>only listening to western music
Quit being boring and expand your taste, plebs.
>only listening to western music
Quit being boring and expand your taste, plebs.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm an afrobeat person now. Fela Kuti, William Oneyeabor, the list could go on
nah i’m good
Fuck afrobeats
thanks for the (You)
Like I said, I'm an afrobeat person now. Fela Kuti, William Oneyeabor, the list could go on
Kys contrarian retard.
black people outside of france and the united states do not make good music. Especially fucking africa. Holy fuck it's worse than English rap
it's really sad those are the only 2 non western musicians this board knows
that's not what being a contrarian means you dumb illiterate newfaggot
non-western countries have rarely strong music industries so its hard to search music from those places, unless it's a western made folk compilation or some subpar dj's soundcloud
Listen to Ebo Taylor- My Love and Music(esp. the final track)
>rap is the only black music
Top pleb
The furthest Yea Forums go is Japan
>black people outside of france
You are telling me Kalash Criminel is better than, say, Franco Luambo?
it's not that hard man, some of the greats can be easily found in a simple wikipedia search. These days you can even search [foreign country genre] and it's almost guaranteed there's a decent playlist for it
trying hard i see, dont sprain a joint.
turbopleb opinion
>These days you can even search [foreign country genre] and it's almost guaranteed there's a decent playlist for it
on spotify i mean, forgot to specify that
thanks for the (You)
Like I said, I'm an afrobeat person now. Fela Kuti, William Oneyeabor, the list could go on
That's not true tho. Nigeria has a big music industry and their diaspora helps them a lot in marketing their music in the West, especially the UK.
Burna Boy was literally featured on Beyonce's last album. African music is mainstream now.
this pretty much sounds like a dembow beat?. It's still pop but sounds more refreshing than what i hear on the radio
But anyway are there any mainstream african artists that don't make necessarily western influenced pop?
Yeah this song is very generic for Burna Boy, he has more original songs :
Though it's still "Western-influenced" to some degrees. But if you were talking with Burna Boy, he would told you that it's "Black influenced" instead of "Western influenced", because a lot of African artists see Black American and Afro-Caribbean music as basically diaspora music.
any love for KSA?
>But anyway are there any mainstream african artists that don't make necessarily western influenced pop?
Well... I guess Sidiki Diabate is pretty mainstream. Sidiki Diabate is very traditional-inspired though you could argue he is Western pop influenced to some degrees, but he often put a nice Kora on his songs :
He isn't very popular in Anglo-West, but in France he is very popular.
I don't think you can find a MAINSTREAM African artist who stay 100% traditional who is popular in the West, because usually those artists aren't able to become popular like this.
Yeah i think it'd be hard pressed to find a 100% folk musician, it's just that some of the songs still reminded me of western dancepop. But i appreciate the links, that second one is pretty fun and the kora blends really well
>he would told you that it's "Black influenced" instead of "Western influenced"
Well that makes sense at least, since african rhythms and repetiion have been a staples in the mainstream for decades now. Just wanted to know if there was some more cool subgenre from africa that wasn't pop, or maybe a rock subgenre.
>or maybe a rock subgenre.
Well, not today, but in the 70s-90s you had tons of stuffs like this. Osibisa, Edzayawa, WITCH, and a lot of other bands I forgot or don't even know.
And obviously meant from mainland africa. I know black american influence in rock is important
Sounds cool. I'll check the other two
the fuck you talking about. Im from france and even my 55 year old dad who had not any time to listen to music for the past 30 years knows about him lmao. You can even get physical copies of his latest album at fnacs
My country's gift to the world:
OMG BRAZIL!!! 8-|=======)
Listening to non western music is very modish right now and soft drinks companies are gunning for it like mad which is probably how you ended up making this post
Based. What are you brother? Bambara?
Ye. Like most. From around mopti. never learned the language though.
Oh, like me then
My parents put me in one of those international schools full of White people and foreign Africans, so I never learned my own language. Planning to learn tho because I feel ashamed that I only speak colonial languages like French and English, and that when I'm with my family, friends and generally surrounding I understand nothing of what they say between themselves.
Where do you currently live ?
>not being ultra weeb
ur loss faglords
Abidjan, Ivory Coast
If you have been away for a long time give it up. If you are only there to study then better get re-acquainted real fast Bambara can only be learned through living in Mali. its not taught only assimilated. The reason I say get to it fast is because if you don't you'll never be at home at your own country. You'll never be able to connect again not because you cant but because they'll never allow you back In. I and my mother learned this the hard way. Brought a great deal of pain to her. My father desperately wants to go back but he knows that he will never be welcomed as he was and that his presence will probably shatter whats left of my mothers family. I wish you good luck. I have already given up on my roots.
Not from mali but still thread relevant:
actually good jap shit over here:
Damn. Thank you user. I will try
Whomst are these fellas?
Top : legacy of Nigerian music (Fela Kuti)
Bottom : future of Nigerian music (Burna Boy)