Attached: EAkRkMIUYAMD9kP.jpg (2317x3398, 1.52M)

Other urls found in this thread:

we wanted a yeji thread

that's me gf

based pirate

Arin is pretty but gets mogged by white girls

Attached: 1561831121964.jpg (1080x1208, 72K)



Attached: mysharkbride.jpg (1904x1012, 192K)

>i wonder what kind of pictures you have

why are there five kpop generals good lord almighty, this shit is worse than ecelebs

oh no no no fellow midzys..

i want to eat arin’s a-cups

>JYP is 47
I thought he was like 40

i've got the joonkrin feast in me sights

Attached: 32.webm (1000x1080, 1.84M)

white women scare me desu
eurasian is as white as i can go

Attached: EAjIq3lUYAEInB-.jpg (1080x1620, 224K)

stop posting white girls

Attached: DeU_KuYVMAAJ196.jpg (680x624, 86K)

heejin is the only attractive white girl

Attached: 1560758164175.webm (720x666, 259K)

we love blackpink here

Attached: knight_bunny.jpg (594x984, 115K)

Attached: 40314332_448165782437549_5291782321852681539_n.webm (720x1280, 2.86M)

when did she become thin??

Attached: 190729 트와이스(TWICE) 출국 Departure [김포공항] 4K 직캠 by 비몽 2-19 screenshot.jpg (3840x2160, 1002K)

for me, it'z different

it was Yeji's turn, it's not fair

kpop zoomers like shit girls and groups

no wonder kpop is becoming shit

Attached: fap 151103 jimin 아주대 통통콘서트 AOA 에이오에이 (지민) - 심쿵해 (Heart Attack) [ (609x1080, 2.76M)

please don't call her joonkrin
she is womanrin

Attached: EAj0-2IVAAAh0b5.jpg (1591x2610, 850K)

Attached: file.jpg (1080x1349, 223K)

word this generation is such a disappointment


i thought you were going to make a yeji thread you fucking son of a bitch

womanrin was her previous stage. she evolved from kidrin to womanrin and then again to joonkrin

a moment of silence for the people that always make threads a few seconds too late. fuckin losers

that ankle twist could've ended up much worse. I still have nightmares about that mijoo incident

i love twice


make it a yeji thread next time

We asked for a /kr/ board. Hiro took us to stay in Yea Forums. Blame him.

Attached: ryujin delivering the feetmogging of a lifetime.webm (1430x1044, 2.29M)

Attached: yeji with out a thread.webm (600x720, 1.33M)

yejifag will get no sympathy from me

lisa is becoming a cat lady

I think Twiceboy & Jihyo are drinking buddies
maybe Sana too
I doubt Nayeon drinks often

looks more like snackrin here

watching old jimin pictures and webms makes me sad (and hard)...


Attached: 1560623418289.webm (1046x1460, 2.17M)

Attached: yejudnight.jpg (424x637, 98K)

and that's a good thing, she'll stay pure forever


this comeback, she is working out 4 hour per day or something like that.

for me it's Yeji

sana drinks with momo

why do some assume itzy is going to be a 'leader' gg in the future
theyre obviously created to cover as a gap filler to cover a niche not already taken by twice and the upcoming jypngg(2021)

itzy’s songs are about empowering preteen girls to be true to themselves and not conform to society’s outdated conventions

watch your mouth you little piece of shit, yeji warriors will destroy you

I love my tight little dragon so much bros...

Attached: 1564330589948.webm (1920x1080, 2.39M)

for me, it's the filipina

Attached: 150710 AOA 심쿵해(Heart Attack) 광주 팬싸인회 지민-vJUMXZ21wCw-[00.00.000-00.10.610].webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

shut up IDIOT momo is a gym girl she doesn't drink and is very fit IDIOT

so in other words being unapologetic turbosluts? based

it's all true but it cannot be helped

Attached: IMG_20190728_072156.jpg (2160x3840, 801K)

based and dragonpilled

Attached: 1561433299079.jpg (1000x1000, 394K)

what a woman

very true

Attached: 1563753982122.jpg (790x1138, 339K)

every korean drinks


Attached: 2018-12-29_32.jpg (1000x750, 59K)

true. can't fix stupid

post more yeji

Idols with small teeth...

Attached: EAaqvXQXsAA2rHJ.jpg (1152x2048, 180K)

you can drink occasionally and still be fit

wanna plunder her booty 2bh

is my 6er big enough for kpops

6 figure bank account that is

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Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-29-06-59-20.jpg (720x1073, 456K)

10 8 6

I don't see ITZY getting the same amount of male fans that Twice or even gfriend has. It is too roastie for them.

>niche not already taken by twice
people realizing that niche was having cute girls

i could watch this for hours

Attached: IllfatedScentedApatosaur-mobile.webm (640x618, 268K)

oh no, please dont start spamming momo keklo, dont ruin her for us

Twice is like the Galaxy S line, they have a hit every time Samsung releases a new model

Itzy is like the Galaxy Fold

now that's some nice jeongers

Attached: jeong dtna.webm (1000x562, 468K)

jisoo doesn't care about money

6 4 10

Attached: 2019-06-18_By1j_yklb9O.jpg (1080x1350, 143K)

based liachad

Attached: 1561948175205.webm (574x720, 1.86M)

Attached: EAnaVyVUwAAFApe.jpg (795x1200, 77K)

The galaxy fold was actually a very good idea with a bad execution

>that almost shark button

dont say that, having pets is perfectly normal.

Attached: file.jpg (1080x1349, 216K)


Post her teeth

T-ara stream in 2 hours

Very true


Attached: asi.jpg (507x613, 150K)



Attached: saliva.jpg (530x664, 58K)

weird request but ok

Attached: D6H6fvYXsAAvRj5.jpg (944x944, 119K)


fuck off hwacunt

Attached: IMG_20190722_092014.jpg (1078x1916, 152K)

*licks monitor*


This. As much as I like Itzy it's obvious they're globalist propaganda.

I hate when i have to samefag because no one gives a fuck about me or my waifu
I just want some (You)'s, is it asking too much?


her name is hwagoddess


freakin CUTE

cant believe jyp & itzy stole wekimeki's bratpop concept right from under them, and got away with it completely

its been seven years
SEVEN YEARS since the t-ara scandal
time to let it go you idiots

Attached: 15643432871901.jpg (1600x900, 502K)

>i can't believe jyp stole dogshit
who cares

not until t-rash bows before hwagodddess and begs for her forgiveness

areum was cute in bunny style

this is why you must join Yejibros

Battle of the century!

*vomits from dick*

and it's been only 3 years since we found out the truth

Be thankful. I used to be able to post my waifu in peace and now some motherfucker is trying to put a stake in my claim.

shut up memer

i LOVE yeji

Post fertile Dubu pics

enjoying your rice cake?

Attached: 50016290_1999202166823588_4050548582142269736_n.jpg (1080x1350, 200K)

Attached: 1564339712782.webm (1280x720, 1.84M)

I know that feeling. No responses on the cute rare Nancys so I have to post one of the three ass webms that always get (You)s

Attached: 1551623437491.webm (978x800, 2.97M)

>no one gives a fuck about me or my waifu
Jihyofag? Liafag?
But we like them here

Attached: megamilk_01.webm (472x1032, 2.8M)


Attached: A+s87w22ry.jpg (200x570, 17K)

>itzy and yena on mafia show next week
hell yea


Attached: yejihater.jpg (848x344, 68K)


they all drink

Attached: 1554225086680.jpg (1080x1080, 149K)

how about small hands?

Attached: D00S9PEV4AETlV3[1].jpg (2720x4096, 1.66M)

>thinks this is about hwasa
based newfag


not as much as I do

Is it weird that I get hard by looking at her teeth?

i love this slut

Attached: 1548507352298.jpg (1920x1080, 221K)

he fasts for 20 hours and takes a bunch of supplements to function

enjoying your plunge into complete and utter irrelevancy? meanwhile hwagoddess is an acclaimed actress loved by millions worldwide

cant wait for the pitzy stages

Attached: 1563977945106.jpg (1242x1909, 192K)

so busted she doesn't get any more roles

semen demon


Attached: Twiceboy_pensive.jpg (800x1200, 168K)

my wife Dubu
my second wife Momo

Yeri and Arin have the best teeth in the industry.

Attached: Lx7mdjNN6tZnc26g.webm (720x720, 2.94M)


A real chad must take every role and also fill every hole

Attached: .png (500x276, 174K)

loli luda


people still talk about the taeyeon kicking jessica out of snsd
scandals are forever

Probably gets underage trainee pussy from time to time as well.

Attached: QSJbVpy.jpg (640x800, 168K)

imagine a real twice scandal

Around 20000 pics so all kinds really

Attached: 2019-01-30_BtQV2nmlZ0p.jpg (406x508, 49K)


Attached: 80D41B07-AF62-48DD-B00A-71739086B3CC.png (640x1136, 1.45M)

bitch got dropped from a c-list netflix series

Attached: chaeyeon19.jpg (1000x1500, 277K)

cute binnie

nah you need freedom for that and agencies are like in army these days

Is GWSN gonna make it?

I honestly can't

quite perfect imo

Attached: 1564335779150.webm (1920x1080, 2.73M)

jyp looked old in his 20s and didn't change much since then so it evened out kind of

Attached: 1564337957989.webm (1920x1080, 376K)

dugeun, dugeun, dugeun, dugeun

I don't get it

nobody has even seen a t-rash member outside of a brothel in years

weki meki reverse retroactively copied itzy

>drinking wine

yes i am sure of it

She knows. You can see just by her face that she's actually disgusted by the comment.

>imagine a real twice scandal

When's Momogate?

Attached: mfw_a_Korean_language_test_is_coming_up.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

Attached: 2018-12-05_BrBIr7tFXkc.jpg (828x828, 67K)

she was backstage at some
nigga concert

what happened

oh fuck mommy

Attached: 1558266068280.webm (480x480, 1.81M)

Attached: EAnkxhxUwAAOY67.jpg (1333x2000, 377K)

eewweeeeeww poor Amine

Attached: EAnkxhzVUAEZ9Fw.jpg (1334x2000, 360K)

dilraba is uber cute

Attached: EADPR2KUYAAfw09.jpg (1202x1803, 245K)

lots of girls do that when they are fans of the music

Attached: 1532264369624.webm (1280x720, 2.19M)


perfect fucktoy gf

who the hell is hwagoddess

Everyone talks about babysoul but i've never seen her face

Jennie nooooo

Attached: qnn4n2z636d31.jpg (1242x1241, 175K)


and every time the artists try to fuck them as well

They matured really well indeed

Mature in what way?

jennie fucks white guys

Attached: UnevenWanCaterpillar.webm (350x532, 1.18M)

what the FUCK

Attached: e482e13f9060c8ae68ac1146508ecbd8.jpg (736x982, 71K)

Why are we posting Uyghurs

Attached: 1550373819480.jpg (1200x1800, 248K)

hand on her ass

I love the following fat chicks:

Attached: i keep walkin.webm (1920x1080, 2.67M)


Hmm. I expected her to be uglier.

I keep blastin

word but minus hapa

nobody gives a shit about mamapoo

is that jesus of nazareth?

Attached: AcclaimedDescriptiveAsiandamself.webm (1294x1920, 2.91M)

yeji is ugly

yuki is 100 times more attractive

Attached: mpv-shot0012.jpg (1920x1080, 381K)



the only worthwhile member of that dog shit group t-rash
her name is hwagoddess

cant unsee the people in the background

that body was chiseled by the gods

wow it's shit



Why does she look so old? Lisa is becoming a cat lady, Jisoo has aged 20 years, and Jennie is off at some concert getting bleached and blacked. Was Rose the only respectable one all along?

Attached: es5f91wjqzc31 (1).jpg (1023x2048, 247K)

wtf bro
i thought we were allies...

this but to the squid

literal succubus


anybody else think the squid has a fat gut?

Attached: 1552345198538.jpg (750x750, 55K)


A literal

Attached: 1563782095103.jpg (960x960, 98K)


>mfw bighit got gfriend so txt can finally get laid

Attached: 1552996205119.jpg (1280x1280, 260K)

is this the cutest girl in the world or what

No. She's also very ugly. Yeji and Yuna are the only ones who look good. Ryujin looked good in dalla dalla but is very generic now.

seriously. the western inserts into kpop need to stop. i watch kpop to get away from this fucking wasteland, not be reminded of it

don't make fun of yuki you LOSERS


shut the fuck up twister

semen demon

i love her

can't wait for the fancams...

Attached: e43216859.png (861x485, 578K)

drinking will age you faster than those who drink less or not at all, big surprise


like any of you could even get a squid gf lmao

Attached: D6x2KIFUwAEF5J6.jpg (680x509, 38K)

just google her dumbass, that guy posted her best picture ever

it's only going to get worse

did chairyoung say this?


That's Ryujin

Attached: Nancy__MOMOLAND-958692145170280448-20180131_142313-img1.jpg (450x626, 50K)


ryujin looks cute here

jisoo is allergic to alcohol

exactly, no Amerimutts allowed

>implying any TxT would touch those uggos
Soobin and HueHue and gay for each other and the other cutie seems pretty shy

the beginning of the end

what did they mean by this

why would anybody want a squid gf?

please jerk off to us before you go to bed

Attached: 54511948_823120891363219_6345351292587485824_n.jpg (1080x1350, 95K)

keep your chin up! fellow sharkman

Attached: 37.gif (400x320, 3.7M)

I could with ease

Attached: IMG_9001.jpg (1000x1500, 972K)

well damn

poona's lgbt sjw twitter roastie pandering kicked it all off tbf. jyp is just cashing in because that's what he does

nice try but i'm saving my seed for omg

what a waste

I could with ease

Attached: 220px-Steve_Urkel.jpg (220x329, 16K)

based bungie bro

Attached: 99DE2A505D3DB7802E016A.png (1024x1177, 2.76M)

yeji - shark
chaeryeong - squid
ryujin - dragon

what are the other 2 supposed to be then?

then she need to stop smoking


when does the full album come out?
im hoping for one decent song with cherry

Attached: D-A5xnUXoAEN4kf[1].jpg (2048x1365, 334K)

finally a woman


Lia is an angel
and Yuna is a succubus

Attached: 1563561063667.jpg (750x750, 41K)

she doesn't even know what that is
she would think you are talking about barbecue

mr bean

ogre and psycho It's been decided. Zimzalabim is SOTY 2019.

Lia - sloth
Yuna - red panda

freakin CUTE

don't do that I'm being serious

I could get a yeji gf without even trying too desu

Attached: DrX20HlUwAEuaBB.jpg orig.jpg (1280x1920, 344K)

Attached: 1563942773299.jpg (899x899, 74K)

lia- a f*cking leaf
yuna- literal succubus

>I met Jennie from the block
what did he mean?

>mr bean

beautiful, she's wow

don't do that I'm being serious

I could get a yeji gf without even trying too desu

Attached: 01_Jaleel_Lessons-Jaleel-White-Learned-From-Playing-Urkel_5880798d_ABC-TV_WB-TV_Lorimar_Kobal_REX_Sh (640x800, 56K)

yeah, that guy that posted "HA!" video made me rewatch all Orange Caramel
now I'm sad that it's over

Attached: 64343430_467492687160002_7772135513880907491_n.jpg (1080x1080, 151K)

dont forget BTS, now we have kpop stadium shows in major american cities. its a fucking embarrassment.

why aren't there more sexy adult females like this in kpop anymore? did they all turn to tenpro?

Attached: 1550696807017.jpg (1000x1500, 160K)

shut the fuck up mentally ill nigger I'm gonna kick your ass

>tfw you will never get drunk with jeongyeon

Attached: I want to end it.jpg (815x1300, 72K)

gookbros we got too cocky

Attached: 40022c38883a206030785fcb01c62bfe83da8023.jpg (1668x2154, 358K)

it's not her gut, it's lack of hips

kinda funny how itzy is deep in the BLACKED zone now lmao


I guess I’m out of the loop. Why is yuna a succubus?

Attached: 190729 트와이스(TWICE) 출국 Departure [김포공항] 4K 직캠 by 비몽 1-30 screenshot (1).j (3840x2160, 813K)

This happened to me as well. Really miss them

twiceboy coming home in a drunken rage and beating you

because that one guy desperately wants it to be her thing.

Remember when everyone got banned for zimzalabim posting

what the fuck?

literally one guy


incel projection

don't worry about it

Happy Roa day

Attached: EAlLin1UwAAQeuH.jpg (1062x1422, 189K)

Don't bother clicking it's just ugly Jisoo

don't blink

Attached: sumSmash.jpg (720x960, 126K)

because of her natural aptitude for draining men's balls

Attached: 1558480500809.jpg (1500x2250, 447K)

Attached: 1544484022208.jpg (3840x2160, 651K)

she was too good for kpop desu

wtf i hate yukibros now

Attached: D6yRIr-WwAAWx8v.jpg (1076x621, 62K)

Attached: 1563576772803.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

i get tired when i have to look at her creepy uncanny valley smile

Wish I was that cheesy snack bar

make it a yuna thread

guys im really starting to get sick of kpop. shitty comebacks, lackluster debuts, good groups are rotting or dead, and the worst-- mainstream western interest. if it wasn't for the intermittent fappability of some kpops, id be done, but even then its not as soon as it once was.


see ya later maybe never

nooo boomerchads we got too cocky

I wish I could leave


