Why do people here actually like Billie Jean? It just sounds like a basic, annoying pop song. By contrast...

Why do people here actually like Billie Jean? It just sounds like a basic, annoying pop song. By contrast, everything else on this record is fantastic. Especially Baby Be Mine. I can see why Billie Jean is popular with normies, but why here?

Attached: 0D2881DB-02C5-4381-86C6-C8645D5BB463.jpg (1368x1375, 680K)

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hee hee
you're a fucking brainlet

It's a great dance song with a killer beat and bass but with sinister and claustrophobic undertones amplified by Michael's deteriorating mental state. It's an interesting juxtaposition.

>a pop song sounds like a pop song

Attached: 1554646842582.png (621x828, 71K)

youtu.be/45Ph_MXIP1o?t=3m39s this was probably a big factor

Imagine being annoyed that The king of pop made pop songs

god DAMN he was so fucking cool bros.

>deteriorating mental state
literally what

I agree. BJ seems like an average MJ song but it's a lot of people's favorite

He was a mental child due to a horrid childhood. He's "cool" because he's had the appearance of being cool literally beaten into him.

You’re both probably right. The danceability of this track is undeniably one of its most popular aspects (I’ve never gone to a party such as a wedding, for example, and not heard it play) but I didn’t know about his mental state at the time. I guess I don’t know enough about his personal life to be able to appreciate it in that specific sense? I guess what I’m saying is that when I simply listen to it, it just sounds so bland compared to everything else on Thriller. I thought everyone would’ve considered it a “pleb” track on this site. I still do.
I said a “basic, annoying pop song”. The whole album is pop and I didn’t criticize it for that. I clearly wouldn’t single out that song for that mere reason.


>dude other people like something i don't and it's pissing me off
Are you 14?

I didn’t say it was pissing me off. I was just wondering why it’s so popular all around. You can like what you like. I was just curious.

Because it sounds good.

Billie Jean and Beat it are ironically the worst songs on the album

It does always sound so underwhelming, even the chorus feels pretty weak. Baby Be Mine definitely felt more satisfying.

>>deteriorating mental state
He was falling apart mentally at this point. The pressures of fame, his dissatisfaction with his appearance, the hangups of his childhood.

I went to Wikipedia to learn more about the track and it’s background and this is currently what the page looks like. Which one of you did this

Attached: A2963622-17E6-4426-A640-929D2F4C720C.jpg (750x1242, 184K)

You did.

You did, you transparent midget.

the hook. it's the hook. it's legendary.

>baby be mine
he made those babies his alright

It says it was edited two hours ago. Why would I wait so long to post this if I did it? Also, if I were to pull something like this, I’d try to be a lot funnier. This is barely passable as comedy

>This is barely passable as comedy
I agree, so why post it?

The fact that someone actually did it made me giggle just a bit. Reminded me of the time someone edited Scaruffi’s wiki. Now that one was funny

because i really did make it and i thought it would be fun

>10 seconds after my real post
Nice try fucko

>imagine being unable to enjoy billie jean.

unironically one of the best pop songs ever written.

stop pretending to be me

i prefer billie eilish desu

For me, it's The Girl is Mine, in which Michael and Paul argue over which one is the cuck between them

>According to Jackson's biographer J. Randy Taraborrelli, "Billie Jean" was inspired by letters Jackson received in 1981 from a woman claiming he was the father of one of her twins. Jackson, who regularly received letters of this kind, had never met the woman and ignored those claims. However, she continued to send letters stating that she loved him and wanted to be with him, asking how he could ignore his own flesh and blood. The letters disturbed him to the extent that he suffered nightmares.

Eventually, Jackson received a parcel containing a photograph of the fan, a gun, and a letter instructing him to kill himself at a particular time. The fan would do the same once she had killed "their" baby, so they could be together in the "next life". To his mother's dismay, Jackson had the photograph of the woman framed and hung above the dining room table of their family home. The Jacksons later discovered that the fan had been sent to apsychiatric hospital.

Fuck. This is dark as hell

>father of one of her twins
How can you be the father of only one of two twins?

such are the reality bending consequences of breeding with the ayuwoki