I had £200 to spend today

Did I pick the right ones Yea Forums?

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why would you waste money

you should have bought a new carpet


you should have bought a bigger bed

if you see your mom this weekend, be sure and tell her

that's an exceptionally shitty top row

beach house isnt actually good, i know victoria shes a bitch, also theyre just a shallow fucking band that plapys dream pop, if you love dream pop then its fine cause you just like the sound, but i dont know why anyone would listen to a full length let alone 2. Boring ass shit. seen them live a bunch snooze fest, even went with a guy who really liked them and they agreed

not my cup of tea but if you like the albums you bought you definitely made the right decision :).

Based and fair user

>for that
You seriously overpaid. Spiderland costs like fucking $15 pretty much everywhere, so does mbv

200? next time buy on discogs or something, you got ripped off

you spent 200 quid on this?
you are fucking retarded

nah you're retarded, seen them live and they were fucking great
also Bloom is one of the best records of the 2010s

spotify is $10 a month. you could have spent $120 for a year's worth of spotify (or less, maybe) and listened to all the music you wanted to for a year

Every purchase you made was well spent except for that Beach House record, that one sucks, should've gotten Teen Dream

I like them but Bloom is their worst album for sure

>didnt buy ITCOTCK

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Spotify is not the same as vinyl, completely different things. Like having sex versus jerking off.

Yes you might argue that vinyl is too expensive to be worth it, and that's fine, but don't pretend that Spotify and vinyl are equaivalent because that's flat out wrong.

Yeah it wasn't in there, asked for Loveless too but no dice

Who else thought this was a custom made bed cover or something?

I can get behind this, there's nothing like looking through the album art or liner notes while you listen

please tell me you said "can i have one copy of Loveless on vinyl please?"

Nah it was more like:

Me - I'm looking for a particular record

Clerk - sure I'll have a look for you

Me - Ah decent, it's MBV's Loveless

Clerk - *shuffling through cabinet*

Yeah sorry we have it in sometimes but it's really popular

Me - Fair enough, it's easily a 10

Clerk - yep, it's one of a kind

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terrible new trip please stop breathing
also filtered

Sounds like somebody's bedroom dreampop project never took off.

Damn, that sucks. Should've asked for In The Wake of Poseidon then, it could've easily taken that beach house record's place.

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all solid picks except for MBV and Beach House desu

haha what
it's their best by a mile and it's not even close

Whenever I feel depressed I remind myself that I'm not British

London isn't representative of the whole of the UK mate

agree with all the picks. also appreciate you picking Tweez, really underrated album in the shadow of their obvious masterpiece

I thought it wasn't as good when I first listened to it, but I appreciate it a lot more for its noisy aspect in contrast to Spiderland