Do you think “musical blackface” can be a legitimate critique to music...

do you think “musical blackface” can be a legitimate critique to music? Considering nothing exists in a vacuum and everything has influences

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calling elvis blackface is the laziest shit ever

The problem with this discussion is the list of "Guilty" could never end...that being said i find the acoustic parts of Zeppelin's Bring it on Home kinda fits the bill

Yes. In Amerikkka, everything can be understood to have racial undertones which are especially obvious in vvhytes "taking inspiration" from POC artistically

somebody nuke america asap

That's dumb as fuck and counterproductive as it furthers the narrative that there is some kind of irreconcileable divide inherent in the relation of European-descended and African-descended peoples.

Will white people ever get tired of hating themselves?

uhhhh, you prefer the alternative?

i don't give a fuck about op-eds in tabloids daniel

Are you fucking retarded. This is like saying "fuck trans ppl because gender doesn't exist!!!" Consider the context you fucking retard. Yeah the divide between races is socially constructed but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist and it's kinda impossible to dismantle a social construct thoroughly without addressing it

i wonder why its always white people talking about futile racist things. can we ever not think about racism?

shut the fuck up

I don’t care about the article either it was just one of the first results on google

>nuh-uh you can't express yourself utilizing the common musical lexicon of your native culture because your skin color is wrong!!
That's not dialogue.

Only if Lil Nas X and Hootie and the Blowfish are considered digital whiteface.

I'm not sure what you're trying to imply.

oh i bet

Journalists should all be killed


Is the pseudspeak b8 or are you really this euphoric of a centrist lmao. And are you seriously implying that vvhytes and POC share the same culture, especially during Elvis' times? Boy you sure are a retard

Yes. Billie Eilish is a perfect example of musical blackface.

did anyone notice that he actually came to the conclusion that his assumption was wrong as fuck and that the prime examples he gave actually backfired in the next sentence. i mean, backfire.. backfire.. he was looking to be the guilty white guy, but not today! not today.

Meaningless meme unless you are talking about contemporary European agrarian parties. And they're both American and draw on the pluralities of the American musical language, no?

oh my god can you not talk like a pseud for one second geez louise. and it's just a little more complicated than that, buddy. this might sound crazy but a group of people marginalizing another group might just result in their cultures being a little different.

Only those that stand to gain something from fruitless racial bickering perpetuate this myth that there are irreconcileable cultural differences between the white and black American proletariat.

shut up

Yes. Rappers shouldn't be allowed to use the English language either.

peepoo dog & shoe

>always white people talking about futile racist things

because pointing out easy shit that happened 50 years ago shows how pure & virtuous i am

never said they're irreconcileable, what I'm getting at is that in the current context vvhytes are essentially a labor aristocracy of sorts in america which needs to be dismantled. one of the ways you do that is by stopping vvhytes from hijacking and neutralizing POC culture and allowing a revolutionary nationalism to form among POCs, free from vvhyte interference

If people want to go down this route then everyone must give every invention back to the first originators. One group/culture was influenced by another on how to construct boats? Nope, they can no longer use them as that was the invention of another group/culture. Another invented the Internet, well then every other group/culture cannot use the Internet. That’s how things would be

There is nothing you said there that wouldn't be met with a much greater counter effort

>liberation is gonna be hard so we should all give up

imagine conflating inventions that serve a utilitarian purpose with things that are solely cultural lmao are centrists really this retarded

So these (((journalists))) like globalization but don't want the consequences of globalization? Wow, they're hypocrites, what a shock.

no what they're doing is co-opting and neutralizing ideas that would otherwise threaten their neoliberal agenda. if you genuinely think any instrument of capital actually cares about any progressive issue you're a grade a retard

delusional idealism
nobody likes you people
they want actual solutions to their problems not a tinpot dictatorship run by yuppie faggots

no, just what you stated is going about it in the wrong way that would encourage violence

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I never said inventions were solely cultural but they do have a cultural aspect to them. A Viking ship is a specific kind of ship. If another culture steals their design then that could be argued as a form of cultural appropriation because they did not develop their own design. The inventors of music theory. If another culture takes and uses their ideas to create their own music, then by the logic of the article, they are appropriating another culture. They are using someone else’s idea. I don’t think “musical blackface” is a thing but stealing is and that may be what’s going on here.

Also you’re an asshole

yeah that's true we should just vote away the prison industrial complex and institutional racism and vote in decolonization. that is definitely gonna work
the current system is built on violence. at least revolutionary violence will be for the good
what I was saying is that music (unlike boats) only has value culturally and when an oppressing group of people steals something like that from an oppressed group of people what essentially happens is the oppressed have their identity and additionally any chance of revolutionary nationalism robbed by them in addition to their culture being neutralized so as not to threaten the status quo
my bad

Elvis is LEGENDARY and no amount of butthurt op-eds can ever change that! These revisionist narratives are the consolation prize for filthy pinkos who desperately want to reimagine the past to fit their twisted worldview. Music has no color and musicians have always been inspired by each other to create their art! It is profoundly ironic that people who undoubtedly consider themselves "anti-racists" promote cultural segregation! LONG LIVE ELVIS AND GOB BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!

>Complains about institutional racism
>Wants to dictate what kind of music someone is allowed to record by skin colour

Attached: soyboy.png (377x485, 219K)

Please end our misery, someone

Yes but most groups have been oppressed at some point. You would have to go so far back it would be impossible to trace what exactly came from where and return that specific piece of culture to them. Also warring groups stole inventions from each other all of the time. I fail to see the difference when in the end it is still a group stealing from
another. This could also go to land. Land can hold a cultural significance. Burial grounds, landmarks, etc. We’d have to return every piece of land to the original owners and send every person back to their cultural origin. This seems impossible as there are so many disputes as to who owns what and who has the greater claim over many years of war and colonization across the entire globe

yeah revolution always works

On a more serious note, is not appreciating elvis the mark of a truly plebian musical taste?

yeah it's almost like there's a difference between something systemic and hurting vvhyte people's feelings

>musical blackface

Whelp that decides it just gonna take my pressing of Forty Licks and throw in the garbage where i guess it belongs now. Thanks Cultural Marxist Thinktank!

>It's not systemic when I support the system

Now that I think about it I am totally offended by its clear superiority to all the blues material it was sourced from. Its a good thing I destroyed it

Depends on your agenda. If you’re looking to forward the idea of race classifications being sovereign, clinging to tribalism above all else in its use to unilaterally empower and define all individuals, then yes, it’s a magnificent critique with a fuckton of citations.

If you’re not so solipsistic, collectivist, or brainwashed, then you’ll understand that such a critique only works to categorize humanity into an obstinate inefficiency—the hindus and buddhists are probably right, the bounds between individuals are constructions that are most likely only there to increase a darwinistic fitness, all life is one, Nietzsche’s Will to Power is the root of all nature, there’s absolutely no fucking difference between any of us, our species is a subordinate collective to mother nature, inspiration has no racial bounds, elvis was a necessary manifestation of our species’ cultural evolution, the conception of blackface was an advantageous manifestation of juvenile racially-predicated hatred that managed to produce the very sort of tension and underground culture that propelled western music towards heights and developments that it never would have if it weren’t for slavery or jim crowe, who the fuck knows though because who can confirm that, and yet, here you are, still, asking questions of legitimacy when you might as well be asking questions of unilateral existential teleology, because no one can actually give you an answer that isn’t littered with naivete, bias and delusion.

Is a racial lens sensible? Impossible to answer. It only exists. Can’t speak to value or the objective purpose of anything without omniscience— that’s why Teleology as a branch of philosophy crumbled in the 1700s.

I’m sure you just wanted to not be alone though, stir the pot, share some ideas. Sorry


Yes. Elvis hate is such a forced meme at this point that most NPCs who regurgitate it have never even listened to him. Also people act like Elvis only sang Rock n' Roll when in reality he did all kinds of genres ranging from polka to Hawaiian music. Elvis was a genuinely amazing vocalist and anyone who can't appreciate his musical talent is blinded by ideology.

No, and everyone who perpetuates that notion is either malicious or stupid.

You're pretty much talking like those "Freemen" dopes who thought the law doesn't apply to them. Are you going to start a resistance army in your backyard? Are you going to blow the cops minds with your reasoning when they arrest you?

oh no no no no no he cant keep getting away with it!


Elvis dabbing on multiple cultural genres is part of what makes him a quintessentially American icon.

rockabilly/rocknroll....white doo wop & pop movie soundtracks... easy listening pop country jim reeves type stuff

Sir you underestimate how important how important my wife's son's gangsta rap albums are to his sense of cultural identity. Typical gross rasist, not a good look.

The man had range!

again, I'm not saying that stealing is bad just because stealing is bad, I'm talking about the effect stealing culture from marginalized people has on their potential to break free from the system oppressing them
>he thinks vvhytes are systemically oppressed
holy shit lmao
listen, liberation is going to be super impractical but you still have a better shot at actually changing things than just voting

"Culture" is an abstraction that cannot be stolen and denying people the right to freely exchange ideas is totalitarian. Who do you think owns "culture?" How can you even quantify it? How would you even police people for being inspired by each other?

Hey I actually like Elvis, but that's what it was. it got softer over time

like alright i understand you got gaslit by the computer but if dsa tweens can't convince people it's getting hot outside then how the fuck do you think you're going to convince people to literally die for your nebulous leftcom cause

it's fucking delusional
you are an actual whackjob
ev er y fuck ing chip is stacked against you
you've got nothing



>Wan'ts to compel people to act acording to his personal views
>It's not systemic because it's not happening right now

Why would anyone want to get on board with your idiocy?

How about blacks just fuck off to Liberia then and make their own nation free of evil whitey. Oh....

they practically are by black people

this is a great response and there is certainly no reason to say sorry, I know it’s a contentious issue that could devolve into empty name calling, but my intent wasn’t to stir the pot I was honestly asking how valid this context is to music criticism

>lmao you have a political opinion well implementing it is gonna be hard holy shit you're actually insane
a. yeah it's an abstraction which also happens to hold intrinsic revolutionary potential, what's happening is that it's being subverted so as to uphold an oppressive status quo
b. vvhytes like elvis getting popular off a polished version of POC culture isn't just innocuous inspiration or "free exchange of ideas" as demonstrated above, and if a few innocent guys get caught up in the crossfire it's honestly a tiny price to pay for dismantling an intrinsically violent system
>whitey is equating people stopping him from hijacking culture to systems of actual violence against POC
yeah it's not like America's high standard of living comes from the exploitation of third world countries like Liberia or anything. yeah no every country totally exists independent of one another you are so smart


No, it's a retarded Americanism. American blacks are all taught obsessive racialism because they're still insecure about America's past and try as hard as they can to be different and something other than American. A culture that happened to exploit their global status as slaves. As a result they act like niggers to feel distinct since they know they have 0 ties to Africa. Wakanda is a juvenile dream. Turns out though, that the true source of Racism in America is simply that niggers are antisocial and don't want to be a part of the society that hosts them and subsidizes them into existence. The poor PoC in America! Think of Asian Americans! Those poor oppressed outcasts that moat recently came to the great American society from Vietnam and integrated themselves in all levels of it in less than a generation. Wow, how did that happen?

In terms of music, nobody owns the blues. Not even bubba gump on the Mississippi delta. I don't see too many outraged Austrians about the finns over In their country making Polkka. Why isn't the western world up in arms that the rest of the world uses their musical system? Did the Turks Ottomanface Arabic music? It's just all retarded outrage and complete insecurity that cumulatively, more people with lighter complexions made cooler shit throughout history. But i guess people today forget that, especially in the arts, the USA has absolute cultural hegemony and everyone has been Americanfacing on all levels of culture since WW2. Afro-Americans of course forget they're American and still feel culturally suppressed even though they are a disproportionately large precentage of the cultural export. Perpetual infantile victims.

The majority of white people in the United States belong to the proletariat and are oppressed by the same institutions as POC. Black liberation falls under the umbrella of workers liberation which necessarily includes the white working class. Stop falling for spooks.

My guy, POCs do not own the I-IV-V progression. I get that you're an ideologue and I'm basically talking to a brick wall but is there anything that would get you to take off your beret and acknowledge that music transcends politics?

I hate when white artists affect a "Jamaican" sound to their voice. Paul Simon did this and so have others. All white blues music is cringeworthy as fuck too. I hope all whites end up being eliminated from society. It's good to keep the heat on them like this, no breathing room for whites. Just a never ending life on trial until they all die.

*tips katana*

At least we can agree on that

>Considering nothing exists in a vacuum
Why have I been seeing this phrase recently? Is it the latest logically fallacious argument that has spread like a disease among partisans (this one seemingly a left-wing affliction)?

>falling for the materialism meme

>uh white people what the fuck, stop being raysis, were all the same, lets be a melting pot
>uh white people, what the fuck, what are you doing listening or playing our music


To be fair, I think blacks should have been sent back to Africa 200 years ago, but its funny.

>muh asians have it good meme
are you retarded or something? around 40% of viets over 25 have less than a high school education. integrated into all levels of society my fucking ass.

uhm ackthschully schweddy they're actually really secretly white people and condone racism because uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the cooler white kids with somethingawful accounts said so i think (probably i dunno)


No. Listen to Cornell West's take on this on the JRE podcast.


>fuck trans people
That's where you should have stopped, you dumb faggot.