Attached: EAuORDIU0AAw9rc.jpg (1000x1500, 393K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>posting the worst girl

we wanted a yeji thread

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Yujin and Yuna are literally children, you sickos.

last time she was posted threads got nuked and anons banned


Attached: 1563802823550.jpg (1200x1800, 293K)

very true

Attached: 1564346271943.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Did icy win something already?

Attached: 2019-05-01_Bw6cL71F84M.jpg (1080x1350, 208K)


Attached: nako_1544828170568.jpg (1024x1365, 171K)

being binnie’s strangelove

ew this goblin isnt nako

I love her so much bros

Attached: 67663625_220782325550948_8500205438610699845_n.jpg (960x960, 252K)

The dress is a little too tight.

Attached: tight 39.webm (608x710, 2.22M)

my heart

not the guy you're talking to but i found this one, don't know if there is another in better quality though

Attached: 1515466365514.webm (600x600, 443K)

i honestly didn't know that she's 17
my bad

Serial dater

Attached: 2019-03-25_Bvb0MN9FV-1.jpg (726x480, 29K)

Attached: yeayuzz.jpg (311x312, 20K)

Oh wow, bet it creases like a bitch.

Attached: tight 10.webm (720x1280, 1.92M)


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CEO-nim bought the wrong size again.

Attached: tight 33.webm (588x1080, 2.87M)

i looked it up, this was the one i was talking about

Attached: OnlyUnderstatedIndigobunting.webm (1280x720, 980K)


Attached: 1563931755833.jpg (1920x1080, 209K)

this and the robot dance right before it are the cutest parts of the dumb dumb video

looks perfect to me

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fat fuck

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Are we supposed to believe that the girls of Itzy are strong, independent women who don’t give a fuck?

Attached: 2018-12-04_Bq-j6dlA7Ff.jpg (1080x1350, 88K)

the b in bdsm stands for binnie

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It’s 2019.

Attached: 201705151512777682_591946e8d1f8e.jpg (2000x3207, 1.19M)

fuck that stage was so hot how will she top it this year

Attached: 2018-06-24_BkZLaaTh9uc.jpg (540x530, 34K)

no wonder twice is so successful

how can momo act stupid so well? or is she really just that low iq?

Attached: 1563802890020.jpg (1667x2500, 273K)

i know the dance whats the song tho?

comeback when

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by being absolutely perfect in every way

Attached: 1547568002794.jpg (2048x1379, 419K)

thats the best part

She actually has the highest iq among idols

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I believe in her

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like jesus

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Attached: DY40zJbU8AAgn9Y.jpg (1534x2300, 638K)

noooooo don't die please
be my gf instead

Attached: 1547920281121.webm (404x720, 2.95M)

Attached: 1561924710254.webm (432x600, 1.39M)

My bussy pops when I listen to Ladi Dadi

be happy you are gainfully employed

i knew it

Attached: 469a543.jpg (750x1334, 186K)

The fuck is ladi dadi?

Momo is a poet

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A banger

unfortunately it's jeongyeon who looks like an idiot here

She's saving herself for a chinese billionaire

>throwing gang signs at fan meets

This will teach her

Attached: IMG_20190730_045823.jpg (465x495, 37K)

My wife Cheng Xiao is very cute and funny

Attached: D_wTtM1UEAYL4Ku.jpg (1365x2048, 181K)

this is really cute

jongers being a cunt as always

Attached: 1541149765793.jpg (800x1000, 93K)

how come momo had the most to say and the others just wrote blurbs

Friendly reminder that Jeongyeon and Momo share a bed and hold hands when they fall asleep because of Momos nightmares

I'll pos the best one next

Attached: 20190529_085005.jpg (850x814, 468K)

Do you think Somi will chuck a tantrum when ITZY wins ROTY on Thursday

seems like she really is the highest iq member in twice

Attached: 1563780166360.jpg (1080x1080, 86K)

asking jeongyeon to write about momo is a mistake to begin with. she’s the type to laugh at her own jokes and probably thought that was a banger.

Thats what jyp wants you to believe

Attached: 1554747361043.jpg (1534x2048, 515K)

Are you talking about Lovey Dovey by T-ara, you absolute illiterate Mongoloid?

Attached: 1550614793946.jpg (2800x4200, 2.94M)

Koop idols are so fake.

gm big W

Attached: EAtvu-pVAAIMqYe.jpg (800x1199, 143K)

sana might be the dumbest

This is the good one

Attached: 20190529_093743.jpg (1604x3117, 1.94M)

Shouldnt it be twice no leader? I dont even know japanese

My kind of girl.

Attached: jihyo 2.webm (472x1032, 2.8M)

what earpiece is she using?

and very autistic
and we love it

Attached: 《极限青春》完整版第3期:王一博挑战公主抱程潇,见女滑手发力后悔没选 (788x872, 2.15M)

does she just play with the pumpkin seed or go all the way into the pumpkin pit?

Attached: IMG_0016.jpg (2121x3000, 1.91M)

>You will never have a love triangle with Momo and Mina
Why even live

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Attached: mean cutie.webm (854x480, 2.95M)

I can help momo with that

Attached: 1541673923239.jpg (582x1024, 115K)

Sorry about your retardation

>tzuyu thinking she's binnie
her os needs an update

Attached: OMG_0087.jpg (1250x2000, 600K)

How do they keep winning

jihyo is so based

>there are guys who could probably pull it off
>its not us

Bye for now, going to gym to lift for my gf

Attached: IMG_20190729_185542.jpg (1365x2048, 349K)

Attached: wony.jpg (2048x1678, 1.06M)

>momo confirms all members are about to get preggo
>tzuyu confirms she fucks gucci

Does ITZY have what it takes to break through in America?

Had no idea this song existed.



big whites

Attached: 1564429032136.jpg (1920x1080, 1024K)

any sharkman in

Attached: 03742.jpg (888x1331, 132K)

>wants to have children someday
wow what a whore...

Attached: 42003801_330834760811801_8263472745352253710_n.jpg (1080x1080, 119K)

Are Yeji and Lia chinese rapebabies? they don't look korean at all

>Many were impressed by her visuals as well as her height and Korean media, Insight, ended up calling her the ‘living barbie’. YuNa appeared to have the perfect visual and body ratio which allowed many to be amazed.

Attached: 1551308800538.webm (470x466, 1.87M)

they don't have any meme streaming records or charismatic members so probably not

What the fuck? They’re literal hobbits.

their concept and having only five members helps out. and lia speaks english. I’m gonna say yes

absolutely based

Must have saved it in my other phone.

Attached: Yerin_Eating_Caught.webm (1280x720, 1.55M)

Me on the right, seething.

thats my wife though

Attached: Battle Trip 배틀트립 Ep.101 Wendy X Seulgi’s trip to Austria.webm (1244x700, 2.92M)


Attached: EAuGohzU0AQbO6i.jpg (1200x1801, 250K)

my queen already ruling kpop at 15!

LMAO the roastie in the back is SEETHING

post then you lazy

Momo can already start with mina's baby

i don't like guys with double eyelids

She's saving herself for a white man actually

these girls melt my heart. i want nothing but the best for them.

Attached: 1558856193882.jpg (1600x1079, 609K)

im not familiar with RV who is the girl that is not slug?

She deserved ROTY

Attached: D9Td-TnUYAY5S3f.jpg (1200x1800, 267K)

For a white billionaire then

i don't see how yeji looks not korean
lia to me at most has vaguely greek features

Why does Twice even bother to make a sexy concept when half the members look and act like childre, only Momo, Jongers, Mina and Tzuyu can pull it off, not even Jihyo can do it

dont some awards shows have roty for soloist categories

pure btw

who cares Yuna moggs them all

MGMA combines them and they are going to give it to ITZY over somi

Attached: 1563667980114.webm (394x504, 302K)

A very cute girl named Wendy whom I love

Attached: 66125534_463170354233083_4427475572306295501_n.jpg (1080x1211, 76K)

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now that icy is a flop, what's next for itzy?

they went slutpop and put out AOTY and SOTY quit complaining

Attached: Hiichan my waifu.png (1200x790, 566K)


Attached: 1541444200628.jpg (850x478, 50K)

oh she's that canadian slut

Low blow

Love is like a wave except you can control its height. At its lowest height, you can forget about it. When there is no more wave, you can never create that same wave again, it's all over. You can't love her anymore. But if you take care of that wave in your heart, you can increase its height at any time to feel the full strength of love again. I'm making Cheng Xiao my tsunami

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Attached: Hiichan my waifu 2.png (1200x782, 854K)


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she's ugly

Attached: 1549872302565.jpg (1178x1798, 777K)

The music is good, it's just outright nasty to see members like Chaeyoung, Nayeon and Dahyun try to act sexy and slutty


Attached: IMG_5402.gif (334x420, 3.73M)

Why can't white roasties be this pure

Attached: IMG_20190730_045742.jpg (334x533, 49K)

i agree dubu is not for lewd


Attached: 201904241756775431_5cc024ded91a0.jpg (2116x2703, 707K)

Yeji eyes look 100% chinese to me

>why can't roasties be pure
really user?

Attached: binnieface.jpg (474x415, 37K)

why are loonachads this based

I wonder if JYP are paying royalties to Ariana Grande when Momo ripped off everything about her look

monos are less common among chinks

Attached: cute Hiichan.webm (500x500, 1.44M)

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That's pretty mean user

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i miss exid


Attached: IMG_20190703_015124.jpg (639x1016, 73K)

wendy is not slutty

Attached: 1542908367610.webm (480x854, 2.88M)

Attached: OCst1v6.jpg (1364x2048, 176K)


she looks like a pornstar

A cup face

Attached: cute Hiichan2.webm (500x500, 732K)

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Attached: 1562954318580.webm (696x800, 2.92M)

why does she look like a bitch

Attached: EAPRA31UYAIi6qA.jpg (1125x1688, 214K)

sv_gravity 1200

Attached: big bob girl hi.webm (540x1108, 857K)

Attached: EAPRA30VAAAI4PK.jpg (1125x1688, 202K)

fat faced freak

Wisdom Of The Bear

Attached: 1564261573537.jpg (1280x2160, 523K)


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Attached: EAPRA33U4AAZaka.jpg (1125x1686, 209K)


Attached: 1563555047375.jpg (2876x4418, 2.99M)

that guy was messing with you, newfriend. nobody cares

Attached: olivia.webm (1280x720, 2.54M)

is that skin cancer on her leg


Itzy bitzy spoder

did ariana pay royalties to nicki minaj?

don't look there

Attached: 1558785369881.jpg (6090x4062, 2.2M)

what a qt~

Check out the thicc hottie in this group!!

Attached: 9E8A8E69-9115-4F40-8AAD-11762305F1E1.jpg (1000x667, 235K)

my kind of thicc

Attached: seungah noona.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

cuz you're a bitch projecting your bitchiness onto pure innocent gahyeon

h u l

Attached: EAU73MUUwAAUSQz.jpg (1365x2048, 614K)

Gahyeon ain’t a bitch, but she’s definitely eating a lot more than her group

Attached: 7A4CE1F8-7FEF-462F-BA22-0F11D3443D12.jpg (510x731, 48K)

hiichan is amazing

does she have boobs now?

Fancy isn’t even close to slutpop

i blame ariana for the rise of bratpop in kpop

fat asians are definitely my thing

>Article: Kim Samuel, man who killed father arrested -> tears of mourning

1. [+1,382, -283] Wow... his father was murdered and he's really posting pictures of himself with his hand in his pocket, posing, with hashtags and all on Instagram... really daebak

2. [+778, -29] Apparently this is normal in Mexico or other foreign countries. Families will take pictures next to the casket as a way of remembering their last moments. I know it's not normal in our country's culture but it's disrespectful to go around saying that it's not "logical" or you don't "understand" it just because you think Korean culture is the standard. Every culture is a culture in its own right.

3. [+759, -120] But... am I the only one bothered by him taking a picture like that next to the casket...? I get that we're in a new generation but... pictures like this... feel wrong...

4. [+438, -100] ...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ His father's dead and yet... he's posting pictures on SNS

5. [+341, -71] Am I the only one bothered by these pictures?

6. [+115, -12] Samuel, find strength

7. [+100, -3] These pictures were taken after the official funeral. He did everything he had to in a black suit. These were taken before his father was buried. His father was murdered just two weeks ago, do you really want to be leaving hate comments for him right now?...

8. [+63, -8] I'm sure he took those pictures as a way to remember his last moments with his father

9. [+47, -7] What culture difference? He came to Korea before middle school, he's basically Korean at this point. He immigrated here when he was super young and went to Korean schools for elementary, junior, and high school. He's no different from Han Hyun Min.

Attached: kek.jpg (540x1081, 185K)

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what is it about hiichan that makes me want to smack her face?

Attached: D_pbRwnU4AEO6Os.jpg (2048x1364, 270K)

Gahyeons definitely getting bigger

Attached: 613CF632-84D1-458C-8313-4F25EABEEBA3.jpg (885x878, 123K)

shes a growing girl thats all

Attached: 4img4sg3zk9r.jpg (1920x1080, 100K)

he's the one with a murdered dad i think he can catch a break for this

so tight

most likely jealousy

Why is he so useless? It's painful to watch him on stage and in MVs (at the back, where he belongs) because he's so fucking bad at everything.

Attached: jin.jpg (640x934, 84K)


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I'm fucking tired of these falseflags, give it a break for fucks sake

low self esteem

I'm going to marry Lee Saerom

he's not great but he's generally less grating to listen to than jimin or peanut butter mouth

not sure how I feel about people posting funeral pics on SNS but knetz sure are cunts

too bad he only gets four lines per song


holy fucking source

Is that guy an idol? How the fuck his father got killed in mexico?

Attached: 1510861765085.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

Hiichan more like Shiitchan

Attached: DY4005dUQAEBhJn.jpg (1533x2300, 639K)

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Attached: D-5GczHUYAAwcVl.jpg (1366x2048, 337K)

true. and theyll only be singing more of the songs when he enlists

What is it about Eugene?

he's hapa and his parents live in america. he was going to be in seventeen but his mom made him go back home because he was too young

Attached: .jpg (736x981, 108K)

he's actually funny, I hope he will started hosting variety show after finishing his military service, like Heechul

hubba hubba

Attached: ShockingPastelLcont.webm (400x432, 128K)

will twice and red velvet ever do a concert in europe?

Attached: 66f9daadd5cd0cba21550ec8934c0b7a.jpg (736x981, 132K)

i hope never
eurocucks are the worst scum

Attached: 1561173482877.jpg (1200x1800, 465K)

There's something about Yuna


Attached: be0f5c7e2da1c1046255df507b2aea67.jpg (736x736, 110K)

white and 8in dick and not fat
how easy is it to day kpops in korea

stop saying funny shit wheels

Attached: Lia10_.jpg (2000x2000, 666K)

What do u like??

Attached: 26DC1616-D9EF-4FA4-9DF8-2949EAFC93F5.jpg (504x720, 169K)

nooo eurochads nooooooooooooooooooooo

the idea any kpop idol would want to be like her is completely backwards and bizarro world

if you're ugly, forget it

Attached: fat rolls.webm (436x800, 2.88M)

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I want to know the girl's name

Attached: 1497498142419.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

chungha and her company basically came out with an entire comeback and album to emulate her
it's not even 'cute pop princess' ariana, it had to be brat-riana

Not enough Erii posting in here

What is she wearing underneath

(G)I-DLE just had a successful Japanese showcase in Japan with 1,500 in attendance in Nagoya

They're gonna be a sleeper hit

Attached: EAO2AryUcAAbUhy.jpg (2048x2048, 302K)

Attached: EAt5q6dU0AAEovN.jpg (1333x2000, 390K)

She’s such a plump piggy

Attached: tumblr_o75i8sCz391qk12q0o1_1280.jpg (1280x1917, 599K)

the reason no one is here is because we're watching korean twitch girls slut it up

Two members of E-Girls supporting (G)I-DLE's Japan debut

Attached: EAMbcylUwAQeJIR.jpg (750x528, 78K)

not in a million years

Attached: 37816a482cbe23ef5422a75b6f8c6607.jpg (736x552, 83K)

hope you get better soon

Kpops have never dated a white guy because they're no longer or not from the lower tiers of society that tend to date outside of their race.

you're all lucky he's out of korea, he'd be stealing all your waifus

Attached: EAuuUQrWkAAenu9.jpg (1079x1630, 138K)

my wife is short blonde and gorgeous

Attached: EAureI3UYAAaNS7.jpg (2048x1516, 297K)

Tomorrow (G)I-DLE shows Japan how girl crush is really done

Attached: EAureI6UYAAu9Lf.jpg (1424x1150, 312K)

Attached: 15577573347563.jpg (800x1200, 252K)

thank you, you just ruined my day

Attached: 2f0c482b7c044d737fccf418f571dba4.jpg (736x736, 114K)

The clawsome piggy keep getting postes

nugu? lay?

if one more group falls to roastiecrush i'm dropping kpop

Attached: 4b5a219cc15b931a0840db4e161ea4c4.jpg (736x936, 151K)

CLC. Does anyone care? Did anyone ever?


Attached: tumblr_o0veo3Jjkh1qg5nyao4_r1_400.gif (268x200, 1.93M)

dating =/= fucking behind the scenes

CLC was really popular in their debut days

cube does, to the point they keep losing money

g-idle are literally the worst at it and it's not even close

fake news

no, stop please

yep theyre a top group now in 2019

So why are they doing so well in Jap and Kor

That doesn't sound true

>Nayeon's birthday.webm

is that Chyna of WWE in the right?

They're not

I miss short hair Hyelin.

Attached: Hyelin_LIE_03.gif (250x140, 706K)

because yuqi is cute

never heard of this group before

No she isn't

E-Girls is based, better than some of these useless kpop groups

I prefer this kind of Livehouse event than large venue event


such a cute weirdo

i miss cx
what happen

Only a nugu fan would

very true, especially their joint project groups

lia just said that she looks up to irene


Hopefully not in my area