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Other urls found in this thread:

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We love Egg here.

twice chungha clc >>>>>>>>>> 2019 kpop

Attached: 1560989338952.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

this girl kind of looks like Doublelift to me, which is a plus

what's her name?

Attached: 1558023695243.jpg (890x890, 109K)

You thought itzy was going to be the new twice but it was gidle 2.0 all along

>fat lips
>fat ass
>fat thighs
>fat dick
kyungsoo just never stops winning

oh well, back to twiceposting...

Attached: 1563658018825.jpg (680x680, 129K)

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Attached: 1559825292209.webm (1308x1078, 2.86M)


xiumin makes me so happy

>imagine Hitman to be in that suit.

"Good morning 37. Your target is Kim Da Hyun, also known as 'Dubu' in reference to her pale skin tone. She is a member of the South Korean pop group 'Twice' which holds a fan meeting later this evening. An ideal opportunity to enter the premise and infiltrate the festivities. Our client wants a clean exit and paid a generous extra in order to make it looks like an unfortunate accident and demand explicitly that you would handle this particular assignment. Good luck 47."

Attached: 97649d466e466dc0f174dc7bcc98435c7b65294f.jpg (680x507, 65K)

>fat dick
nice try

more pig velvet please i like em thick

Attached: thick wendy.png (650x912, 186K)

both exoeggs..

Attached: hamster.png (864x583, 905K)

i love twice

Attached: 1543755204437.jpg (1024x576, 40K)

the girl in white mogs all of shitzy

Word but h*rd.

Attached: 1560989667808.webm (1080x1920, 1.35M)

'No' is a top 5 song this year.

>fat dick

I'm so let down by ICY what the fuck happened

Attached: 1564342883891.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

We finally have an answer bros. She heard Icy weeks ago and realized Twice would still have to carry JYP by themselves.

Attached: Mina.png (720x378, 370K)

How the fuck would Itzy be the new Twice? It's not even remotely the same concept.
Also a girl crush group will NEVER be considered nation's gg.

hahahaha can we retire the post-ioi solo artist meme now?

those fucking teeth are disgusting jesus christ

Attached: yuna.jpg (477x268, 11K)

Attached: EAUP-j5UcAEhoQ0-orig.jpg (1024x1536, 146K)

Can we replace cub with Yuna and can both ITZY and cub

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Why can't girl idols have good choruses any more?

Attached: 1559824427133.webm (1002x992, 2.89M)

Mariah Carey

It's honestly been a pretty poor year for kpop.

My favorite song with Korean in it is actually by a Japanese group, and Yon Yon sings in Korean and Japanese on it

For normal kpop stuff, these are probably my favorites

Hopefully SM stops fucking around and gives Red Velvet a proper velvet comeback that the girls aren't embarrassed of.

he looks like an anime character again

any dragonman in

Attached: MilkyColdIcelandichouse.webm (872x1080, 1.5M)

Attached: 1549279501309.jpg (3840x2160, 475K)

in terms of girl crush gwsn >>>>>>>>>>> itzy dbh

Me too bro, me too. At least Yeji looked stunning as usual.

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we love blackpink here

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I'm just here to sexualize your waifu

i just realized stay up is soty

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it's honestly surprising they let them get so fat, i thought SM would be more strict about that shit

Attached: lmao.png (650x879, 192K)

I'll go for the fan crowd approach

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i can’t believe he managed to attend the concert

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she'll be back

Attached: D_HniBoX4AASiJ_.jpg (1391x2114, 256K)

Only catholic pure girls here please

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receding gum line is a serious problem bro. i bet you are one of those "gummy smile" fetishists

>main vocalist
>wears short dresses and high boots
>signature high ponytail
Am I the only one getting Ariana Grande vibes from her? Her and Yeji are the ones with the most lines too, I wonder if they're prepping her for a solo debut down the line.

Attached: 67311630_1074586606265260_7608430051458430435_n.jpg (1440x1800, 218K)

plastic whore

damn exo-ls look like that? brb

Is that what they call her? since she's a great singer?

I would love to hear her voice

Female kpop idols whose voice you think is sexy/likeable

Attached: jihyo_n.jpg (1740x2064, 355K)

jesus christ saerom is RIPPED

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Attached: swing.webm (1920x1080, 508K)

I love her thick or not, doesn't matter

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ryujin is ready

That monkey from mamamoo

her teeth look like candy corn you nasty shit

Attached: 1550514511611.jpg (648x934, 88K)

top 5 in no particular order for me:
there are also some good b-sides but other then that the rest are unlistenable garbage

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We like whores here

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dubu is already a master hitman, she wont be taken down that easily

Attached: dubu the proffessional.jpg (1980x2292, 435K)

Attached: 1454534168028.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

ready? ready for what?

Attached: 1564347219412.webm (1121x1920, 1.53M)

she's the only one who can sing, so it wouldn't surprise me if her career is the only one that survives the icy flop

oh yeah?

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she's so fucking pretty it's not even funny

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jisoo has the best voice in kpop

he’s innocent

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all that fatshaming made wendy look like this, it's so sad

Attached: wendy skeleton.jpg (550x783, 55K)

based xiuminbro

Attached: 14lp6llljsa21.jpg (959x959, 40K)

word that's why we all like twice

>implying 47 wouldn't get weak and flake at Dubu's sight
He'd probably rethink his whole career and become her bodyguard instead.

Attached: Dubu blinking.webm (900x740, 2.01M)

Voodoo Witch Momorin

Attached: EAb6QmMVAAEg0y2.jpg (1462x2048, 797K)

she can't sing her own lines live

imagine hearing her squeal and whimper and moan with her chipmunk voice

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a 13 year old just won $3 million at the fortnite world cup. gooks got utterly destroyed

he’s so plastic

I like this artist right here

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Doing something to squid's tummy


Attached: 1555893338333.jpg (1120x1394, 193K)

based omgchad

i mean im a reveluv i just think its fucking hilarious this is considered obese and unacceptable in korea, it really shows how much better eastern culture is when it comes to people being fat. although i think in this case it may be a bit much, RV was by no means fat at any point

Attached: pig velvet.png (650x714, 190K)

But seriously, when? I mean how long can an abortion possibly take, even if she rests a bit after?

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saving chadpop

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he can't keep getting away with it

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It's uncanny

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to think we went from this, to that. such a shame. she's so pure, she doesn't deserve to be shamed

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my abusive wife

his body is too swole and stocky but imma blast anyway

2 weeks

alligator was kind of shit

fucking based

Nayeon (just for cuteness)



Attached: Seolhyun Inspection.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

nothing dr kim can't fix


Attached: 1551622705741.webm (576x800, 2.92M)

Holy shit those fuckers are ugly af goddammit



where are the posts about blackpink


Attached: E0Q8aRC.gif (442x388, 2.58M)

Yeah, of course it wasn't. When I look at Wendy from Red Summer it doesn't look much healthier

Attached: 010_ZUa1hCC.jpg (500x724, 414K)

still not as bad as lisauggo

Attached: 1533652084471.png (485x325, 356K)

Wendy looks okay now but sometimes borders on being too skinny again.

Attached: Yeri Basketball.webm (374x718, 2.92M)

rommy the whore and naky the princess

i love itzy so much bros

the eternal slut

Attached: seolhyun.webm (600x1200, 2.06M)

who cares about visuals when it comes to monsta x, they're bro tier

/ourchads/ aren’t meant for blasting anyway


>cooking for her son

YG will eventually kill her

right here friend

Attached: d70w7d9clbr21.jpg (2000x2500, 1.74M)

Attached: 1554218418769.webm (450x800, 2.95M)

word only faggots and women care how they look
their faces could be trainwrecks and shoot out would still be a banger

Very true

wtf i love YG now

imagine zico laying there under her

she's not a slut tho, she's a cambodian princess

Attached: PS15012100067g_99_20150121093703.jpg (520x650, 110K)

>a bunch of foreigners in an mv
why do they keep doing this meme?

Attached: 1556299744385.webm (584x800, 2.9M)


i hope she fixes her hair before next comeback

it's better when they criticize people when they're genuinely fat, but Koreans are pretty retarded and often go on the extreme when people aren't really fat at all, and often times they also just go by weight with no regard for other factors like height.

Attached: Wendy Cutie.webm (800x450, 2.99M)

pandering to westerners

jyp is a globalist

stop it, wendy is not for that

yeah they fucked her up real bad. it makes me bummed to watch the shows or whatever where they have them eating and shit on camera, knowing that's probably the first legit meal they've had in months and they can't even enjoy it, they have to sit there and be proper and respond to comments and other dumb shit. wendy deserves to be happy. yeri can keep suffering

Attached: 1550444437927.jpg (1000x1500, 912K)

apologize to shownu

Attached: 1560345749227.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

appeal to foreigners

they're trying to appeal to westerners you dumb fuck jesus

Attached: 1550265689368.jpg (684x855, 77K)


loona did it too, its only a matter of time until it becomes a staple in kpop mvs as they continue to seek western approval

we need blackpink to save music as a whole again

where the hood where the hood where the hood at
have that nigga in the cut where the wood at

Attached: EAkppiQU0AA5UMV.jpg (1000x1500, 111K)

I hope Momolands next song will not sound the same

they should know by now that the best way to do that is by having the girls fawn over a white guy on one of their vlive videos

>what is snappin

now she just needs a tan

Attached: tanlia.jpg (640x900, 456K)

is that a gucci belt? yeeeesh

Attached: 1549180202056.jpg (3840x2160, 490K)

but western kpop fans like kpop because is korean, not western

Attached: 00j86t.jpg (1334x2000, 393K)

I'm a Twice nationalist.

Attached: greatkpopwar.png (1300x1000, 173K)

they did that

now we're stuck with skellywendy which is a shame. she's still my favorite idol of all though

Attached: 1548554613351.webm (1000x562, 1.47M)
>googoo gaga butterfly
legendary line


post FEET

Is Elris still in the sex dungeon with sponsors?

Attached: look.webm (900x506, 2.85M)

Imagine Itzy, but with good music

who is this black man in kpop?

I loved Itzy so much. Then Icy was released.

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Attached: blacked.jpg (236x321, 13K)


even worse, niggers

as if it's your last blackpink....

12 hours left...

Attached: D_M8B68U8AEVsZd.jpg (2000x2800, 1.31M)

>appeal to white guys
>for western approval
thats not how it works

Wekimeki are still nugus


Attached: 1520147825252.jpg (1231x1847, 538K)

ooga booga ram pum pum pum pum
soty, wouldn't you agree?

Attached: 1535700038563.jpg (3840x2160, 445K)

jyp literally praised the jews as god's chosen people at his cult meeting. he's a puppet that does their bidding

that would be CRAZY

spoiler that shit

feels good shitting on itzy with my kpg bros

>wait this long
>3 new songs
>1 of which sucks
fuck you jyp

he said good music, not shit music and uglier members.


I have nothing against Yeri, though I understand she can be annoying sometimes.
Nothing in the world would make me more happy than making her happy as well

Attached: IMG_055311.jpg (1000x1500, 1.39M)

you know

Attached: 34566.jpg (400x600, 222K)

she is for that and much more

Attached: IMG_9001.jpg (1000x1500, 972K)

more like, YIKES

...and i love them even more now!

I want to blast on her ribs.

apologize to my wife

Attached: D_l6fekVAAArMZ7.jpg (901x1200, 245K)

Attached: 16.jpg (6240x4160, 2.72M)

she's so fucking pretty it's not even funny

Attached: Japanese vs Korean Nako.webm (480x268, 195K)

i really hope that rocket punch will deliver. a lot of the new girl groups have really done nothing for me

stop it. get some help.

wendy is for marriage and procreation.

Attached: 1550549252710.png (891x1600, 1.93M)

listening this to recover from icy

I can't wait for "IT'z WINTER"

Attached: IMG_20190623_133107.jpg (1000x1500, 134K)

Attached: 1547061619312.jpg (799x1200, 150K)

so far only kill this love has been good this year

Cherry>It'z Summer>Icy

your wife gets passed around by ccp higher-ups

Attached: 19.jpg (6240x4160, 2.78M)

Same but turn it up


Attached: EAJ5oCqVUAAP22G.jpg (1024x684, 91K)

incorrect. i will see that your social credit score suffers tremendously for this libel, friend.

Attached: EAAXYC2UcAEUZl-.jpg (1200x918, 129K)

shit happens in nyc

how can other gg even compete?

you're getting slow sluganti

Attached: 1563840313535.webm (616x1080, 2.59M)

>2019 Twice
this just made it worse.

foreigners in icy
no foreigners in ktl

so who is the real villain

Attached: jypyg.jpg (357x263, 37K)

Attached: 7.jpg (6240x4160, 2.69M)


Attached: 1548532633398.jpg (1586x2048, 553K)

was this his audition for yg

Attached: EAbE-UuUEAAU96U.jpg (682x1024, 50K)

blonde cub

Attached: 1563166153507.png (1014x548, 668K)

everyone is a sluggoanti

Lisa is a foreigner

Attached: naky wants to marry you.webm (1280x720, 478K)

apologize to kai right now

what a fucking abomination of a group

god bless the sm noona who put slug in those tight shorts, you can almost make out her twat

I do not like this picture, user. Its smug aura mocks me .

Attached: 1068.jpg (3000x2000, 612K)

worst post of 2019

she's so cute i want to rub her head

jyp wants to make it in america so bad

post her ass

Attached: 1553063349519.jpg (3840x2160, 535K)

10 10 10
10 10 10
10 10 10

good chance they'll flop, but I'm still excited

Attached: Untitled.png (687x630, 506K)

this is just his natural habitat

you know its true

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why did that tit thread get deleted earlier? post that tiffany webm again

Attached: D4hmbW1UUAcaCDX.webm (900x492, 1.82M)

me on the far left

so happy my waifu is the cutest

Attached: 1548536742550.jpg (1333x2000, 417K)

thank you friend we needed that

Attached: 1560631275671.jpg (880x1022, 146K)

we need to go deeper

Attached: kurt-cobain-nirvana-rare-radio-interview-rap-music.png (807x509, 463K)

ugliest shit

he was right

Attached: 1537734018928.jpg (961x961, 96K)

Attached: IMG_20190618_115025.jpg (901x1200, 178K)

worse than icy

Attached: 1561051022323.jpg (1080x1332, 79K)

Why would he want to get in YG? So he could get closer with his girlfriend?

yeah the initial group teaser had me rolling my eyes a bit but the individual teasers were nice

cutest girl in kpop

Attached: 1558809172911.jpg (1080x1350, 378K)

somebody redpill me on "any sharkman/dragonman in?" posting

they should auction them

Attached: c1.webm (640x1196, 2.07M)

Attached: 1553846723835.jpg (3282x4924, 1.25M)

foreigners are based, especially the chinks

Attached: D8lGIAKUEAAPUxw.jpg (1200x800, 228K)

blackpink diaries is nothing but foreigners

what do i have to do to get wendy to say these words to me

Attached: tumblr_ojy6ewYOtY1ug2hdso1_1280.jpg (635x1100, 171K)

reminds me of this

nasty trannyface

whoops wrong picture
here is the right one

Attached: 1560179123585.jpg (1364x2048, 308K)


explaining a joke makes it less funny

Attached: 1192je.gif (650x293, 3.86M)

cute baby

Don't you faggots have anything better to do instead of talk about plastic dumb whores that will never give a shit about you?
Holy shit , what a bunch of losers.

Attached: 1561161180949.jpg (1265x1837, 312K)

icy wasn't good but sharkmen still run this shit

Attached: 1560311644956.jpg (2001x3000, 971K)

damn his solo is never happening...

Attached: D9forpXUwAAi2J5.jpg (1225x2048, 333K)

that's fans not people in music videos

>Don't you faggots have anything better to do
>Yea Forums

blonde cub was the best iteration of cub we've had in a while, pissed me off when she went back to short black

No I literally don't have anything better to do. This is my existence

Join us user. It's fun and you don't seem to be too busy right now.

If you had to dump 3 members from Twice. Who would they be?
For me:
Mina (she's already gone)

Attached: jyp.png (679x716, 619K)

Attached: 1559905837987.jpg (1280x2048, 350K)

where do you think we are

is that soilent

he’s aging better desu

i am a blink and i only talk about natural smart pure girls who love all of their fans

Attached: dublasting.webm (716x404, 247K)

None but I would eliminate Itzy and give all the money allocated for them to Twice.

didnt ravi say that kai was working on two other songs a few weeks ago

he was always cute foolius

Attached: EAgUD1vUwAAYll8.jpg (1000x1500, 149K)

the only correct answers
1. cub
2. mina
3. jihyo

Attached: 1541400788822.jpg (2560x1440, 1.25M)

Makes sense a blink would like gidle


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Attached: 1535375472442.jpg (1080x1080, 136K)

i'd swap nayeon and jihyo for mina just because I dont like looking at those 2 90% of the time

those songs are probably just for ravi’s other solo projects for himself featuring kai
you can’t stop rabi

summary of thread: twice is shit

word except i'd eliminate twice and give all the revenue and attention to just Yeji


>says the guy angry about this general in this very website

Attached: nana 23r.png (936x675, 807K)


Dumping members who can actually sing, what a joke

more like
>jyp is going downhill

Attached: jenniesfatpussy.png (712x909, 1.16M)

>featuring kai
kek i'd still take it honestly

Attached: EAatLaQU0AAc_oY.jpg (1000x1500, 239K)

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i am sorry(for your lack of brain cells)

Attached: EAG1jQSUYAAy-UD-orig.jpg (1200x1800, 372K)


Nice rec!
And this year might be lackluster but it makes the gems shine brighter
Obligatory Fancy Despite the cringe social commentary of the mv
DESU my own expectations were low for this subunit but god damn it worked out, somehow


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