Punk is dead because its original values are the same as the establishments

The only way to revive it is for it to adopt the only true anti-establishment political movement out there - far right, anti semitic, anti immigration, pro nuclear family conservatism.

Attached: e06f18fc1dc0e21db546effbb600c847.jpg (960x540, 92K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Punk ain't no religious cult
Punk means thinking for yourself
You ain't hardcore 'cause you spike your hair
When a jock still lives inside your head
If you've come to fight, get outta here
You ain't no better than the bouncers
We ain't trying to be police
When you ape the cops it ain't anarchy
Ten guys jump one, what a man
You fight each other, the police state wins
Stab your backs when you trash our halls
Trash a bank if you've got real balls
You still think swastikas look cool
The real Nazis run your schools
They're coaches, businessmen and cops
In a real fourth Reich you'll be the first to go
Unless you think...



>far right, anti-immigration
user, i

It's possible to be anti-establishment without being far-right. There are plenty of causes which exist in opposition to the establishment; free speech, silicon valley corporations having a stranglehold on online discourse, political correctness, open borders, media companies turning the news into a propaganda platform, sexualisation of children, ten billion pronouns, the denigration of christianity and the unwillingness to criticise islam, left-wing politicians openly threatening people, the media and the police running defence for ANTIFA, the disney corporation owning everything, the mere existence of government....

And that’s not to mention the overarching problem of capitalism

God. This is another "b...but the TV told me that Trump is far-right" post, isn't it?

Oh I’m sorry, did the chans tell you he wasn’t?

Agree.. but most of these are considered right wing causes tho. I don't see leftists or left wing media making much fuss about any of this. If they were i'd still be a leftie

Sure, criticising the failures of Capitalism would definitely fall into the realm of Punk although I'm sure there are already plenty of Anti-Capitalist Punk bands. I was just selecting a handful of anti-establishment talking points that I rarely, if ever, hear bands talking about.

I would start a punk band that talked about that sorta shit in a heartbeat. It would be honest and heartfelt and actually punk. But the hivemind leftist music scene would destroy it in no time

nice try commie bastard, capitalism will rule the world. I can't wait till corporations have their own armies.

yes it was recuperated decades ago very good
you want to be transgressive then the first step is to stop getting gaslit by the computer and disengage with this silly shit whichever flavor you prefer(ed)

>most of these are considered right wing causes tho
That's because The Right completely abandoned entertainment and surrendered all control to The Left, so The Left now gets to dictate what can and can't be discussed. However, the Internet gives everyone a chance to break through if they're talented enough or have a message people can rally behind.

punk is dead, because there's nowhere left to go with it. They just kept amping up the noise and the shock value, and by the end of the 90's, everyone was so desensitized, even just a sheer wall of noise with samples of castration was cliche.

>he wants to tithe a portion of his value to his ‘owners’

>But the hivemind leftist music scene would destroy it in no time
It depends on what your message is and how you'd present it. Most people agree that corporations like Disney, Facebook and Google hold more power than they should, it's just that nobody is saying it and the government turns a blind eye to it.

A year ago a thread like this would have faced a lot of backlash, name calling. But good to see there is some surprisingly constructive, mature discussion in here from people on both sides of politics. Things really are changing

You might not call yourself far right but if you take an anti establishment stance on any of those topics every media outlet will call you it.

>he wants progressive-stack forced labor for minimal compensation
>he wants to live in intersectional kinkey kuear summer kamp
le fucking shig

Crust Punk is still a thing.

(Unfortunately, for parents)

By the time you're big enough for the media to notice you it's already too late.


>what is sarcasm? Where’s the /s?
>doesn’t realize he already tithes value to his “owners”

Not sure if anyone cares but the Screeching Weasel track "The Science Of Myth" has one of the most mature takes on religion that I've ever heard in a punk track and I sincerely wish that there was more punk that tackled sensitive topics in an adult way.


Based ain't no political meme
Based means thinking for yourself
You ain't based 'cause you post your bait
When a chad still lives inside your head
If you've come to fight, get outta here
You ain't no better than the jannies
We ain't trying to be the mods
When you ape the mods it ain't based, user
Ten replies, bump, what a post
You fight each other, when you should just ghost
Stab your backs when you trash our board
Go back to /pol/ if your butt is sore
You still think posting bait is cool
The real baitposters run your schools
They're normies, and stacies and chads
In the old Yea Forums you'd all be banned
Unless you lurk...

Attached: 15F9A4E2-5334-4BA8-9650-32444A1631D4.jpg (900x900, 107K)

punk is so fucking gay

Fuck nazi punks! The alt right is the establishment in the US of A thanks to Drumpf. True punk and counterculture remains firmly leftist.

not bait, its a post about a genre that is intrinsically linked with politics

Punk became caricature of itself, I cringe my ass off when I see fags with colourfull hair and same-y looking battle jackets act like individualists. Idles, albeit SJW cunts, at least seem to think for themselves

Oh just fuck off already. I'm so sick of /pol/tards trying to claim punk. You're like bronies but instead of a children's cartoon, you just can't shut stop injecting your fucking politics into every little microcosm of society.

It's funny cause that set of ideologies is what literally controls all major political institutions in the United states and many other western countries right now

Socialism/communism is still a transgressive set of beliefs

Op is merely saying it is impotent when its political ideals align with that of the establishments. Punk has been political since day one. So nothing you said was right, you soyy goblin

>punk shouldn't be political
Literal brainlet.

Theyre cancer and should be banned every time

Why are leftists so triggered by discussion that they have to destroy it at all costs?

>participating in the discussion is destroying it
>destroying your thesis is destroying the discussion

why is punk so fucking gay?

you cannot be right wing and punk

because they are becoming used to this reality where big tech, social media, regular media etc protect them from ever having to engage in political discussion with people who disagree with them

The people you are talking about are literally all in a nazi thread on Yea Forums though

>interesting thread
>derailed by cunts
Every time.

>interesting thread
No one buys this shit baitposter. Go back to /pol/

>participating in the discussion is destroying it
You're not doing that.
>destroying your thesis is destroying the discussion
or that.

You'll be shocked to know 99% of your ancestors shared these views

>discussing music
>g...go back to /pol/
You triggered m8?

I'm not saying it shouldn't be political you faggot, I'm saying right-wing neocons shouldn't try and claim punk as their own because that's just fucking stupid and goes against punk as a whole. I'm sick of these fucking /pol/tards shitting up every thread on the site, all they do is whine about stupid bullshit like "white genocide" or "da SJW's", they're as bad as the people they make fun of.

>b-b-but muh cultural marxism and da jooz

I guarantee you a 3rd of punk bands have Jews in them. Look at Joey Ramone, Milo Aukerman, Fat Mike, Richard Hell and Mick Jones if you don't believe me.

Youre not even talking about music youre talking about the politics behind your hypothetical future revival of a dead genre from the 70s

i like your optimism user, sadly the second half of the thread went to shit

why should i care about what my ancestors thought of other races?

Do you actually have anything useful to contribute, or are you just being a whiny bitch?


Neocons arent exclusively right wing, Obama and Clinton for example. Fuck neocons. This is something the majority of the left and right agree on, despite what the media would have you believe. No more wars for Israel

>muh right-wing
>muh /pol/
>muh neocons
What you're doing here is no different to what they do. Sorry.

Because it was the natural state of affairs until the last century of propaganda which lead us to think it was normal to have free flowing immigration and create the great globalisation experiment, despite it being a failure on virtually every front.

Tribes naturally stick together. It's a survival mechanism, it's not as 'racist' as you'd think.

this thread is so gay

N...no, Clinton is good b...because CNN said so.

You dont get punk

this, it must be all the punk. that shit is so fucking gay.


People who complain about white interference in Africa are strangely silent when it's the Chinese doing it.

>socialism has way less problems
Imagine being this retarded

I’m not. I talk about that shit too.
And Erik Prince who’s selling private armies to China. His sister is Betsy DeVos, secretary of education.

>I’m not. I talk about that shit too.
Good. You absolutely should talk about those things because nobody else is going to.

yeah bro it's not the 1800s anymore and we'll never go back to a time like that so here's pic related if you need a little guidance

Attached: IMG_4949.jpg (623x847, 147K)

Thinking that you have to jump to the opposite side of some TV channel defined spectrum because punk is winning is the least punk thing you could do user. Disrupt usurpers of power. Speak out for the oppressed. It’s not an act. Maybe one day you’ll get it, but either way it’s a loss because punk was like 40 years ago lol

>It's possible to be anti-establishment without being far-right.

Not the 1800s, 1900s

You really should work on your ability to have a good faith discussion without resorting to memes, its an increasingly important skill

Stand against the private prison industry and the arms dealers

>Disrupt usurpers of power.
Disrupt usurpers of power by clapping back at le cheeto hitler on Twitter for e-clout

yeah bro it's not the 1800s anymore and we'll never go back to a time like that so look at the pic i posted if you need a little guidance

right and centre libertarian punk chads

I want to hear a punk band say Israel did 9/11

The assumption that anti-establishment = right-wing illustrates just how effective the propaganda has been.

You can't really be left, as it's defined these days, either. The Green party is more punk than the DNC. (And that's not just because Jello is a member/spokesman)

Thanks this post gave me cancer

I'd argue the assumption that the establishment = right wing illustrates just how effective the propaganda has been. Trump is virtually identical to obama policy wise in everything but his demeanour

>Trump is virtually identical to obama policy wise in everything but his demeanour
Agreed. Also, his ethnicity.

This really belongs in /pol, but I strongly disagree. Obama would never have done the thing with trade Trump has, regardless if you agree with what he's done, or not. But that's as far as this needs to go in a /mu thread.

I think the definition you're going for here is capitalism vs corporatism. You can be for capitalism, but despise the abuses of corporations.
But neither of that is a punk ethos. And, "punk ethos" is a moving target anyway, depending on what era you're discussing, and what part of the world. Or what band.

The problem with Punk isn't its cringy politics, it's the music that sucks. I don't see how the Sex Pistols are better than any soundcloud rapper..

the sex pistols are a fucking meme. they were never good

crony capitalism is the default of capitalism. regulating corporations only drives them to game the system in their favor.
imagine nazis arguing in good faith LOL
obama is right wing you retard

>Speak out for the oppressed
I happen to find Dems tricking people into illegally crossing the border knowing that they'll be arrested, detained and doported just to score points against the opposition to be immoral and disgusting. But that's just me.

>obama is right wing
in what way? Subservience to the small hat banking and war cartel doesn't make one right wing

>debate me bro
boring. there's not enough time in an entire life to talk pointless about political shit with anonymous people that likely won't budge. and even if they do budge, who the fuck cares? time is non-renewable, is this really how you want to waste something that will never come back to you? summer is halfway over. get out of this phase already. the sooner you do, the less silly you'll feel later. you're dragging the whole internet down.

But, wait

Black people are doing it

Punk died in 1975 and you bitches don't even know it. Real Punk was The Stooges, Hawkwind, MC5, Television, Ramones, CAN and New York Dolls. Whatever came next were posers trying to make money off edgy kids. Some gems in the 80's were Agent Orange and Oingo Boingo.