Have you ever showed your music to your friends and family?
Have you ever showed your music to your friends and family?
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my dad showed me massive attack and i showed him mr bungle so ya
I listen to Alfred Schnittke with my mother
Whenever I talk to my dad we take the time to talk music. its great honestly.
all the time
my mom. yeah she will listen to anything. my dad is straight /boomer/core and my sister only listens to industrial, new wave, and eurodance
My mother made me discover Autechre and IDM, I've never been confident enough to show them enough good quality music, I feel like a massive pleb.
your mom is based
Are you a massive zoomer? I mean how young must be your mother in order to know and listen to IDM.
IDM was big 20 years ago, user
The fact is that I don't think there is a biological female that can listen to anything beyond Massive Attack or Bjork. Female IDM listeners don't exist.
Not anymore, I listen mostly electronic music (mostly IDM) so my parents or friends dont dig it because they dont listen music without lyrics kek
when i was young, all my dad would listen to was ska, and i would get annoyed at him. Now, I listen to ska and punk, and show him some that I listen to
Me and my dad bonded a lot over classic prog, also my mum was big into new wave but I rarely talk about music to her.
Yeah, both. I know what they like and give them recs based on that.
are you me?
I show them, and they say they've listened but i know they didnt cause the play count doesnt change.
yes but she doesnt share it or listen to it on her own... even though she loves the genre i make
only my parents. My dad loves classic rock to heavy metal to fucking roger and zapp so if i make one he digs he'll say its groovy. My mom will listen to anything i make and tell me what she honestly thinks.
man its rough making music/art cause the people closest to you SHOULD be your biggest supporters/ best critics, but sometimes they just kinda forget about you or your dream and just reinforces that we have to go about this journey alone
pretty sure, yeah.
I showed my mom HNW album Thousands Of Dead Gods by The Rita and she was scared.
>tfw no gf
>brother and his wife wanted to use my laptop
>ok whatever
>wake it up by hitting spacebar
>this unpauses itunes
>was listening to nldw
>we’re all staring at zach hill’s red dick
maybe its because your music sucks
more often than not I end up being the DJ since I bring the aux cord or the speaker
there are plenty of songs I have as guilty pleasures that I trim out of the playlist but their music tastes mostly allign with mine
If you're talking about music in general, sure frequently.
If you're talking about showing my original music to my close ones, then rarely. I'm always apprehensive when I'm showing stuff I created to others. Makes me play down my work & critique it myself so nobody else will say shit I haven't said already. I mostly make stuff for my own amusement & for no-one in mind, which is pretty autistic I guess.
Every time I show my family my stuff, I'm almost always met with warm feedback but I feel like they're only saying that because they are family. It sometimes weird them the fuck out when I show them something that only I can fuck with. I had the opportunity to share my music with friends (when I had friends) but I'd rarely mention it to anyone & whoever was willing for me to show my music, I'd experience a mini anxiety attack & say "maybe another time", which would turn out to be never.
That seems to be a lot of aspects of my social fiber, always retreating to my inner world. Apologies for the r9k-lvl post.
Only a few. Most of them only listen to rap and don't care for any other genre, but those few friends I mention are pretty open to anything and I will talk to them about music a lot.
Only my brothers. All of us are big musicians and we will talk about music to each other a lot.
My parents on the other hand only listen to the stuff they like. My mom mainly listens to folk and pop, while my dad mainly listens to whatever is on the radio but is secretly a huge fan of pre-2000s hip-hop.
>warm feedback but I feel like they're only saying that because they are family
as someone with musical friends, please don’t show us directly just post the link wherever you’ve uploaded it or something
post pics of sister
>make music
>never show anyone I know
>get gf
>show her
>she says she really likes it
>load it onto her computer
>few weeks later scrolling through her itunes
>1 listen on the first track of the first album
showed once a dance track i made almost exclusively with porn samples and 90s eurodance beats to a friend. he was pretty disturbed lmao. openness not always a good idea.
degenerate family.
i’m not gonna listen to shit music just because I know the person
Rather post a link in the shillthreads than here because I don't want to get singled out as a socially anxious person with zero friends who only makes music for himself. Maybe you're suggesting to be anonymous while showing music to those I know?
my mom found my first single on a bunch of cds that a burnt and never distributed, and now she wants to hear the rest of my music
yeah i show them literally anything i find cool. we all love to talk ab music so its fun to discuss random music shitわ
not really. ill show my mom or sister something i think they might like (bland rock or some hip hop shit). i show my dad quite a bit of what i find. he likes classic rock and glam metal, so its funny to hear his takes on modern stuff. i showed him “come up and get me” and he asked if it was a new genre of music
she wants ur dicc
If you're as much as a pleb as her you won't like it anyway freno
have sex
just for you, my guy
they dont like it
You are deluded if you think there are girls who listen to IDM or something near to it. All of my female friends don't listen to anything electronic apart from house and generic techno.
well No Jumper follows me for it so i dont think thats the case faggot
All the time, and their approval is essential because they're mostly normies and if I feel that if they don't get it I'll have no chance of surviving financially as a musician.
this is my shit
My dad hates me and my mom is dead
>my mom is dead
Mine isn't. Life is much better with her love and support.
I show my parents boomercore I discover and they reminisce about how they used to smoke while listening to TMR or Zappa.
I show my friends everything I listen to and some of them will like it and some won't. Have one friend who listens to some mu/core and another who listens to hip hop including Scaruffi approved hip hop who I'll talk with. Most of my friends don't really listen to much music except radio/sound cloud rap/pop/K-pop and other popular music in the US. Best discussions have been at my college radio station but I don't go to meetings too often since I get anxiety.
have sex
i bet it would. why must fathers be fucking assholes? am i gonna be an asshole too? i remember my mom being so caring, sweet and smart
every time i’m listening to pavement my dad thinks it’s the velvet underground
Checked your followers list. Sees no 'No Jumper'. BS detected. Also, why the fuck Adam follow someone with no big following, let a following at all? btw, you didn't have to post your SC.
Hit me up when you find a girl who listens to Autechre, I'm here.
probably true, i have hard time finding BOYS who listen to them irl, let alone girls, no way
>"It's just noise!"
My mom is a huge Frank Zappa fan, I'm still a pleb compared to her. Idk how she can go from enjoying those generic pop bands from nowadays' mainstream to praising Zappa in the same day, but she does. I guess that's what happens when you don't browse the internet for opinions, lol
Do you mean my music that I make or the music that I listen to
No, i don’t feel confident because I’m not good enough yet
I talk with my dad about music all the time and occasionally with my mum too, my dad and I frequently recommend each other stuff, he got me a TVU&N cd among others when I was a teenager
Most of my friends usually don’t want to talk about it with me because they think I’m a douche about music taste
Although I do talk with a few of them, one about indie rock and psych rock; one about classic rock, funk and jazz; and one occasionally about the very small amounts of hip hop I like, he likes it a lot more than me
here is my sister
based sister
friends yes family no.
I always figured it made me a weird jerk but I generally don't show it to either
Too much of a window to the soul, I'd hate to have someone hear what works for me and say "that's not good, actually" it'd be like being shanked
NO never
Once I showed my dad my vinyl copy of Die Antwoord's Mount Ninji and Da Nice Time Kid and he said "That's some cool artwork, son."
He still has no idea what it sounds like.
How shitty of a relationship with your family do you need to have not to feel comfortable showing them the music you listen to? If they don't like it that's one thing, but not even playing it in the car or something? Amerimutts, man
The music you listen to is not "your music" user. Only the music you make is "your music". Don't be possessed by the things you consume
All my friends and family think I have weird taste just because I listen to the Mars Volta and Eno.
I have cool friends who like Mars Volta and Eno. You should try it, user
Showed them loveless, the residents, and burzum. They enjoyed it a lot, especially burzum and the residents.
Showed them ween, (good) bob dylan, and itaots(and a few more folk albums). They're really into old country and folk/bluegrass so i only show them that kind of stuff. They really enjoyed basically everything I showed them.
Rank your top three Burzum albums user
1. Burzum
2. Hvis lyset tar oss
3. Filosofem
Listened to music out loud on my room all the time. So they know I'm into very different stuff. They don't give a fuck.
Have recommended music to them before. I usually just play The Beatles when I'm around friends though.
Doesn't understand how I can go sing Ozuna one minute and then play powerviolence the next minute. I've showed twee pop, jangle pop and folk and he digs it.
Showed my mom NAILS last night, she asked why their guitars sound so angry. Pretty based
LMAO they follow my instagram smart one...
my girlfriend likes a lot of it
youre just mad im not big, yet they still follow me
wow this is absolute, boring, uncreative trash.
i'll give you that
don't give a shit desu
Not really. I might show my friends some songs every now and then that I think they'll like but they aren't exactly the biggest music fans in the world so it's not worth it most of the time. Plus, I don't feel very comfortable showing them the full extent of what I listen to.
I showed my older brother Mission of Burma and Ariel Pink. He dug them both. Dope day.