. Drums sound absolutely awful though., I think I'd almost prefer if the whole album was just guitar.
Learn Rumples by Adam Rogers/Chris Potter, or Litha by Chick Corea.
Justin Gonzalez
They're s line is a fucking atrocity to look at and if you handle one irl it feels toylike and fake
Nolan Sanchez
Fuck off roman.
Lincoln Diaz
this was a bad autistic post. no wonder you're obsessed with gear: you're an autist
Jackson Bailey
Drums with reverb are pretty dated.
Michael Clark
Everyone on here is an autist, I'm just undiagnosed. Did you listen to any of that?
Parker Wilson
>imagine going through life as an undiagnosed autist
Jack Robinson
pretty rad
needs reversed headstock. I'd probably change the color of the white singles and swap the control knobs.
Cooper Ward
Which Vox?
Adam Gray
Who cares? I figured out I probably am one. What will paying some Jew doctor a ton of shekels to tell me I'm autistic do for my life?
Zachary Bennett
i went to a shrink for other reasons and i asked him casually if im asperger and he said he's sure i'm not
Caleb Flores
>no inlays >everything is color coordinated You did it. Fender basses are the gold standard for a reason.
Brayden Stewart
I know right When you're diagnosed like me your parents don't even hassle you to move out anymore because they no longer have any real expectations for you :^)
William Sanchez
Lol you got your shit pushed in as a kid .
Nicholas Lee
Xavier Cook
weber what? ac10 i want a bigger sound like a marshall right now it sounds kinda nasal and trebly
Benjamin Jones
I've thought about doing that but I don't know if I trust shrinks. I studied psychology and saw what shaky foundations the whole thing is on, and that the nuts were running the nuthouse. When I was looking for doctors specialising in autism/Aspergers/HFA, I realised that the main person doing that in my country was a fraud and pretty much diagnosing anyone with Aspergers if they gave her 200 bucks.
Matthew Williams
Glad someone gets it. Its fucked uo to lie to yourself and to others about what you will do with your life. Its going to be a big waste. The sooner everyone accepts that the easier it gets
Dylan Gomez
wtf why do you imply that
Dylan Kelly
Your (you) translates to a resounding yes
Ayden White
Gavin Peterson
Kek, not at you but the situation. Kind of jealous. I don't live at home but I know someone with Aspergers who gets all sort of support from the government for it.
Cooper Smith
>89259482 dont reply to me anymore
Levi Lewis
Don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again
Aaron Lopez
may of past year i gave my brother $27 to make some visits to the near Joiner to do my project guitar he made a couple visits and stopped i asked about the joiner's payment and he said he's fine doing the work and paying later, out of trust this year i gave him another $27 to encourage him going there again and he did nothing if i talk about it to him he just says "oh we need to see how much the joiner will charge" and walks away i'm literally beating myself in anger and frustration for it
>gets booty raped as a kid >still butthurt as an adult Kek
Ethan Cruz
Stale larp.
David Walker
fuck you
Jacob Campbell
Reminds me of that Finnish guy talking about his mother getting him and his sister weighed
Daniel Robinson
Dont get mad im just telling the truth
Brody Miller
aint larpin im real
Noah Bailey
I need to fix one of those. I've only seen them in action a couple times. Maybe more compara ble to a Deluxe? >stoner rock band used one, sounded great >guitar shopper noodled a bunch of beatles tracks on another, sounded outstanding Another metalhead customer wanted to test one out. I guess Metallica used one on whichever album. Wanted me to hook up the speaker and instrument cables for him idk. I was already working with 3 other customers, "I can help you out in just a minute." Like 45 seconds later busy checking someone out "Fuck YOU! Can't even see you've got a paying customer. YOu don't know what the fuck you're doing and should be fired."
I just went to this brother's room to borrow a pencil for a second and saw my guitar standing on his wall He was in the bed with the phone and i asked "did you get my guitar just to let it hang on your wall?" and he said "dont worry i wiped the dust off" FUCKIN REEEEE IM LYING TO SLEEP AND I WANT TO SCREAM
Isaac Martinez
Make yourself an extension speaker out and run at least another 1x12 alnico. It will sound larger, glassy, and awesome.
That's literally the Vox sound, if you want something different you might want to just trade it for a Marshall if you want that tone. A new speaker won't change the sound that dramatically.
Joshua Edwards
yeah i know it's single ended, it wont sound like a large 100w marshall but im sure the speaker plays a role
i may invest in a 2x12 cab instead of 1x12 if it will help
can i achieve that with something that's not a Greenback or V30?
Wyatt Morales
Intonation will probably be fine. String height won't though. All you have to do is sand the bottom to the correct height
Nolan Nguyen
I'd still rather just get a different amp if I were you desu AC30s still have that super trebly sound and they have 2x12 speakers.
Adam Bennett
>calls owners of Gibson guitars LGBT instead of himself >considers an anime with primarily male characters "good anime" because he prefers looking at dudes to looking at cute girls
>SE It's not. It's got a lot of similarity to the 1974x, just with a shitty 10" chink driver.
Eli Russell
>live in a large city >would have to drive 40 minutes across the city to get to an independent shop because every other one got swallowed by guitar center or sam ash
Fuck that I'm becoming an onlinechad now
Jace Bennett
It's true. I honestly used to respect psychology as a field of study much more before I actually took a few high-level psych courses in college in order to round out my neuroscience major. The amount of baseless conjecturing that's taken as fact and the insane leaps in logic people routinely made without any sort of pushback was disheartening. It's a really strange hybrid of using the scientific method to design experiments and then drawing whatever conclusions they were already looking for from them based on their own presupposed biases.
It reminded me a lot of literature classes. I met some really brilliant people and the ones who are passionate about the subject and treat it with the respect and rigor it deserves can make really keen and enlightening observations. But the majority of people there are either nitwits who don't understand how to structure a logical argument based on evidence (textual or empirical as the case may be) or people who understand they can skate through the class with minimum effort if they so choose. Except English majors don't have a say in public health policies the way some psych graduates will end up doing.
Nathan Jenkins
About 5 or 6 years ago I remember I got some cheap $100 j bass, played it for about a week, then never touched it.
Should I just dumpster it? It takes up a decent amount of space in my room and it has zero value anywhere to stores or people.
Brody Morales
There r rosties irl sitting right near me. They r talking about rap n shit.
>Neuroscience Very cool. Another problem is that a huge chunk of their studies are carried out on psychology students, who are obviously different than the general populace and in a very different environment. There is a lot of interesting, profound stuff in the area. My main problem really is when you get into diagnoses. It feels like if you deviate even slightly from what they think of as a normal, functioning human, they'll slap a diagnosis on you which will follow you through life. Just like the woman I mentioned, a lot of her patients might be completely normal but she's a quack and will just slap whatever diagnosis they're looking for on them
Nah give it away, instruments are rarely so crappy that they would be better off scrapped
Connor Williams
Scrapped my Squire strat fucking around and learn how to solder it was 50 bucks from a pawn shop so only 2 hours worth of work down the drain.
Eli King
At this level of superstrat-ness you'd think they'd opt for a two post bridge and locking tuners like they do with the american strats
Adam Gonzalez
Shrinks are so insane they started calling a personality type that's insanely common in northern europe and east asia "high functioning autism" (formerly aspergers) and initially blamed it on poor parenting. And now they're getting neurology and yes, fucking phrenology involved so you can find out if your kids are going to turn out danish.
Are rickenbacker guitars a meme? I grew up listening to Johnny Marr and Peter Buck and that jangly twelve-string shit is what I think of when I think of guitar honestly. I've wanted one long before I played guitar. Are they worth the money? Is there any point in getting one when I already have a strat?
Levi Price
Its only worth the money of you can justify it to yourself, try to find a shop near you and play one if you can.
Brody Parker
12 strings are like chorus pedals but for people with taste
Matthew Young
>Paying 2k + for a glitter paint job Ouch
Nolan Torres
>havent fapped in the past 3 days >everytime I get the urge just practice guitar instead
Might just keep doing this desu I've played a minimum of 3 hours everyday. I used to beat off 3 times a day everyday.
Elijah Richardson
It's not like they're not worth it. Those are better made than most American strats, but not all of them are good, and since they're mail order only you roll the dice. Maybe you'll get one that's only as good as the average strat. Maybe you'll get one that isn't even close. All guitars vary, they're made of fucking wood.
Since you live in the US you can try out dozens of American strats and pick one out that's as good or better than high end meme guitars for half the price. I don't expect this to change unless zoomers get some fucking taste and snappers start replacing ibanez RGs and chinese jacksons on guitar store walls.
Isaac King
it's like suhr
they're slightly different from anything fender sells stock so people pay a gigantic markup instead of custom ordering something with a one-off neck profile and special electronics, because that's what people with jobs do.
Eli Reed
Should I get a Squier Bullet Strat or an Epiphone Les Paul SL for my first electric guitar?
Justin Powell
get the squier bullet strat with a whammy bar
it's not a strat without a whammy bar, it's an autistic telecaster
Carter Wright
>I don't expect this to change unless zoomers get some fucking taste and snappers start replacing ibanez RGs and chinese jacksons on guitar store walls.
Why would the average guitar store replace easy to sell guitars they buy in bulk over harder to obtain guitars that move volume slow. Business choices like that is how you kill your shop in less than 3 months of opening outside of the high end shops known for only carrying expensive gear.
Camden Bennett
I wish these little wheel-at-the-heel truss rod adjusters like ESP, Charvel, and Schecter use were standard. It looks so much cleaner and it's easier to get a wrench in there since there's less string resistance at the body.
Tyler Phillips
They would be easy to sell if zoomers had some fucking taste and stopped buying shitty ibenhads, chink jacksons, schitters, and deans.
Adam Hernandez
the boomer manufacturers refuse to offer guitars with similar specs to those you listed. people are left with no choice but to buy something like an ibanez.
Caleb Phillips
actually MIA fenders have thinner and flatter necks these days and charvel is a brand of fender
Austin Hughes
What are some quality brands then? Or just go for those weird custom guitars made by bored musicians you find at local stores?
Sebastian Lopez
I got a bullet strat for $50. Stock pickups are absolute trash but you can use it as an opportunity to practice soldering and replacing them. Once I upgraded them it sounded fine. Decent sound and playability for under $100
Luis Robinson
Find one at a store, play it, decide if it's worth however much they're asking. These sorts of things are so subjective only you can really answer them. Maybe do some research on brand quality, how hard they are to maintain relative to a regular guitar, etc.
it just turned 11:00pm where he lives so he had to go to bed, he'll be back at 6:00am. he always comes here right when he wakes up and phone posts from whatever construction site he's doing his day labor from
Angel Clark
BECK is one of the worst anime I've had the displeasure of watching. The manga was pretty cool though.
Charles Morgan
Stop begging your brother for things, Sammy.
Josiah Sullivan
>playing above 12th fret Cringe. If you can't say what you want with 12 frets, you should just give up the instrument.
Liam Morgan
are you that fag with all the expensive gear and no talent?
Nolan Johnson
Story? Archive link?
Dominic Edwards
It's too late man, all the high schoolers have started going to bed on time again to get ready for school starting back up next week.
Jack Harris
what if what I want to say is above an F5
Aiden Bailey
Are you that favela-dweller who keeps ruining his valueless guitars? :)
Ian Williams
that means yes. which martin do you own?
Brody Wood
I don't any Martins. Which shitplank have you ruined this time?
Jace King
Easton Cook
Never mind, I found it. What's happening with your $27?
I'm talking to a Brazilian pet shop boy here. Was your money well spent?
Gabriel Jones
Sebastian Parker
Lucas Rodriguez
Chase Nelson
No wonder your brother is screwing you over if you give up this easily :)
Joshua Morgan
>P.S. the neck pickup on a 24 fret guitar demonstrably sounds worse than a 21 or 22, particularly for humbuckers.
It's just slightly brighter, retard. Big deal.
Ryder Collins
>he needs twelve frets
Talentless. Creatively bankrupt. Unintelligent. Ugly. Probably Filipino. These are the words that describe you if you need more than six frets to make good music.
muh toan i can tell the difference it needs a cocobolo fretboard or the toan is all wrong the neck pickup is 0.04mm away from the right harmonic node for optimal toan
/gg/ is more retarded than ed roman
Isaiah Carter
Mustard tele best color
John Torres
Listen to solos that you like and identify the small chunks that are your favorite parts and then make those into exercises that you can work through the scale shapes you know.
Julian Gutierrez
Sing along
Tyler Moore
/gg/ is Ed Roman. This thread collectively took up his legacy and dedicated itself to shitposting about gear, only with the 40 years of experience building guitars replaced by 2 years experience watching demo videos on youtube and the renowned custom shop replaced by a few telecasters in different colors.
Jayden Powell
Peavey Envoy 110 40w I got it as a christmas gift from my dad along with my first electric guitar in 2005, I've felt no need to replace it
Nicholas Powell
I just checked eBay. Not even ONE Chibson Firebird X, NOT EVEN ONE! You see, the Chinese guitar builders are MUCH smarter than Gibson is. They make a Les Paul BETTER than the junk that Gibson sells you for $6,500 and they sell it, postpaid mind you, for $350. I bought one to compare with the real Les Paul's I had. The pickups on my Chib. were Epiphone Es-335 pickups, they came aged and looked like they were ripped out of a 1959 Les Paul Burst...the sound? A little weak, The pots and input were fine, no noises no problems with wiring, and a very clean job done. Outside: The guitar arrived from China in 16 days. They told me if could take up to 2 months (the seller later told me they saw that because sometimes a guitar gets confiscated from customs and they send you another one, free of charge, and then it would take longer). I opened the box and was amazing at first sight! It looked exactly like my buddy's R9 that he paid $6,500 for. I played it...it arrived IN TUNE with NO BUZZ, something my buddy and me both agreed was better than our real Gibsons, which needed fretwork, and a pro setup. I plugged it in...no noise, clean, crisp tone, still no buzz...that's after being flown from China!! Gibson cannot accomplish that when they come from Nashville!
Now, to be honest, I upgraded my Chibson with a set of Wizz PAF knockoffs (because Gibson cannot make faithful PAFs) and my Chibson sounds better than the Les Pauls I had (I've since sold the real ones) and my buddy's R9. He bought one from the same guy a month later and it's all he plays either. I've had this Chibson for a year and a half and I'm ordering a goldtop. You can get them relic'd or mint. You can get custom work of any kind done. You can even request to have the guitar sent to you without any electronics so you can skip having to rip everything out if that's what you're going to do and that'll save you money too. If Gibson is reading this (which they're not, because we all know they don't care about their customers (or ex-customers like myself) but if they are reading this here's my message: When you start making quality guitars for a reasonable price that arrive playable then I'll go check them out. I won't buy one ever again, once, twice, a thousand time bitten...I'll also put my Chibby up against any guitar you guys make, ANY guitar, and I'll out tone you every time...why? It's 99% about the pickups. OH yeah, and FUCK GIBSON and double FUCK AGNESSI!!
anyone who disagrees is a failed musician wanking on some retarded "super guitar" >oh boy, more than 21 frets and it's not a tele, strat, or les paul! now i can finally make some music! >i'm definitely more right than all these people who are famous for playing guitar, i'm from the future!
9/10. Sounds better than anything I've heard before, particularly nice attack. Only thing I'm not too pleased with is that it's really bassy, but so far it's been fine with the bass rolled off to 8-9 o'clock.
Josiah Reyes
You've just discovered the power of sexual transmutation. Use it wisely.
Oliver Wood
>i'm definitely more right than all these people who are famous for playing guitar
Im new guitarist, but been playing on off for 2 years on my strat squier.
So.. I tried a cort les paul and found the guitar sits lower on my lap, and also its just not as nice to play? This is a nice cort les paul by the way not the beginner range.. the fit and finish is fine. Was wondering if this is typical of lespauls not being as nice to play? Or should i try the real deal?
If they aint as nice I'd rather play a super strat or soemthing. I am after a new HH guitar with no bullshit floydrose crap.
It's not much of a heritage or a tradition when it's 80 years old at the very most and most of it is played out pop music that nobody wants to hear ever again.
>jamal get your cotton pickin ass the fuck outta the way i'm tryin to save kids from playin anything but '59 les pauls ya damn porch monkey >-gibson tractor driver, 2019
nice rec...looks good but i just did a search on the ebays and they're all brand new at 4000 ozbux.
LTD ones are going for 1k and I am in need of a poorman used guitar.
If only all the HH super strats I see for cheap didnt have a floyd rose, i dont want to deal with a headache nightmare as I can barely change strings. Whats a good range of somethings that are plentiful?
Do you have Reverb in Australia? That's worth a look. Also Craigslist, but bring a male friend.
Jacob Allen
>Reverb nah thats an american thing, i've exhausted my marketplace searches. All good I will buy a HH another time when theres more listings later
Luke Perry
> If only all the HH super strats I see for cheap didnt have a floyd rose
There's quite a few options if you're after that sort of thing e.g. various Jacksons, ESP Ltds, Schecter C1s, Ibanez RGA and S series. If you need a poorman's hardtail superstrat then I've seen Ibanez RG421s and RGA32 go for around 120-150 squid used.
You could filter for hardtail superstrats on thomann or some other site, and then look for used examples of a guitar you like.
Lmaoing at the retarded boomers ITT. My Japanese made ibeenhad has better fretwork/workmanship than your Mexican shitplank fender with 7.5 radius fretboard.
>dimarzio pickups >jumbo frets on a 17inch radius rosewood fretboard (unlike fender poo ferro) >impeccable Fretwork, low action easy to play >thin 5 piece maple/walnut neck (not fender recycled baseball bat) >coil splitting for versatility >stable as fuck fixed bridge because I don’t use whammy anyway (fenders have vintage tremolos = enjoy being out of tune) >ergonomic shape, 24 frets, light >nice wood finish instead of fender cheap poly colours
> b-but muh heritage, muh vintage Enjoy having a harder to play instrument just for muh heritage. But at least it’s not a les Paul, those things are a joke in 2019. Fuck you boomers.