Why do men always take pictures of things with booze or guns in the background

Why do men always take pictures of things with booze or guns in the background

Attached: 99251bfe-c183-4bdf-addb-1e7e48f49843_zps6x5heysw.jpg (1024x768, 135K)

because we are always drinking.
and in the USA they are always one drink away form shooting people.
last but not least, for some people the booze and the guns ARE the object of the picture.

Why do women and soiboys always include themselves on the object they want to take a photograph of

What does this have to do with music? OP is a massive faggot

there;s cassete tapes and audio equipement in the photo you fag. the guy was reviewing how music sounds on tapes

They don't.

Humans are sociable creatures and like showing off who they are. It's no different than chart threads

Why do women take photos with things they want to show in the background and themselves in the foreground?

They do it because it says:
>I like to have a good time, but don't fuck with me or I'll kill you

Attached: 3dc.png (680x344, 173K)

>he thinks this drawing is sufficient evidence

yes they do and you know it, numale

Those are blank cassettes and the thread makes no reference to music. Enjoy the ban and fuck off.


Guns look cool and can add a different aesthetic to an image.
t. /k/

they can go off at any second and should be locked in a safe

so should you

Because men like other things beside themselves

If you buy a cheap one, yeah. Most don't do that.

because society for 100s of years think a strong male is based on how much he can drink & if he can protect u with his pew pew lazer

>he thinks saying “they don’t” is a sufficient refutation
If you’re not a retard you don’t need evidence, I’m guessing you have never been on instagram