Who are your favourite singers?

Who are your favourite singers?

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not this shit again.

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Yea Forums has such a terrible taste in women jesus

the wall did a number on her LOL

Chibi from The Birthday Massacre

>doesnt talk to women
>has terrible taste in them

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I thought we were talking whose singing we enjoy, not who we want to fuck. Absolutely would btw

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Laurens A+, what the fuck do you mean?

>industry plants aren't rea-

It means he doesn't go outside and talk to women

wow is many of seen to her bobs!

>grotty scot
yeah, ok

your mum is the grotty one you english scum

Nah, A+

Shit on Babymetal all you want, but Su is a great singer

That Brandon fucked up

... and thread deleted in 3 ... 2 ... 1


He didn't though. Lavren is such a fucking vapid whore she fucked with the wrong guy. Can you morons just let it die already? Also, Brandon hasn't posted in months.

okay lardass

She went after Brandon and 7kt. They thot patrolled the shit out of her, and Brandon untentionally fell for her. You dont remember?

> everyone who isnt lying about Brandon is Brandon
Rent free

Where is goober anyway? I haven't seen him post in a long time. He's not dead is he?

inb4 calling everyone monty

should be so lucky

He doesnt post here anymore.

aw man

not a big loss for music

He still posts here, just anonymously. He said he dropped the trip for good.

He doesn't post here anymore why do you keep on trying to say that he does? Why are you so obsessed with him

any more sexy lauren pics with boobs?

Literally any pic of her

Yea Forums has a terrible taste in everything

talent is sexy

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I think the word you're looking for there is "accidentally"

he fell pretty hard, he probably still isn't completely over it

sup brando

A broken heart can be a bitch sometimes

bb :3 bb :3 bb :3 bb :3 bb :3 bb :3 bb :3 bb :3 bb :3 bb :3 bb :3 bb :3 bb :3 bb :3 bb :3 bb :3 bb :3 bb :3 bb :3 bb :3 bb :3 bb :3

Fucking hell, Brandon. Even as user you're still annoying bumping your shitty threads.

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I'm pretty sure this isn't Brandon