Yea Forums core 2019

Do you think any other albums will join it by 2020?

Attached: mu core 2019.png (1400x1650, 2.21M)

get earth 2 away from those shit albums

Fantano-core 2019

thats not Yea Forumscore thats cringe fantanocore delete this chart, hot rats is also not even top 5 zappa albums. This chart sucks. Why does it have VU self titled instead of White Light. Also its retarded to have minor threat in my eyes, minor threat out of step as well as minor threat complete discography because they have all the same tracks on the discography. The Slits can just leave this chart put on Gang of Fours Entertainment or like Pere Ubu Minutemen Pop group, Husker Du anything to replace the slits.. Chairs missing is better than pink flag... anyway this chart sucks dick

just gonna leave this here

Attached: -mu-core.jpg (1781x4325, 2.53M)

Earth 2 is the worst one on there. Imagine unironically enjoying


At least Sunn O))) has some cool concepts they use to keep drone interesting.

whoops, one caption was wrong, here's fixed version

Attached: mu core 2019_2.png (1400x1650, 2.21M)

whats good with all these tom waits albums?

they good



Di lit

>no electronic music
>threebrain (literally who)
>kids see ghosts (nobody talks about it)

yeah, delete.

back to work Tony

bump for haters

most of the albums on that chart could be replaced with something posted here more frequently, thus you completely missed the point of Yea Forumscore

i dont have to imagine anything cause i unironically enjoy wrrr

It has riffs and pretty good ones at that. Did you even listen to it?

but they're worse
popular =/= good

Why have In My Eyes and Out Of Step on there when you also include the Complete Discography?

How daughters are even on this list

different productions maybe? you're asking me?

Yea Forumscore = albums Yea Forums talks about the most. It has nothing to do with good or bad.

what happened to itaots

no die lit?

if you look at the bottom, you can see where furnaces of palingenesia was before he deleted it.

already triggered

>Not Hounds of love
>Not Homogenic

You may not like it, but this is what peak representation of this board looks like.

the joke is that these are all of melon's 5 star ratings on rym you buffoons

this. op is a faggot who was introduced to music through tano and listened to his first album two weeks ago. The level of new faggotry in this post is overwhelming.

the amount of misfits albums are good but were the fuck did in the airplane over the sea go?

you're asking me?

i like most of the albums on there, i just think its peak hilarious that fantano would give furnaces an 8, then delete the review because he was scared that folks would tar and feather him for reviewing an album