hideous album cover
Hideous album cover
alice in chains is fucking terrible
glam rock shit pretending to be grunge fucking pathetic
there's a reason based Kurt hated these FAGGOTS
just an awful band really
this one is pretty awful
Haha. I like both bands but Would? is better than anything Kurt ever wrote.
Didn't stop Metallica ripping it off
awful album cover for an awful band. at least they gave us a heads up to not buy it.
and Kurt used his starpower to pull strings in the industry and have people fired who he didn't like. he was a pretentious, manipulative guy, everyone isn't who you think they are
How the fuck are they glam have you even listened to them?
alice in chains had way more talent than that fucking hack did. glad he an heroed
kek, what were they thinking
Would isn't even in the top 5 songs on Dirt
I agree. For me, it’s almost any other song on the album, especially Sickman, Dirt, Junkhead, Down In a Hole, and Hate to Feel
>that Nirvana obsessed teen that calls everyone that isn't Nirvana "faggots"
Haven't seen you in a while.
That’s a 10/10 cover art.
The original was worse, all 4 band members faces blurred together
>Kurt used his starpower to pull strings in the industry and have people fired who he didn't like
only bad cover itt
Shut the fuck up Murakami is based
>He needs proof that a raging leftist did leftist things.
do your research dude, he sent letters to geffen asking for his wife to be promoted more and for a female journalist he didn't like to be fired or else he'd quit, he also left messages on her answering machine threatening her and asking her to fuck. which is based, but also hypocritical for a "feminist" but that's exactly what he was, a hypocrite, a fraud. a fraud who could make good music
>glam rock
>could make good music
you fool, you fell for his biggest fraud of all
Now I'm hard.
Great record, bad cover.
> .
Not this poster but this story is told more clearly in "Heavier than Heaven"
Its amazing how much courtney made Kurt lose his mind
you just posted cringe bro
hilarious i’m sure it’s intentionally bad right? great album
I'm pretty sure this was done to piss people off which actually makes it kind of funny.
OP said horrible covers, not based covers
The art is good. The album though...
whats with bands and merging faces on album covers? this is a great album though
in the end its just murasaki
You know what else is hideous?