
Music for this feel

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just go kys

ok ;_;

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she looks like a fucking bloke

Because it is.

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Oh girl, turn me on
Oh girl, oh turn me on
You know how
Oh girl, touch me soft
Oh, girl

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dem pussy bones

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Tranny Bones?


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Oloff - Doing It Stealthy

Thanks man!

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Unironically this looks like a tranny.

Your brain is probably rotten due to /pol/

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thats nice faggot
what does any of this crap have to do with music?

>any of this crap
You mean "every other thread on Yea Forums right now"? Yeah, nothing

who is this bitch

>hurr everyone else shitposts
thats nice faggot

>everyone else
Me too

Deer stalking hat man, crowned in effortless glory
Magnitudes of viking hats worn by porn stars in tech companies
Shostakovich never stood upon a hill graced with jelly and sunflower seeds