Pick one.
Pick one
*picks one*
In utero easily
It goes Bleach>In Utero>Early demo tapes/Incesticide>Nevermind
Foo Fighters-The Color and the Shape
Anyone who picks Bleach is just being a contrarian.
Alice in Chains - Dirt
in utero is noise rock that’s too afraid to be noise rock, nevermind is one of the best pop records ever made
s/t is better you fucking plebs
fuck this meme band for edgy tweens
I love the off-kilter tracks on In Utero but it felt like they didn't fully commit to it, Pennyroyal Tea is boring, and a few others on there aren't interesting either.
>The 1995 brings instead the pompous and funereal hard-rock of Alice In Chains (Columbia), in the name of a grim and grim attitude, of a thick, leaden and pounding sound, of dark and fatalistic lyrics. The disc fluctuates dangerously between the collection of coarse platitudes (the obtusely Black Sabbath of Sludge Factory ) and the infernal nightmare rendered in a hypnotic way ( Brush Away ), finding the hit turn with the dull litter of Grind . The only exceptions to the rosary are the acoustic blues of Heaven Beside You , in line with the previous Ep, and the drunken ballad of Nothin 'Song . It's a bit like the Tonight's The Night analogueby Neil Young, but Layne Staley, probably "cooked" by drugs and artificially kept alive (artistic), has become one of the most monotonous singers in the history of grunge, and the total lack of sense of humor begins to weigh on this light heavy music. The prophecies of imminent death seem to be confirmed by the abulia of this work.
MTV Unplugged
this. Bleach has some good songs on it but it's the Pablo Honey of Nirvana (minus a staple hit)
>I took a creative writing class in college
>album literally about drug addiction and death
>complains that it lacks a sense of humor
lmao based scaruffi
scaruffi is a university math professor
He should stick to that.
also he doesn’t translate his shit from italian
people forget most of what we read from him are awkward translations from his fanboys
that was just google translate actually
In Utero > Nevermind > Bleach > Incesticide
In Utero>Bleach>>>>>>>>Nevermind.
While Nevermind sounds good, it is a little too obvious about ripping off the Pixies and the Breeders.
wow you're so cool man you know the pixies haha you must know sooooo much about music
oh my god user you listen to pixies and the breeders?????? you're so cool haha you must know so much about music like for real lol haha
>the breeders
Based and Red Pilled
Bleach has a better sound than both of them though
Shoot the pregnant lady, fuck the capitalist infant and merry the film negatives.
>But they didn't really commit to it.
Their record label wouldn't let the band go full out Noise and kept fucking with the recordings behind their backs. From what I understand none of them were happy with the final product of the Album.
I'd say Nevermind is their best, In Utero my fav (even though I haven't listened to them for a while) and Bleach the one I'm enjoying the most these last days (mainly because of the heavy Melvins influence)
With the lights out>Nevermind>In Utero>Bleach>Incesticide
Nevermind is their worst one because B-side sucks ass. Also Bleach sounds like the other Late 80's Seattle punk stuff so its a no brainer
>B-side sucks ass
worst opinion i've heard in a while
if you think songs like stay away or on a plain are anywhere comparable to the rest of nirvanas discography you are wrong
In utero probably, though I find myself listen to Nevermind more often
>stay away
TP, Stay Away and Breed are the weakest on the album.
>on a plain
fuck yes it is comparable
and if you don't think Drain You, Lounge Act and Something In The Way are more than comparable you're deaf
in utero