Fear Inoculum. AOTY incoming?
New Tool album 8/30
is this cover legit? and yes, definetely will be AOTY
there's no way this is the album cover
Not the album cover, just a screencap of their Instagram post.
wow. can’t wait
It's a still from the latest video they put on their instagram
Wow, that's fucking garbage art. Almost as bad as APC's last one.
And no, it won't be AOTY. They're past their prime and out of ideas, and clearly only made this record to shut the fans up.
This look like a cover from a very very bad Godsmack/Creed album
When will the album be released and how do you know it’s gonna be rated 8/30?
lmao imagine already thinking this and the albums not even out yet. retard
Here's a better pic without the video distortion
That better be a single cover or some shit lmao
All of their stuff is going up on all streaming formats this Friday too
lol what kind of TOOL would approve this album art?
gonna be bad nu metal
literally no one cares about Tool in 2019
This looks like trashy 2002 metal art.
Does anyone here actually think that's the new album cover? Idiots.
Oh well at least us smart people will finally get real music instead of the shit Yea Forums listen to.
I bet the actual physical is going to be some kinda weird trippy shit
Imagine waiting 13 years for a masturbatory buttrock album
can we start toolposting now again
t. zoomer
anyone else who used to be a Tool fan when they were like 18 but hasn't listened to the albums in years?
>Does anyone here actually think that's the new album cover? Idiots.
They posted this clip following days of posting previous Tool album covers animated. this most likely is the cover, or at least a part of it.
no. definitely not. screenshotting your post
Lateralus still has some cool songs but as a whole their sound really aged like milk.
what makes you say that?
I don't think Lateralus has at all. Aenima and 10k Days have, for sure.
They don't give a single fuck anymore, and I love it
it fits tool styles of making seroius music while taking the piss out of it too. there old school logo is a fucking dick for fucks sake
This is not the album cover obviously.
Proud millenial, suck my dick. Tool is trash
Who else psyched there is gonna be modular synth all over this album?
All millenials should die. The scum generation.
Finally, a single good album released in 2019
We millenials made Yea Forums what it is, you incel.
>made Yea Forums what it is
Shitty? Yeah I agree. Anyways this album is going to be kickass. Fuck any faggot who doesn't like Tool.
That's very interesting, gramps. Seriously it's been far too long, get a damn job already
Imagine being in your 40s and spending the day shitposting in an anime site
>omg modular :O
Who the hell cares about this soft rock dronefest
this will be AOTY
Fantano will rate it 10/10
cap this
It won't be anywhere close to AOTY, I heard few songs and they sound mediocre, this is going to be filler album.
As someone already said they are past their prime and out of ideas.
based. millenials are all buzzfeed reading starbucks drinking hipster crybabies gen Z rise up
I liked them when I was young and smoked weed, you are right
>Thank you for your patience
What did they mean by this?
Never come here anymore because it is filled with a bunch of autistic zoomer proto hipsters. Have sex. Goodbye. See you in 2034 for the next Tool release.
bro i love goob
Lateralus is the only record that has held up.
Does Maynard still think he's smart as fuck? Are Justin and Adam still mediocre musicians? Is "LOL OUR DRUMMER DRUMMED A PENTAGRAM COUNTERCLOCKWISE" still a cool thing in 2019? Are they still writing songs over 10 minutes long when they only have like 2 minutes worth of music so they loop the same riffs over and over?
13 years is a long time, I'm willing to bet they spent that time with their thumbs up their asses instead of bettering themselves.
I'll buy it, and it'll be the first physical album I've bought since 10,000 days, because they still put effort into their packaging. Although it's a bummer they don't have an Alex Grey piece on the cover.
What I'm not looking forward to is 5 years of pinheads obsessing over every fucking little thing to decipher the real meaning, maaaaaaaaan.
Fag music for pretentious fags
>Are they still writing songs over 10 minutes long when they have like 2 minutes worth of music so they loop the same riff from Third Eye over and over
FTFY. Other than that, spot on
You do know that they've been touring for much of that time span, correct? And that Maynard had those little projects A Perfect Circle and Puscifer, right? Adam runs a special effects company, and Justin and Danny do whatever, because they're rich from working their asses off for 15 years before 10,000 days came out.
They have fuck you money, they do things in their own time, and don't care that they're triggering little manlets like you.
that new logo of theirs is atrocious
spotted the brainlet, this is divenci code genius but you didn’t notice the logo is the same upside down/backwards now did you pleb
Maynard has weird taste
who the fuck cares it's ugly as shit
Hot take:
10k days would have been their magnum opus if that faggot maynard didn't phone the lyrics and melodies in. Everyone else was at their peaks musically.
it’s a clue slowpoke
Rumor is there are several tracks that you take two copies, and play one forward and one backwards simultaneously to hear the whole piece as intended. Someone was saying the whole album works this way but that seems impossible?
>They have fuck you money
I guess they why they keep making the same fuck you song over and over...
I'm hoping they go back to Undertow or Aenima era soundwise, but for fucks sake, please let it be better than the snorefest 10,000 Days was.
shut up nigger
that it's been 13 fucking years since their last album
This trick is deciphering which order of tracks to play simultaneously.
They have autism
came here to post this. good lord people papa roach wasn't ever good either
They played two tracks live. Invincible and Descending. Feel free to check them.
As for what it might sound like, that will be song dependent I believe. I know it's rumors and what people say, but there seems to be stuff that makes sense.
One thing that may have been said is that they dislike the spotify generation, where people don't listen to full albums. So they made it so each track embodies the "full album listening" experience by themselves. It also means that each track will also be much longer. Last track of the album is rumored to be 18 minutes long. Both the new tracks are around the 12-minute mark.
Another thing that may have been said also is that they made songs out of a lot of riffs and solos that already exist and sometimes were played during concert, but weren't used in full tracks. The main Descending riffs were actually played in 2017-2018 concerts, while the Invincible one was played in early 2000 concerts. So maybe one song will sound like Undertow stuff.
dude weed
>Maynard is a tatted out douche now
guess i'm out
>fuck your tattoos
Listening to the new songs and what you wrote is more than enough for me to give it a pass. Thanks though.
Aenima is a top 10 album of the 90s
>Invincible and Descending
both are shit
No worries. I'm actually very excited about that album because it's actually my favorite band. So just talking about it brings a smile to my face.
I like them both, even if I was expecting something else from Descending. I was kind of disappointed by how different it sounded than the solo version. I can't be objective about that band, since even the most bland shit they could ever put will still sound like my idea of what tool is, and it will be good for me by default.
He's had tattoos for years. But grats for just noticing now?
Always see a lot of Tool hate on this board, I'm curious, who are these great bands that I should've outgrown them for?
>triggered pleb
why would anyone want to help someone like you
You're exactly the type of person tool fans are hated for being
is that Steve from Blue's Clues?
lmao sure bud whatever you say
Well, on /mu, if you're not listening to some obscure electronica weet weet woot band, you're a pleb. I guess?
They didn't release it 10,000 days after 10,000 days? Fucking pussies, we're just a third of the way there
this art is awful holy fuck
>who are these great bands that I should've outgrown them for?
Deftones in the alternative bracket, literally any actual progressive metal band on the metal bracket
Lmao when was this
It was 10,000 days since their first release Opiate a few days ago
he ruined APC turning the band into Puscifer 2.0, I hope he don't ruin Tool too
The other 3 spent 13 years making this album, Maynard had minimal interactions.
Why would they release an album called 10,000 days, 5000 days after Opiate? And why would a day they released nothing have anything to do with the album title, when Maynard has said something about Saturn, and the time his mother was paralyzed, before she died?
>Fear Inoculum
It's not that this is a horrible title but it does sound very "fuck it just throw something spooky sounding out there"
you're a fucking spaz
It sounds like the name of a fucking goth album
not really
yeah more like a bad industrial album
imagine the smell. is he into being dominated? by feet?
Ah bloo bloo.
the art gave me bad vibes
People actually like this band?
>Using the word "fear" in 2019
Someone's been watching too much corporate news.
>and clearly only made this record to shut the fans up.
The band has been working on this for years, mainly cause Adam Jones is a perfectionist to autistic levels.
trips confirm JOOP
the post literally says Album Art TBA you people are the stupidest fucking niggers in existence
They literally said "album art TBA" you fucking dumbass
This is without a doubt the most significant release this year
welcome to Yea Forums, you dumb cunt of a redditor.
now go back to your hugbox of YAAASS QUEEEN
FYI, Maynard just popped up on Joe Rogan. Where he'll talk about everything BUT Tool, AGAIN, lol.
what is his fucking problem
>Anything I don't like is buttrock
He just really likes talking about wine? Dunno.
Generally agreed with this. I'll still get the new one though.
Joe just spent 20 minutes talking about weed
he talked about tool before the 5 minute mark. chill out
First time listening to this band.
This just sounds like Deftones mixed with Mars Volta but sometimes there's whisper singing what's so good about this
>all these idiots thinking that's the album art
listen more and decide for yourself?
they aren't good at all, don't go further, in the other hand frank ocean is pretty good, start there bro
You want me to tell you and decide for you? They're good, listen more, faggot
I am so far I like Stinkfist. On Eulogy now.. They seem really psychedelic/tribal which I can get into lol
Tell me what you think of Pushit when you get there
it gets more psychedelic and tribal as time goes on.
I like tool but I really want this album to be complete dogshit, like so dogshit not even the most diehard fans can delude themselves otherwise. The amount of worship tool gets is so fucking annoying I want this shit to suck so bad it shatters the world view of every tool obsessed faggot who posts shit like tool not being music but an "experience" and fellating themselves about how much better their music taste is because they listen to fucking tool. God please let this album be complete shit.
Nice quad dubs bro
Don’t bother with them, they’re just wankery lil brain INTJ faggots obsess over
if the videos of them playing the two new songs are any indication you are going to be sorely disappointed.
I haven't listened but if that's the case then so be it. I just fucking hate the pseud retard tool worshipers so fucking much.
hate is for weak people
don't worry man, lateralus is soon going to be seen as their load with 10,000 days being seen as their reload and their incoming being st. anger this is it for them as far as being seen as legitimate artists is concerned
Has any band ever put out a good album after a 10+ year hiatus?
interesting opinion user
Maynard hates his fans so that's probably right
Is there a more "band gets bad rep because fanbase" than these lads?
Daughters' is pretty close to the 10 year mark
It wasn't really a hiatus, they never stopped touring
not that i can think of.
I was joking, for fuck's sake.
>actually falling for that crap
Perhaps you are the faggot
Insane Clown Posse
whoop whoop
>nothing will ever top lateralus
remember this truth
>They're past their prime and out of ideas
>nothing will ever top lateralus
also this
Is it weird that I like early 90s Tool more than anything else they did?
For me, it was kinda more post-metal and drone metal stuff. ISIS, Russian Circles, Sunn 0))), Boris, Neurosis, Godflesh, YOB, Summoning, Panopticon, etc. I still like some Tool songs, but I've really grown to hate their alternative influence.
Not really, but depends what you mean. Undertow is pretty decent 90s alternative metal and Aenima is a less exhausting version of what they became with Lateralus and 10,000 Days
pretty sure it's not the album cover, it's just a title announcement
You do because you came into this thread and wasted your time posting this. Lol what a homo.
When does the album drop and on what platform?
august 30th. cd/vinyl/digital
Avalanches, Slowdive, My Bloody Valentine, and Portishead come to mind. I know somebody already mentioned Swans.
curb your expectations for this album
Agreed. Last Perfect Circle album was pretty shit and it has been a very long time since 10,000 Days.
The only shared member between those two bands is Maynard
Yep. But it just makes me a little cautious about the hype for this new Tool record. I still think it will probably be good though.
Not that user, but ISIS is my favorite of the bunch. Surprisingly enough, they also admitted having a Tool influence. It's really unfortunate they split up, but it was for the best according to them.
Heres the actual cover art retards
Alex Grey is still doing the artwork? I wish that hack would fuck off.
10,000 days and conditions of my parole say hi
What the fuck are you on about? His artwork is fantastic.
>Fear Inoculum
Do the title in english or in latin, not both, REEEEE
>new tool album coming
>literally no one cares
neither of them top lateralus.
I’m happy this album is finally here because now the fucking Tool spammer will stop (the dude that posts how many days there are left until their album)
>Literally no one
>170 replies
but he'll just start spamming how much he loves the album
>10,000 days left till the NEXT Tool album
they said it way after they posted it but keep pretending it was somehow obvious fucking retard
>Why yes, I do listen to Tool, how could you tell?
All their logos through the years have been shit. The one for 10k days is the only one that's almost okay.