I don't get it

I don't get it.

Attached: loveless.jpg (1600x1500, 1M)

pretty, noisy guitar textures and nice melodies

Honestly, it sounds like shit.

You don't have to user. Just be yourself :)

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filtered. back to your billie eilish thread

have sex
fuck shoegaze

It’s okay kiddo, just keep listening to other shoe-gaze albums and eventually you’ll at the very least be able to appreciate the density of the noise and the melodic ear-candy that hides underneath

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noise ≠ music

if you got filtered by such a basic record you should just listen to j.cole or something

no. let's divorce Loveless from shoegaze. it can stand on its own. it does not to be scene in the context of that shitty genre to be understood or appreciated
Loveless is an alternative rock album, if anything

You don't have to. Forcing yourself to be a Yea Forumsdrone isn't doing anyone any favours.

listen to it LOUDER

for me it's the opposite: most bands labeled to be shoegaze sounds a lot like others 90s alt rock and dream pop acts, except for mbv on loveless

get a better sound system

try listening to it with both earbuds

It is not just noise retard

>noise but with drums

It's not as good as everyone makes it out to be honestly. Overrated even.
It's okay to form your own opinions.

Normally when people start taking music listening seriously they train themselves to pick apart each instrument, to focus on the bassline, drums, guitar melody and whatever independently before listening to it all at once in cohesion. When listening to this album in particular, you must completely unlearn that listening habit and listen to the entire sound as if it were one homogenous thing. Also, turn it up really loud.

Spend some time listening to Cocteau Twins and Slowdive, and then revisit Loveless. If you don't "get" it then, you never will.

it's just noise rock but gay

it isn’t noise at all there are very basic rhythms