"Radicals and racists
Don't point your finger at me"
How can one man be so based?
"Radicals and racists
Don't point your finger at me"
How can one man be so based?
He had the balls no one else in rock has
GnR was the last vestige of high test rock n roll being the king before the Jew music industry killed rock artificially.
>GnR was the last vestige of high test rock n roll being the king before the Jew music industry killed rock artificially.
Tranny hands typed this
wipe the jizz off bro
>Tranny hands typed this
>wipe the jizz off bro
>Tranny hands typed this
>wipe the jizz off bro
You sure showed him chapobro
>You sure showed him chapobro
>You sure showed him chapobro
trannies are unironically worse than rednecks
at least rednecks have kids
>You sure showed him chapobro
holy fucking shit dude
>trannies are unironically worse than rednecks
>at least rednecks have kids
More fat white lards to frequent the local McDonald's you mean?
>trannies are unironically worse than rednecks
>at least rednecks have kids
why would the name be removed on this?..
Gnr stands for Gays n Retards. Shit trailer park music.
gtfo you redneck pieces of shit
gnr sucks acdc suckis motley crew sucks
no amount of alcohol induced dementia will make it sound good
ITT s oy
>ITT s oy
>itt s oy