What does Yea Forums think about The Strokes?
What does Yea Forums think about The Strokes?
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it's a knee
the American equivalent of The Stone Roses
voidz is better
unironically kys yourselves
I am not suggesting The Strokes are bad. They are quite good if not the best rock band from the USA in the last 20 years desu
overrated in the wrong ways underrated in the right ways
show me a strokes song better than this
everything is subjective you tard. one minute you are with your friends attending a bar and you would think Is This It is the better album. the next minute you are at home alone thinking about the gril and suddenly Tyranny becomes the better album. see how this works?
>everything is subjective you tard
no its not. then every discussion would just be pointless
i think x is better u can think y is better
this album was probably refreshing as fuck when released but it’s bland as fuck to listen to these says
This desu. I love the Strokes but the Voidz are doing some incredible stuff atm.
The Best Band Ever
it's a shoulder
youre a retard lol. there is no way to objectively say what piece of music is better, you cannot measure that or quantify it, therefore it is subjective
>i think x is better you think y is better
that’s literally subjectivity. if it was objective then everyone would *know* x is better
the strokes are very good
there are objective qualities to subjective art you fucks
wtf how have I never heard new york city cops before
let me break it down for u.
i think muse is better than the strokes
thats my subjective opinion
u think strokes is better than muse
we both disagree
no point in talking anymore
subjective is a cop out
strokes are fantastic, a lot of their stuff is great. voidz are ok like a bit of their stuff, but i just really want a new strokes album
is it good?
let me break it down for u.
i think muse is better than the strokes
thats objectively true
u think muse is better than the strokes
we both agree
no point in talking anymore
objective is a cop out
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