Attached: 1549002347342.jpg (1536x2048, 553K)
Nathaniel Brooks
John Ramirez
Colton Gomez
trump would be proud
Wyatt Thomas
Kevin Gray
Benjamin Clark
crayon pop
Carter Young
>JYP shot itz icy in the blade runner building
holy shit what a pseud
fucking hack confirmed
Mason Gomez
Wyatt Stewart
Jaxon Davis
Me on the left btw.
Luke Powell
>icy but i'm on fire
David Rivera
this is just zimzalabim but bad
Jonathan Torres
Ian Cooper
>once mina comes back
Owen Martinez
I love my tight little dragon so much bros...
David Smith
DO NOT sexualize Sana and Tzuyu
Jack Mitchell
fuck you
Charles Allen
this was so cute
John Myers
Parker Torres
no homo but i kind of miss him
Blake Roberts
lol what a nerd
Ayden Fisher
Ayden Nguyen
i wonder what it's like having massive titties like somi that bounce wildly up and down with every step taken
Logan Harris
Sana is too fat to sexualize
Easton Mitchell
but zimzalabim was already dogshit and this is somehow worse
Bentley Jenkins
Bentley Martin
based twice and itzy
Noah Ortiz
Isaac Wilson
I haven't listened to (s)Itzy's new song yet, what should I expect?
Kevin Cook
word chewy is only for protecting
Camden Cruz
Twiceshitters seething extra hard today and it's beautiful to witness.
Imagine Seeing Yeji's visuals and then having to go back to some old busted tranny like cub and act like you're content, LMAO
Don't forget to check up on Mina, LOL
Andrew Rivera
Why doesn't JYP have any powerful female vocalists?
Daniel Thompson
any icy shark man in
Justin Brown
too late
Christian Morales
We stan talent here
Ian Fisher
ktl > dalla > fancy > icy > zimzalabim
Bentley Scott
Leo Brown
that's not nice ):
Jose Bailey
probably kinda like my dick swinging left and right with every step taken. it's kinda annoying
Austin Gray
twiceshitters are mad because their favorite group flopped in america
Brayden Williams
Elijah Rivera
this is actually good
Landon Howard
the weak chorus is my only real complaint desu
Leo Morales
>he wasnt ready for it
Ethan Evans
Oliver Hernandez
Liam Walker
reminder that these two sleep on the same bed
Caleb Thompson
>tfw you've made a huge mistake
Chase Allen
Yeji is stunning, gotta admit that.
Jose Richardson
the chorus is the most important part of the song though. you can't have a good song with a shit chorus no matter how good everything else is
Luis Baker
post what black excellence looks like
Asher Diaz
DO NOT sexualize Sana and Tzuyu.
Post the lewd pics/videos just so we know that it's wrong to post them
Landon Rogers
It's just a falseflag nigger. Itzy fans respect actually respect their sunbaes.
Brody Perry
kyungsoo attending as well would've been the best
Sebastian Price
Jordan Long
>every single contestant except natty were really high quality
>nobody in Twice can sing
>only 1 member can dance
Are you shitting me? Natty was probably the most genuinely talented one in the entire show. Too bad she's plastic now.
Charles Jackson
he’s so based
Joshua Jenkins
word but just itzy
Juan Baker
it's all BTS's fault
Of course Twice gets criticized that they looked lazy on stage compared to those tryhard overachievers, fucking stupid BTS
Christopher Cook
why are twiceniggers seething?
James Lopez
you can build a new girlgroup with 9 members, which do you choose? for me its:
1. Dahyun (Twice)
2. Mina (Twice)
3. Momo (Twice)
4. Somi
5. Nancy (Momoland)
6. Yeonwoo (Momoland)
7. Ahin (Momoland)
8. Wonyoung (IzOne)
9. Nako (IzOne)
Thomas Moore
yes friend there are trillions of us
Landon Hernandez
We all know it's Kai.
Bentley Fisher
look at thank u next
Lincoln Parker
These niggas never seen such ethereal beauty before.
Jack Perez
Twice and Chungha are the only ones who released any good songs this year.
Christopher Brown
Landon Smith
wording this
Evan Russell
Why are itzifags shilling so hard against Twice? If Twice became a bad group tomorrow, Itzy would still be shit
Xavier Powell
Jayden Perry
Ryujin mogs all of Twice
Jackson Thompson
all of twice can dance you moron
Christian Wright
Based Kaibros
Josiah Gutierrez
nayeon corrupted sana and chewy
Evan Rivera
>nobody in twice can sing
Old and already debunked meme
Connor Howard
maybe next time~
Robert King
delete this
Logan White
Adrian Jackson
Yeji on BlackedRaw when??
Brandon Foster
true, i dont even remeber how the chorus goes
Anthony Jackson
jealous little sister syndrome.
Samuel Scott
sana does not hold back
Leo Thomas
post kyungsoos boyfriend
Isaiah Phillips
that overbite
Connor Powell
would swap out wony for Kang mina otherwise this sounds good
Adrian Martin
Am I the only one here who unironically likes Zimzalabim?
Justin Kelly
more like blacked excellence
Austin Parker
You forgot Apink
Josiah Hall
same but it was never going to live up to the Dalla Dalla chorus, expectations were too high because of Dalla Dalla's catchiness
Caleb Wilson
Am I the only one who just adores this type of muscular ankle definition?
Logan Wright
wait... do they have dicks?
Jacob Davis
Jaxson Sanders
i like zimzalabim...and icy
Carter Cook
can i see the rest of your 'startled_reeny.webm' series?
Eli Walker
let me try
1. Nayeon (Twice)
2. Jeongyeon (Twice)
3. Momo (Twice)
4. Sana (Twice)
5. Jihyo (Twice
6. Mina (Twice)
7. Dahyun (Twice)
8. Chaeyoung (Twice)
9. Tzuyu (Twice)
Ryder Fisher
who sings? no one?
Kayden Roberts
Lisa (Blackpink)
Rose (Blackpink)
Jisoo (Blackpink)
Jennie (Blackpink)
and it will only be those 4 because that's all they need
Brody Baker
Zimzalabim was a million times better than this nonsense.
Jacob Ross
Adam Johnson
everyone forgot apink
Ian Wood
shame about the song
Cooper Sanders
Gavin Morris
Zachary Mitchell
it's underwhelming but not offensively bad, I wouldn't skip the song if I came up on shuffle
James Jones
One of the best bodies in the game and she's not shy about it; she's low-key a slut
Charles Brown
poor man's itzy right here
Angel Nguyen
Seething white roastie represent Twiceshitters.
Brody Bell
No, I loved it straight away. I like crazy tunes.
Thomas Smith
I'm trying so hard to like ICY, but it's not happening... I'm the worst fan ever...
Xavier Allen
Twice gets more daesangs than BTS in korea since 2017
Brody Miller
yeji's feet
Easton Thompson
looks like the best girl group
Jaxson James
Jayden Bell
John King
don't do that dubu
Anthony Turner
Colton Peterson
Angel Price
Connor King
and that's a good thing
Parker Barnes
yes, you bring up a relevant point
Hudson Phillips
10/10 list
Sebastian Reyes
Gabriel Morales
Austin Watson
bro aliens arent know for that
Jackson Davis
whay are images and webms loading so slowly on this shitty fucking 4channel trash tier website? what the fuck is happening?
Elijah Phillips
check this out
Asher Martinez
Jacob Roberts
Grayson Rivera
based filipina
Jonathan Lee
>passive-aggressive greentext
Jacob Lopez
Christian Fisher
Lady on the right: "You should watch out. These two black men before looked at you conspicuously. You should probably call some friends to wait for you outside the store when you leav-..."
Yeji: "Uh,... sorry, I no undastande Engurishu well... "
Sebastian Rodriguez
this is Dubu also known as Dahyun or Tofu, she's currently the pretties woman in Kpop
Carson Wright
Bentley Evans
Samuel Cook
She sounds like a native English speaker.
Isaiah Bennett
wow she is pretty but reeny is still prettier in my opinion
Sebastian Johnson
Enlistment isn't so bad if you can still attend concerts on the weekends I guess.
Jackson Scott
no one gives a shit about your opinion gordo
Jordan Lee
which kpger is this?
Nathan Johnson
ugly face and ugly ear, she's not pretty anywhere
Gabriel Young
what's going on here?
Andrew Reed
honestly icy isnt a bad song. i can still bop to it but its no where near as good as dalla dalla.
Camden Martin
who are you quoting
Jaxon King
Hudson Clark
Eli Watson
Hunter Lopez
cute g**k
she is
Joshua Gutierrez
You fucking shitzyshitters dont understand. We all wanted ITZY to be the next big thing, so Twitzy can rule kpop together. But those fucking useless whores and that JYP hack fucked it up.
Mina is having a mental breakdown because she realized that she has to carry the entire company with Twice for the next 10 years after she saw how shit ITZY and SKZ are.
Adam Turner
based on what?
Asher Watson
he's right though
Jacob Jackson
it's alright, it's a logical progression from sappy but i think sappy was much better. i like experimental music though, it's what drew me to kpop and it's cool they have the balls to put out a song so out there. i'm hoping for the rest of the summer they tone it back just a little bit, you combine zim with something like mojito and you have a serious summer banger
Kevin Mitchell
girls on point
MV on point
song... underwhelming
Parker Phillips
the eggincels
Lincoln Rogers
Zachary Gomez
prettiest elf in the 9 realms
Jose Turner
How is itzy charting lmao
Levi Foster
attending an exo concert with soldierbf xiumin
William Wilson
>he is fully woke on the dubu question
how can one man be this based?
Jayden Turner
10/10 nice work
Hudson Brooks
Dubu needs to wear revealing clothes more often
Bentley Lewis
all you have to do is just suck your higher ups and you’re good to go
Adam Sullivan
Bentley King
you aren't
Brandon Rodriguez
i thought eggbros were white chads
Kayden Cooper
>stacy vs becky
Connor Morris
Is this Chungha? This is what happens when you don't have strong enough facial bones and your cheekbones are recessed, then you go to Dr. Kim and he tries to mimmick real bones with plastic
Meanwhile a true perfect goddess like Momo has super elite tier natural properly grown strong cheekbones
Landon Miller
I love when they put creativity in the nails. Looks really good.
Jason Thompson
post kyungsoo idiots
Nicholas Nelson
we wont know until tomorrow
Jackson Barnes
>kpg shits on DALLA DALLA
>it tops the chart
>kpg shits on ICY
>it tops the chart
Always bet against kpg.
Luke Hill
Dubu has a really great figure... chest, hips, waist... everything
Jacob Richardson
Exactly this.
I expected Itzy to do well too but it seems like itzy fans are very ungrateful so i hope they flop hard.
Dylan Stewart
DALLA DALLA was a terrible stockholm syndrome song
Brandon Murphy
you just can't top mommy rene
Carter Price
Ryan Gomez
Thomas White
shut up idiot
Anthony Walker
Tyler Williams
'Icy' could definitely be one of those songs that gets 10x better when it's performed with the full choreography
Christopher Hernandez
Caleb Smith
Did she actually go back to take a fan's gift? That's really cute and awesome.
Xavier Taylor
Isaiah Mitchell
zimbabwe doesn't even compete
Isaac Smith
is Yea Forums loading really slow for anyone or is it just me?
Tyler Mitchell
topping the chart with shit songs is nothing new, as long as the group is under the right label
Ethan Rogers
Adam Campbell
post sana becoming tzuyu
James Barnes
Gavin Hughes
and most importantly
Jaxson Diaz
we need new pics of him at the army ;_;
Tyler Ross
it's unironically a million times better, and i loved dalla dalla. icy just isn't very good
Juan Brooks
wtf is wrong with her?
Nathan Ward
who's doing the mogging?
Adam Reed
i liked dalla dalla as soon as i heard it but icy is disappointing. like i said earlier, you can't have a good song with a bad chorus
Bentley Morris
it's just you, everything loads quick here
Jordan Watson
ITZY really is black man's group
Also it's totally believable Yeji will fuck black guys
Carson Baker
jennie does that all the time even though blackpink aren't allowed to take any she still sneaks it
Ethan Hughes
The fact that Icy isn't a banger don't make Zimzalashit and Ktl any better.
Jeremiah Thomas
tried both Yea Forums and 4channel pol tv g all working fine
Ian Lee
I wish I could be her masseur who takes care of those heavy legs after a long show.
Chase Gray
one night stand vs marriage and settling down
Blake Fisher
she's our favorite autist
James Murphy
Adam Sullivan
Jeremiah Turner
itz different
Andrew Brown
the filipina on the left
Michael Wright
kpg keeps talking, itzy keeps walking
twiceshitter keeps crying because twiceshit is slowly dying
Elijah Mitchell
ICY is my favorite song of the year.
Austin Robinson
momo... face... fix...
Christian Murphy
Gavin Cox
Kevin Mitchell
I love all my friends using my webms
Wyatt Peterson
1. [+923, -27] He's looking like he did back in 'Along with the Gods' ㅋㅋ
2. [+920, -156] He looks like any ordinary person because he's short ㅋ
3. [+579, -20] He's not there to film 'Along with the Gods' again, is he? ㅎㅎㅎ Reminds me of his days as a soldier in that ㅎㅎㅎ Have a good service~
4. [+41, -22] He looks like any average soldier his age... ㅋㅋ
5. [+39, -23] He looks like a handsome non-celebrity ㅋㅋㅋ he really looks so average
6. [+35, -22] There really isn't much to celebrities ㅋㅋㅋㅋ they're nothing without their make up, hair, and clothes ㅋㅋㅋ
7. [+29, -13] He looks like such a narrow-shouldered, short non-celebrity here ㅋㅋㅋ
8. [+25, -3] He has that look of kids who adjust really well to army life
9. [+21, -9] I guess even a celebrity can't pull off that stupid looking uniform ㅋㅋ
10. [+16, -6] Wow, super average looking
11. [+13, -4] I like how simple he has, it doesn't make him seem like an unapproachable celebrity. He's a good singer and has the perfect face for acting... if only he was a bit taller. I personally think he has the most handsome face in EXO, not that I'm a fan or anything.
12. [+11, -4] How many Korean men's looks can survive having their head shaved and dressed in that uniform? ㅋㅋㅋ He's on the better side than most
Parker Lopez
Brayden Harris
Connor Brown
word, stan fromis and monthly nugu
Mason Nelson
ktl is the best song released this year so far
Luis Clark
I assume gookmoot wants maximum profit so he split the domains in order to place normie ads and pron ads separately + reduced the bandwidth for users.
Kevin Sanders
tfw no cute Cambodian GF
Camden Baker
Jacob Davis
yeah all images and webms are loading really slow, fucking gook fucked up buying cheap servers instead of making Yea Forums A ITZY HE MADE THIS SHITHOLE A TWICE
Cameron Hughes
Connor Taylor
we love egg here IDIOT
Michael Smith
is it just me or does icy have like zero singing? It's all rapping, or talk-singing, there's the pre-chorus part sure but that's it. Did jyp just not have confidence in their voices or what? There's really only that one part where there's any attempt at singing at all, and it's not that good. i know their vocals were a little thin in dalla dalla but they have more potential than what they showed in icy for sure
Lucas Wood
too bad she's a good (boring) christian whose religion forbids all fun things
Gabriel Miller
Ryan King
Can't believe we waited 166 days for this. It's over for us midzy bros. We got too cocky.
Brandon Turner
based manlet coping
Zachary Torres
Benjamin Morales
balding granny
Adrian Richardson
isn't kill this love the only girl group song to make it on the billboard hot 100? how is that not a good song
Ethan Davis
Colton Richardson
her face is perfect as is
Jackson Parker
Were they not right? Knets are always redpilled.
Ethan Murphy
all eggs are cute
Luke Morales
Post camel toes
Nicholas Stewart
they can't sing
Bentley Gray
you have some ayy creepy fetish user
Brayden Wood
how come ICY isn't on Melon chart?
Brody Gonzalez
Easton Sullivan
icy > * > zimbabwe > ktl
Kayden Morgan
every time
Justin Gomez
Gabriel Hill
Landon Wright
not gonna lie, momo with blonde hair is very close to a true 10/10
Matthew Rodriguez
kyungsoo is the type of guy you’d see at the gas station
Nolan Thompson
and that's a good thing
Elijah Foster
>Mina is having a mental breakdown because she realized that she has to carry and raise a Thai bastard for the next 18 years
Justin Peterson
i would kill all of itzy for her to be healthy again
so would jyp
Gabriel Johnson
>looks non-celebrity
lol wat
Nathaniel Perry
Colton Mitchell
Samuel Butler
>what is abortion
Jace Evans
Justin Miller
god I want them to fuck each other really hard while What is love plays in background
Brayden Foster
sana really like to stick it in dubu, doesnt she?
Landon Hill
Sebastian Morris
meaning that ksoo doesn’t look celebrity tier, he’s plain looking?
Carson Brown
that's not momo tho
Ayden Sanchez
post her lower teeth
Brayden King
Fancy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>every other song released this year
Christian Gray
ksoo got phat cheeks it doesn't matter
Owen Ortiz
would so tuck my nose in
David White
leave egg alone you idiots
Gabriel Stewart
aspiring doctor kim?
Lincoln Gray
Dahyun raps are shit, get Basedeon instead
Joseph Ross
post his ass pls
John Cook
I know, I was just making a comment and wanted to attach an image quick so that my post would attract more attention and the folder I had open was my wendy folder
Hudson Butler
what happened itzy bros
Liam Bennett
>except gotta go
Julian James
Levi Diaz
i wish i liked the song but i didn't. the mv made it worse too
>be confident and don't care what they say!
>goes around being an asshole to everyone
i like the girls i just wish i had a reason to buy one of their albums. i think their group concept will ensure that their style of music will never be compatible with me
Jayden Reed
except chungha's also released some bangers
Nolan Bennett
Xavier Carter
Thomas Campbell
literally unmoggable, not even Yeji can compete with Momo
Julian Collins
icy is better than dalla dalla
John Lewis
we don't do that here
Andrew Nelson
mina is so damn ugly i'm glad she's gone
Ian Foster
what about vocals, no one in his group can sing
Ryan Baker
post lewd wendys
Mason Gomez
Ayden Nguyen
cute nose on a cute girl
Lucas Hughes
post mopey mina
Lucas Wilson
She looks like a fucking swamp creature
Blake Edwards
don't have any pics of her lower teeth, you do it and let's see how much you cope, faggot
Juan Barnes
mina will be a great mother
Luis Nelson
Luke Turner
>rapping, or talk-singing
isn't it singing or talk-rapping?
prechorus singing part then instead of no chorus drop there's a hiphop/dance one.
lia/squid/yeji sing but it seems like most members have like a verse that is part rap, talk and singing
Kevin Mitchell
nah bro. dalla dalla is the 2nd best song this year after fancy.
Eli Morgan
momo is cool but there's only one true 10/10 for me
Charles Sanders
Henry Hughes
Liam King
Whose feet are these?
Camden Kelly
bros if I workout until I get as fit as Kai will I find a kgf as hot as Jennie?
Christian White
Easton James
they're teaching korean girls how to behave like hood rats dbh
Matthew Hill
what an absolute qt
Jaxon Powell
dalla dalla was catchy. i don't know what the fuck icy was
Jace Rodriguez
Maybe on happiness era
Ryan Price
you need a lot more than just a good body to score someone as hot as jennie
Michael Carter
leave arin alone
Kevin Bell
you have to reach wonho status, kai is a twink
Anthony Howard
Anthony Taylor
>not ICC
never gonna make it
Adrian Powell
LOL keep dreaming gayboy
Zachary Sanchez
what with those fucking tats? did he buy those fake tats in a vending machine?
Christopher Ross
Landon Clark
Which Itzy
Cooper Gutierrez
they just like to test dubu's faith
Luke Perry
Hudson Ramirez
Benjamin Bennett
Jace Brooks
rv's visuals got worse with every comeback, can someone explain this? wendy and slug are pretty uggo right now but they were top tier qt's right after debuting
Anthony Clark
Colton Ortiz
Austin Diaz
the wall.jpg
Julian Lopez