it's not about playing a squier it's about evaluating a guitar when you want to buy one and what to look out for. but clearly you're too blinded by your shitstained shitpost goggles to see that
>Esp No thats expected from an esp user. But if you seriously admire trannies even for a second you should unironically get professional medical and mental health. Or youre gonna an hero 10 years from now when you realize youre a hideous farce of something you will never be.
Owen Fisher
>Headstock looks like a chode
You wouldn't believe the killer deals on ESP Horizons I turned down because of that. Including a mint one from the 90s, practically unplayed, for $500. But this guy seems to be enjoying his.
I have money I just wanna try out if my setup actually works :D. Pretty much a beginner. But thanks for the reply nonetheless you cheeky dog.
Luis Torres
imho fetishistic trannies, especially ugly ones, tend to choose odd guitars because the root of their condition is ultimately autism. they're too socially oblivious to follow the herd even if they want to.
also hence why they have no idea that what they're doing is ridiculous. and electric guitar, being a nerd instrument these days, is going to be common with them because they're nerds with an autism-related sexual disorder called erotic target location error (the same thing that makes people who jerk off to diapers turned on by the idea of turning into a diaper).
The autism tranny correlation makes alot of sense. One of my friends has a severely autistic brother who is so autistic he can't say a complete sentence and shaves his eyebrows with razors, well we caught him jerking it whike qearing his moms bra.andwe were like wtf because he never exhibited any gay behaviour his whole life and in fact we know he liked women but that autism makes him do very strange things.
What do I need to learn to play guitar? I’ve tried learning piano but the loss of direction put me off. I don’t want the same thing to happen to guitar :( Here’s the list of what I think I should know: - Chords (I know around 11) - Theory (idk what specifically) - Keep Playing?
>shitskin telling Danes non-white sure thing inbred,tell me which shitehole are you from?
Thomas Flores
E-II? Probably.
The prevailing theory is when they introduced that line to replace LTD elite and ESP standard they hired a bunch of new employees.
Evan Bennett
I'm thinking about getting a dark matter distortion pedal and a crybaby wah pedal. Worth it? Mistake?
Levi Roberts
Post timestamp to prove youre from denmark Sambo
Robert Smith
Colton Young
one week later:
animegirl.jpg Only an ESP is good enough
Ethan Ward
Fuck off, potato throat.
Xavier Foster
I'm wary of TC Electronic. A lot of their products really interest me, like their compressor. I use a Polytune2 Mini, and it has been great to me so far *knocks on wood*
However, a bandmate and I both got the Spark Mini booster and the footswitch failed in both units. It was great while it worked, but now I have trust issues.
Cooper Ramirez
>rent free
Eli Wood
If you want a compressor pedal, Origin Effects have them locked down.
William Hill
Neither Sambo nor jcope can afford rent, anyway.
Landon Perry
now fuck off and keep seething,i am off to friend house now stay made swedegay
The whole fucking place is less than 100m above sea level. The Danes are toast.
Benjamin Cooper
One guitar and one bass
Blake Moore
But every fucking island in the whole world will be gone.
Jackson Russell
How does that stop the Danes from being fucked? Their whole country is going under.
Chase Robinson
What do you guys think about buying an instrument that's like a special edition for an artist? Reason why I ask I am in love with the sound of Tim Henson and Ichika and want to build off of their sound when I'm at a level where I'm ready to make stuff. Tim has a deal with Ibanez where he's selling a special edition guitar which I think would be a great purchase, but I'm feeling a bit nagged by something. I feel like it's a bad idea to use an instrument specially designed for someone else to create your own sound. Plus, I can't help but feel it causes you to be viewed less seriously for using it. Am I overthinking this or is my concern a legitimate one? If it is, could anyone who is versed in Ibanez direct me to what would be some good options?
I've probably got more than 10, but a lot of them are cheap shit. I'm planning to sell a few in the near future like my B.C. Rich Warlock and Jackson RR because I just don't use them anymore, and I'd like to make room for more.
Sometimes I wish I was one of those guys with just one really expensive guitar instead of mostly planks.
Isaiah Ramirez
I'd say go for it. A lot of my favorite guitars are signature models.
Robert Parker
That's never stopped anyone from playing a Les Paul.
Ryder Diaz
There are a bunch of drips and light spots on the edges too if you look at it from an angle and the volume pot was too low on the shaft so it dragged on the body. Lmao.
It's not worth returning because it does sound a lot warmer and less harsh than my other guitar with the same pickups, it doesn't need a truss rod adjustment after flying from seattle to a dryer city, the neck doesn't give me hand cramps for once, and the gloss finish is glassy smooth instead of sticky (magic), but this is the last time I buy a guitar off the internet and if I ever buy another ESP, or even an Ibanez, it's going to go under a microscope.
In other fields, everyone plays a virtually identical instrument
Instead of worrying about that learn from my mistake and don't mail order an Asian guitar
Thanks. I figure I'll learn using this thing and then in the future make something custom to fit "my sound" or whatever. >Instead of worrying about that learn from my mistake and don't mail order an Asian guitar What's the story behind this? Not sure if you're referencing or not.
Carter Nelson
Yeah, that's my guitar.
The job they did on the finish reminds me of the les pauls that sit at guitar center for years without selling. I'm going to see if I can't get a partial refund.
Brandon Sanchez
No one knows who tue fuck he is besides fags like you who want to suck his cock. Just dont mention its a sig guitar and no one will know.
Aiden Nguyen
>he bought 8 shit guitars instead of 2 good ones You're not one of those people, right /gg/?
if your first guitar isnt a beater youre either bad with money or retarded
Samuel Long
my first guitar is sitting in my closet because half the frets popped out
Aiden Cox
What country makes the worst guitars?
Grayson Moore
Guitar is all about the journey not the destination. So you should balance playing for fun and playing to get better. If you did nothing but drills all the time not only would you get sick of it but you'll stop playing with feeling.
So you should know all the relative chords for C Major/A Minor, G Major/E Minor and later D Major/B Minor and F Major/D Minor. Once you know the chords for C Major or G Major you can start writing songs by selecting any chords you want. You can also start jamming over said chord progressions by memorizing the scales and chord tones.
For chord tones it follows C, A, G, E, D up the neck and reverse for down the neck which spells "Caged." So if you made flash cards for the notes of the neck you could visualize the chord tones for each note. The perfect fifth is on the same fret as the root one string down and the major third is one fret back and one string up. Then the minor third is one fret behind the major third. You have to correct for 4 half steps between the G and B strings but you can use the "Caged" chords to quickly figure it out.
I described a ton of shit so don't try to do it all at once. Take the time to learn songs along the way so you can play better and faster while you learn the aforementioned theory.
Jeremiah Foster
see: tagima
Jeremiah Bailey
Give it a Viking funeral, user.
Brayden Moore
Asher Stewart
see: retards using the warmoth catalog and their garage bench
Chase Richardson
What should I check for after buying a guitar once it arrives? Anything I need to change or work on?
Nathan Barnes
One steel string acoustic, one bass, one classical, one superstrat, one tele, and a banjo that I'm selling because I rarely get into banjo pickin' redneck moods anymore.
Also planning on selling the tele and EMGs in the superstrat and putting some coil-splittable pickups in the superstrat.
Lucas Stewart
>physically unable to play the B chord properly >always have to resort to power chording it fucking hand
Easton Adams
Describe the proper way to me.
Hudson Jenkins
I can't do neither pic related nor bar with ring finger.
Then I'm afraid you'll never to refer to point #2: git gud.
Christian Gutierrez
If it's an electric, take it to a specialist to check if the frets and the neck are in order, the anchor bolt and the bridge are adjusted properly, all that stuff. Guitars spend a lot of time in boxes and usually need some work done by the time they're finally bought.
Zachary Lopez
I'm about to buy my second set of DiMarzio Titans and I hate periphary
Aiden Martin
imagine paying for a guitar you havent seen in person
Carson Murphy
When you strengthen the necessary muscles and joints you'll be able to do it. Then when you can do it easily it won't be sharp.
William Cooper
Sharp vs normal picks?
Daniel Gray
Just keep at it, believe it or not thats a really easy chord. The more you do harder chords eventually they become really easy
Aiden Wood
Being uncomfortable is part of playing the guitar in general, so get used to it
Cooper Reed
>The more you do harder chords eventually they become really easy
You mean you can get better at an instrument if you actually practice?
Yea basically. Everyone bitches and complains but if you devote a month to just hard chords every single day you can progress a lot. Most guitarists are extremely lazy/lack discipline though from my exp
Blake Smith
It's common sense but many people don't believe it in their heart of hearts.
Aaron Rivera
Yes, it's almost like instead of avoiding things you find difficult, you should practice them.
Imagine living in a third world country like brazil where you cant return it
Noah Brown
Titan pickups are unironically good tbougj. Lets see them
Ayden Bailey
I would. Telecasters are very versatile. Can do twinkly chords to metal. It's my favorite next to my modded PRS.
Angel Cook
Why does /gg/ hate Seymour Duncan?
Tyler Cruz
Chase Sullivan
Even I can do that in my shit hole third world country. Just got a replacement neck because the nut was cut too deep
Jaxon Watson
/gg/ hates anything they can't afford, or just unironically. Personally I find a lot of his pickups overrated/shit, but they do make some good ones as well.
Gabriel Rodriguez
>modded Squier VMJM >Danelectro Dead On 67 >American Tele >1964 fender musicmaster >squier bronco bass >baby taylor 3/4 acoustic >solid wood washburn dreadnought >yamaha c40 nylon string
Brayden Rogers
Check for dead frets.
Blake Wright
What company makes good pickups then? I want to get the most vintage sounding Strat and LP pickups (1959 sounding). For the LP sound I'm thinking of getting the '59s by Seymour Duncan and I've seen others for the Strat sound too, also by Seymour Duncan. Any recommendations?
Ryan Gray
if it's brand new take it to a guitar shop and ask for a set up. It will be cheap and unless it's an expensive custom shop it will definitely need it. I'd say do the same if it's used but it's less likely to be as bad.
Luis Ross
Jason James
Well SD isn't terrible, I mean in the end pickups are totally personal preference. They're just one of those 'generic' brands that usually causes a retail markup and a few of the pickups are just mass produced and don't really offer the tonal quality that they claim. DiMarzio has some options you could check out and I'd also recommend stuff that Kiesel and Xotic sells. Xotic has the raw vintage series which IMO sound really nice.
Daniel King
Sorry forgot to reply direct to you
Isaiah Campbell
How's your modded PRS?
Levi Cruz
>a beater >bad with money >retarded sounds like my wife
Jaxon Evans
Pretty sweet! I've upgraded pretty much everything to USA specs. Only thing that's still original are the frets. Its using the CE24 switching and wiring instead of the usual wiring for custom 24s with a toggle.
Ian Bennett
kek jcope btfo
Brayden Bell
Theyre the lowest standard. Dimarzio is better
Logan Thomas
No player anyone gives a shit about uses Dimarizo. They're the exclusive realm of shredwank autists.
Elijah Bennett
Here's a song from a few days ago with it using the coil splits and my jcm2000
It sucks that is shutting down. Vocaroo's quality is terrble
Sebastian Phillips
*they're exclusive to the realm of
Luis Miller
Retard this is me Stay mad at your life tho sambo Also >rent free
Lollar suhr and creamery are a good start. Lmfao and who the fuck are you for me to even care about your opinion retard? >shred wank autists Sounds like youre jealous and lack skill.
Henry Robinson
>I own three good guitars jcope living up to his name, once again.
Hunter Hill
Not bad
Oliver Jones
Lets see yours.
Dominic Cox
Let's hear yours. I remember you saying your jcm900 sounds amazing. My jcm2000 shouldn't be able to compete from what you said yesterday.
Leo Diaz
Thanks bro
Christopher Watson
How did you make this user?
Daniel James
Don't say that, man. We'll have to listen to his playing, and THEN we'll have to listen to his cope about his playing.
Henry Flores
Kek at pic rel I dont have a mic to mic it so i record through my interface and sim or through my phone and amp. Anyways you have words for that song?
> is shutting down goddammit Clyp is still a jew and has tried to turn into soundcloud lite instead of quick anonymous uploads
Anybody got the sauce on another HQ user audio site?
nice mix btw One thing I'd say is put more mids in your guits. Bass and drums are carrying the whole thing and the guitar is just kind of a trebly stab on the sides
But weren't you talking about my jcm900? Let me record you something then.
Logan Wood
Can someone explain to a retard like me what are the cons of a locking trem? Are the strings more annoying to change? I have 2 guitars with a strat-esque tremolo (one of them is a strat) and I've been put off getting a guitar with a bigsby because changing the strings would piss me off.
Camden Hill
Yeah, initially learning the setup and changing strings is a pain in the ass. So much so that some people just refuse to bother with it. IMO its not that bad once you get it down, but I've never needed the extra tuning stability. Basically its just tedious. That headless guitar is not the same as a locking trem though
Joshua Scott
My LP Studio still smells like vanilla from when I bought it. Does anyone know what this would be? >inb4 kaka >inb4 vanilla
Bentley Robinson
Thanks, I thought it would be something like that
Nathan Young
Probably because it's made for little vanilla loving faggots like you
Oliver Ross
I'm sorry I had enough money for a new guitar that doesn't come with ambient smells of the favela.
William Flores
Sammy BTFO'd to kaka and back
Robert Martin
If you ever got out of your bedroom you'd know a guitar case will inevitably smell like cigs and BO when it gets enough use
Ian Foster
Both actually. But which ever
Jordan Ward
just chuck a handful of potpourri in there and call it a day
Jaxon Davis
Sure if you cover it in kaka
Luke Butler
I don't want it to smell like a grandma.
Connor Hughes
Does anybody here know of brands except Agile selling cheap 7 string Floyd Rose guitars?
Carson Cruz
okay car air fresheners then. Shit'll be pungent
Camden Bennett
Clean your guitar, and more importantly clean your strap If shit is starting to smell off in there it's that
Logan Howard
Ok ampire to vocaroo usingmy dean thoroughbred deluxe with aldrich pickup in the bridge.
I have a stupid click on my daw but when i record i cant hear it over the guitar. Have a solution? Im using earbuds
Mason Powell
This honestly
James Lopez
Fuck off Sammy
Isaac Rivera
Fuck you im no favela freak
Parker Young
Turn down the master fader.
Julian Thompson
Thanks and noted. Im new to the whole daw thing i cant say i hate it but i need to master it to like it better im sure.
Nathaniel Ross
You're a fucking Sambo that lives in the favela with kaka and papa
Alexander Lee
Samuel is a sambomaster from Brasil, he retreated into the favela voluntarily and without interference from foreign countries to lead a peaceful life of poverty.
He did this to be able to focus on the essence of guitar and life, and finally become one and only with the kaka and master artfully any and all forms of kaka.
Jacob Ward
>rent free
Levi Lee
No im not buddy fuck sam though hes a nasty retarded piece of shit
The essence of a chord is in its root, 3rd, and 7th. You can even leave out the root. The 3rd and 7th are called "guide tones." Try playing a blues with just the 3rd and 7th of each chord. Sounds pretty legit, right?
Justin Cox
these actually play really well
Adam Butler
i have a cort 7 string with EMGs in it i paid $200 for lol
Jack Fisher
Also, if you need to leave a note out of a chord to make room for another note, the 5th is usually a safe bet to drop, unless it's an altered 5th (b5 or #5). The reason is that the vast majority of the chords you're going to play all have a perfect 5th, so that interval doesn't really tell the listener much about what makes a chord unique.
Chase Green
>Try playing a blues with just the 3rd and 7th of each chord. Sounds pretty legit, right? If you leave out the root note then thats just a two note powerchord without an octave, isn't it?
Jaxon Russell
It's a double-stop, not a power chord, technically.
Jaxson Roberts
I own 3 guitars:
>Yamaha CGS104A >Axman Strat >Westone Les Paul
The Axman has a dead note on fret 15 of the high e, the Yamaha is strung using different kind of strings and the Westone has a piece of string laid under the g string so it doesn't buzz as much, though it still does.
just realized the used acoustic I've had for 3 years has an ebony fretboard and bridge. bretty nice.
Caleb Long
>muh stickjew
Jack Allen
>Squier Affinity Strat(R) from high school when I first started >LTD EC-1000 with 59/JB pickups >Gibson Explorer with BB 2/3 They are all great values for the price, IMO. I can't believe how nice the Explorer is. The neck is amazing, the fretwork is amazing, it's a boomer rock machine. Also, the Gibson smell is legit. It smells like graham crackers. Thinking about picking up an ES-335 Studio as well.
Grayson Gomez
He's using the string as a straight edge. Please do not post here with an IQ
Isaac Wright
>he doesn't know what neck relief is Holy fucking cringe
John Powell
LPB with tortoise pickguard
Benjamin Kelly
That's grain filler. The mahogany they used probably got gouged or split during manufacturing and they filled it before finishing.
SD '59 isn't really very PAF sounding. Burstbucker 1 neck / Burstbucker 2 bridge is probably the way to go if you want that vintage sound. IMO '59 is too hot.
>worst the first bass that I bought from some old smoker on craigslist for $50. shitty short scale Hondo from the 80s that reaked of newports no matter how much i tried to clean it >best Squier vintage modified P-bass with dimarzio pickups for $200
Isaac Jenkins
all the shops in my city has insane markup, where do you order your gear from in NA?
Angel Lee
I’m retarded. What is the difference between these?
i havent read this thread yet but i hope no one taught this guy shit fuck off weeaboo footfag
Jack Evans
> worst used Gibson SG for 500 squid. ended up selling it for the same price a couple of months later because of the neck dive and neck flex
>best all-solid spanish classical for 400 squid. Should've bought one way back when I first started playing because nylon string guitars sound even lovelier in person
For the sake of your own sanity: pick some beginner songs. Learn them. Then loop back around and learn the theory behind them. If you sit with a guitar on your knee looking at nothing but a chord chart and a series of scales, you will not have fun.
how do you become a guitarist who can't play the guitar?
Isaiah Morris
Best: Yamaha BB-424 bass Worst: old used Peavey Bandit (my first amp). Sounded bad. Weighed at least 50 pounds. Had poor soldering work that i had to fix several times as the vibration would dislodge some of the original connections.
Thomas Stewart
Show me one in your area
Connor Richardson
Carson Johnson
Ayden Brown
Show me a jcm900 full stack.from your area to compare prices. Dont act dumb now
Samuel Reed
>jcm900 fullstack for $1200 highway robbery homie
Chase Lewis
Where do I get started to learn fingerstyle guitar like this?
oh i thought you meant i had one. i was trying to figure out why i would have the worst marshall ever made and make fun of you for paying for one yes sir
>worst marshall ever made not even that guy but come on now you're not even trying man...
Joshua Barnes
what's worse?
Kayden Stewart
The MG series. In fact any of their solid state offerings are pretty much garbage The CODE series of modeling amps are complete trash The JTM60/30 series while a great sounding amp had overheating issues. Just to name a few...
Joshua Cook
>jcm900 is better than practice and modeling amps lol not really
>I cannot concede defeat therefore I will make a quip to save face whatever floats your boat chief, you asked I delivered. please continue on with your 900 hate though.
Jesus you are one dense fuck. The JTM offered a 2-12 and 3-10 version that is definitely NOT a "practice" amp. The MG was ALSO offered in gigable configurations. Holy fuck.
Christian Morris
new thread new thread new thread
Christopher Thomas
Sour grapes?
Owen Perez
>mode four cabs lmao worst marshall and the worst cabs too lol and a jcm900 isn't any better
Andrew Miller
Thoughts on Kemper Profiling amps? I want to buy one to model my friend's Line 6 Spyder.