Guys, I like, totally Love jazzz!!! yaass

>Guys, I like, totally Love jazzz!!! yaass
>Can't explain the music theory behind his "favorite" jazz albums
If you can't explain what makes those albums truly great in terms that couldn’t be just as validly applied to many other jazz albums, you’re probably full of shit and consider those albums the greatest because you know you’re supposed to.

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t. Nominal

Are you seriously still mad about this morning? Holy fuck, dude.

>If you can't explain what makes those albums truly great in terms that couldn’t be just as validly applied to many other jazz albums, you’re probably full of shit and consider those albums the greatest because you know you’re supposed to.
lmao imagine being this ass pained about people liking music because they like the way it sounds. You're probably the type of nigga that gets actually upset in real life when someone says like some normie music.

Because I fucking like the way it sounds that's why you elitist cunt

>uses a tele
>not the chad hollow body

Explain why the theory behind it is good, pseud.

have sex m9, your obsession with Yea Forums is not healthy

I don't know and I don't care to. People can enjoy the way some music sounds without being a fucking expert on the genre, you ass. It's like asking somebody to explain in depth why their favorite color is red.

>It's good, I just can't tell you why

Because I like it, sperg. I don't have to have a reason to like things.

i like the way it sounds lole damn bro ur retarded

learning and practicing improv has elevated my music listening experience

I'm literally a jazz musician and i dont give a shit if people understand the theory or not. Nobody even said that it was "good." They just said they liked it.
Do you think Miles gave a shit whether his fans understood that so what was only 2 chords? fuck no but they recognized it sounded hip without knowing why and bought his record.
most people dont know why hella songs use V-IV-I progressions but nobody's shitting on them for not understanding pop music

Based user, I buy your tickets and your records. Shit on me and be out of a job. If OP had his way he'd be playing in front of 2 people.

If an adult can't speak and write correctly, wouldn't you think that that person's a retard? Why treat musical thoughts differently when we already know it's that detailed?

My point is if your favorites in jazz are miles davis, coltrane etc you're a pseud. Im sure you'll agree with me as a jazz musician theres so much better music in the genre

if you haven't had degenerate sex you can't listen to anything by genesis p orridge

>You have to be a master chef to enjoy a fancy meal
>You have to be a film maker to comprehend an art film

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ok boomer

Yea but once people start to say they like them, you'll throw another fit and post on Yea Forums about it.

Post your picks then. Especially records that match Coltranes playing on Giant Steps.

Sonny rollins

Completely different style than Coltrane are you high or something?

that ain't no tele

what is it then

I'm not sure. This is a tele.

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>it's the same shape

do you think they made the fucking jazz because of some fucking theory? they didnt care about the sound?

Theory is gay you have ears for a reason, theory is a crutch for non musical hacks