Rationally explain why you dislike this album.
Rationally explain why you dislike this album
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't because it's good
Rationally explain why you like that album.
I listened to that one song that is about blacks being intimidating where it's like where's ur grandma from and stuff and decided I don't like kendrick lamar
Not how it works.
I never hear good things about it, just the negatives. It would be great to hear why people like it for a change.
That’s not even from this album
I heard how much a dollar cost and didn't really get it, if I had to choose which song was better I'd choose that other one just because it actually creates a sense of anxiety which isn't something a lot of songs can do, I felt like on how much a dollar cost the message was shallow, might just be me though.
>I never hear good things about it
It’s arguably the most critically acclaimed album of the decade. What’s the trouble??
While carefully sugar-coated, it remains a collection of bland hip-hop and pop songs. Style over substance, if you will. Musically speaking it brings nothing interesting to the table.
I browse Yea Forums the most outta all the music forums/boards I know so the only times I hear about the album is on this board, so most of it is just negative opinions about it, however I've never heard good opinions about the album on here and would like to hear those ones instead of the negative ones, why are you avoiding my question user? There's got to be some things you like about the album that I would love to hear about.
I don't like black people.
>It’s arguably the most critically acclaimed album of the decade.
That's all you have to say about it? Just like how The Beatles are "the greatest band of all time", right?
Im white
This is essentially the equivalent of asking television enthusiasts why they don't like Big Brother. It's popular, sure, but it's from an creatively bankrupt genre that does nothing unique or interesting or innovative. All I get is Kendrick acting racist (like he did with that white girl on stage) and repeating the same corporate-controlled messages and format of every work from this genre before.
>however I've never heard good opinions about the album on here
So it went from “I never hear good things about it” to “I never hear good things about it on Yea Forums“. Okay buddy.
>why are you avoiding my question user?
You literally avoided the OP’s question. So I have no reason to answer yours.
>So it went from “I never hear good things about it” to “I never hear good things about it on Yea Forums“. Okay buddy.
I never hear about the album at all outside of Yea Forums
But it literally is, it’s not my opinion that TPAB is the critically acclaimed album of the decade. It is, whether I like it or not
Stop browsing Yea Forums all the time.
>but it's from an creatively bankrupt genre that does nothing unique or interesting or innovative.
TPAB is entirely unique. Unless you think all Jazz Rap is the same.
I just wanna know why you find the album to be great user.
ummm sweaty you're not entitled to my opinion but have you tried having sex?
It's rap so I haven't listened to it. I just automatically assume it's shit, like every other rap album that get's memed here.
>Rationally explain why you dislike this album.
Maybe me having sex is the reason why I can't understand the album.
Maybe if I heard your opinion on it first, it might change the way I view the album by giving me a whole new perspective, so then I wouldn't even need to say I dislike it, but that I love it instead.
musically it's good. lyrically it's pretty pretentious, there's a lot better political albums out there
>But it literally is
Wait, you said it only "arguably" was. So which is it?
Not the point.
How would this be any better than just stating why you dislike it?
A I N ' T
I don't wanna fire off my opinion if I know there's a chance it could be changed by new insights and perspectives, and it seems to me like you're the only one that could change my ways user. I want to know why it's so great and only you can give me the key user.
>Musically speaking it brings nothing interesting to the table.
You're a Fucking moron
It's a pretentious, boring mess of an album with maybe one or two actually good songs. People eat it up because it sounds good but there's little about it that's actually captivating
That's literally a sample and thus proves my point
>Doesn't actually post the sample
>and it seems to me like you're the only one that could change my ways user
I won’t be able to change your perspective. I’m not smart enough.
I have faith in you user.
You just posted the beat. But not the actual sample.
>He doesn't like the art of sampling
By your logic, MF Doom or Madlib are frauds.
You wouldn't be able to even able to take a raw song, and edit the part you want to turn it into such a good beat. Fuck off already
Sample 1:
Sample 2
Sampled, perfect song:
If it is so uninterest or common, please direct me to more music that sounds like "Alright"- I'd like to have more.
I don't really understand the argument that Kendrick is being "pretentious" on this album, he's just expressing frustration and telling downtrodden city stories. "This Walls" still makes me squirm a bit when I listen to it.
That's exactly the point. You have nothing to say about the album at all.
Ironside is a bop on it's own desu but I agree that's a great take on it
Pac made Dear Mama two decades before it, Kanye made Hey Mama... then Kendrick shits out "momma".
You equated the opinion of considering the Beatles to be the greatest to the fact that TPAB is highly critically acclaimed.
> beat
> literally repeating one loop for 4 minutes
> calls it "art of sampling"
it's a laugh son
because it doesn't sound exclusively like the first two tracks, which are the only two that sound different from most of the "jazz rap" out there
I'm not that other guy.
The "art of sampling" can be done tastefully and well, as proven by artists such as Negativland, Nurse With Wound or Ground-Zero.
>By your logic, MF Doom or Madlib are frauds.
I have yet to hear a hip-hop artist do it tastefully. DJ Shadow is probably your best hope.
Just search for 90s jazz rap.
>the opinion of
>to the fact that
So opinions can be used as facts only when it benefits yourself?
>Just search for 90s jazz rap.
but the song I was talking about doesn't sound like Pharcyde or Digable Planets or any other 90s Jazz Rap at all
TPAB being acclaimed is not an opinion.
Opinions dictate acclaim.
>He doesn't know what Beat switch is
You sound extremely retarded already, here's one example that fit your criteria, dumbass
Not him, but none of those has the clear trap influence Alright has.
Because it isn't pleasing to my ears.
>literally repeating one loop for 4 minutes
That's literally the core of hiphop as a genre.
Good tracks but do you really think it sounds that similar? They have the classic sly, off-handed delivery and chillout vibe of music like this in the 90s whereas "Alight" has this stark, cut-up vocal sample that leads to a bombastic chorus.
Pharell's music in general has a unique "everyday sounds cut up and pasted in" sound to it
That’s why it will always be a shitty, parasitic genre. It’s like slave morality in the sense that it’s dependent on a master. Without other music to leech from, it wouldn’t exist.
The Roots and Outkast did hiphop with live instrumentation though. The root of it is a repeated loop, it doesn't matter where it comes from, that's the beauty of it.
>cutting out parts of songs you like and making a collage of it is not original
>Proceeds to describe all rock and pop
>The police unfairly arrest us
>We dindu nuffin
>Ay yo shawty lets go gangbanging and drinking
>The root of it is a repeated loop
Are you retarded?
No but kendrick and rap is
Even the music from which rock and pop were derived is way more harmonically and structurally interesting than 99% of hip-hop.
lmao it's like you never heard a Kendrick song in your life
I've heard all his albums, it's the same hypocrisy as nearly all rap
I take it you're not a fan of funk music then?
If you really think how much a dollar cost is good you might just be retarded dude.
You can only listen to the same groove for so long before it gets stale
>I have yet to hear a hip-hop artist do it tastefully. DJ Shadow is probably your best hope.
How this song is about Dindus & Police?
Just explain me? I'll wait? Fucking retards.
There's a few exceptions, but nearly all rappers complain about police brutality and then go on to say they're "real OG" for being a gangstar
Not all funk plays the same loop over and over. A lot of the time it builds on itself and evolves throughout the song whereas in hiphop once the bass and drums come in the song is already in its complete loop that wont change much, if at all throughout the song.
>DJ Shadow is probably your best hope.
Listen to more music, please.
>t. Huge DJ Shadow fan
So you don't like the album because you don't think hip hop has any merit from an artistic perspective? I don't think anyone is going to convince you otherwise, but hip-hop is definitely an artistic medium, you are just hearing the wrong music. Lyrically it has more poetic properties than any other genre other than spoken word, because when you are singing you are limited to sing within the context of the instrumentation to a much stricter sense than in hip hop. Not to say you do not rap to the instrumentation and beats in hip hop, but it allows for a lyrical structure and focus that other genres simply do not. Hip hop is not a genre that is confined to what you imagine hip hop to be, it allows for so much. Specifically this album has fantastic story telling/narrative, pertinent social commentary to the black community as well as the impoverished, and some very tasteful instrumentation by groups such as BADBADNOTGOOD, who are classified as a post-bop band. To disregard an entire genre because you have this perception that says that it is lacking in, "creatively bankrupt," is admitting that you haven't actually listened to much of the genre. Hip hop is the new folk singer songwriter, the new blues, and currently is the best way to express yourself lyrically.
What about the album is not captivating? It tells you a story from front to back, seemed together with overarching motifs, and a very personal narrative. I know that this is just personal opinion, but the album is very captivating for me.
Why bother getting into the discussion at all if you're just going to argue semantics?
Jazz is a very large genre, with many subgenres. The instrumentation as I said above is actually fairly post-bop oriented in its more jazzy sections. Not only are Digable Planet's instrumentals taking influence from an older, "cooler," version of jazz, but they are from a completely different era of hip hop.
>Why bother getting into the discussion at all if you're just going to argue semantics?
You don't understand what that word means.
Get a load of this failed poet
Then relisten to S.80. Theres like two dindus songs, and rest are various topics about his Everyday life, including self esteem advices, girls low esteems, being depressed or religious topics like link related:
What Kendrick Lamar makes isn't art: it's a consumer product no different than mouthwash and Nike sneakers. It's noise created by the machine that supports him, carefully designed to appeal to the broadest demographic possible in order to maximize profits. Any "meaning" you pull from the album (or RapGenius, let's be honest) was created by a boardroom full of rich whites and Jews, just like the dead one on the front of the album cover. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist, and by telling consumers that uppity niggers (again, just like the ones on the album cover) are capable of causing massive political and social reform, the uninformed masses will delude themselves into thinking this fabricated version of reality is the truth. Then, like clockwork, they will purchase the album and merch and concert tickets and praise Kendrick for his prophetic message as he gains more and more cultural equity while his white and Jewish overlords cash in on the public's ignorance.
I'm not even a Kendrick fan, but he's spoken out against gang violence and it's consequences in tracks like Sing About Me and Blacker The Berry.
i don't need to know what it is because the nature of all hip hop is excessive repetition, and not just repetition, but the repetition of a drum loop of a very particular style, making already a narrow genre even more narrow. so yeah, screw your rap shit
>Listen to more music, please.
I already listen to enough music to know what I'm saying, trust me. You can't even provide an argument.
>Bro just ignore that track on good kid about how he was """"forced"""" to be a gangbanger
I hate niggers, therefore I hate the album
also sneed
Here's rap music summed up nicely.
If you think sample layering is the best of Hip Hop sampling. Or “tastefully“, you don’t listen to a lot of Hip Hop.
I bet you think Endtroducing is his best you pleb.
Yes, opinions do dictate acclaim, however the vast majority of hip hop fans acclaim this album as one of the best of the decade, that is a fact. It very regularly makes the very top of best albums of the decade lists. The fact that people still debate and talk about this album 4 years later should show its acclaim.
I wildly disagree. When this technique is done, it is because the producer wants to put an emphasis on the lyrics rather than the instrumentation. You can say the same thing about singer songwriters who play the same four chords while expressing meaningful lyrics. Regardless, this is definitely not the only technique in hip hop production, and you actually do hear some varied production techniques on individual songs all the time, such as MF DOOM, Joey Badass, Madlib, Kanye West, among many others. Don't oversimplify a genre if you don't listen to it.
Shit, I've been using that word wrong for a while now.
In hip hop they are wildly important. In other genres not so much, but that's definitely a massive driving point for many hip hop listeners. Saying lyrics don't matter in hip hop is insanely ignorant.
Define art. Just because Kendrick is making a killing off of his musical career does not mean what he's making is not art. I don't even know how to argue with someone who has this logic, just listen to the damn album and read along with the lyrics. Pirate the album so you aren't paying the people who made it for all I care, because this album is high art as far as hip hop is concerned. And to say Kendrick's music is a consumer product is to say that all music is a consumer product, which isn't wrong but also isn't an inherently bad thing.
>this album is high art as far as hip hop is concerned
That’s really not saying much lmao
>he listens to music for the lyrics
Go read a poem while listening to jazz you'll get the same effect
If we're discarding turntablism artists, I've yet to hear a single hip-hop producer who's done things better with sampling.
>you don’t listen to a lot of Hip Hop.
No I don't, I usually prefer to listen to better and more creative genres. But I've heard enough sound collages and plunderphonics to know what I'm looking for in music.
>however the vast majority of hip hop fans acclaim this album as one of the best of the decade
Black people don't listen to Kendrick Lamar. P4k and Rollingstone magazine don't count as "vast majority of hip hop fans". 9/10 old heads don't fuck with Kendrick past GKMC.
I never got the impression Kendrick wanted to glorify/promote gangbanging with that song.
What about DAMN?
It's literally saying "never talk back because that means you're not a real gangstar"
I listen to hip hop and singer songwriters for lyrics. That's the point. The instrumentation is usually catered around the lyrics. If I'm listening to some rock, rnb, or any other lyrical genre its not nearly as important, just look at the Door's lyrics. They're trash but the way Jim sings them makes them good, but the point of the Doors is not lyricism. Are you really gonna tell me that the lyrics in albums like 21st Century Schizoid Man, The Wall, Pope Killdragon, or Hospice are unimportant?
This is just incorrect. I work with 80% black people, and we all listen to music from our speakers when in the back. I hear Kendrick all the damn time.
>I've yet to hear a single hip-hop producer who's done things better with sampling.
How did you miss Mobb Deep, J Dilla, and Public Enemy?
You work with blacks, not niggers. Niggers have no interest in listening to TPAB. The majority of rap music is created for niggers
>Don't oversimplify a genre if you don't listen to it.
I enjoy all the artists you mentioned. Doesn't change the fact that hip hop was born out of loops from funk records. The aforementioned artists mostly steer away from that tradition.
>albums like 21st century schizoid man
Lmao pleb. And yes if the good albums you listed the lyrics are merely a sprinkle on top of already good music. They would be good without the lyrics but trash without the music
Well if the target demographic doesn't like it, then what do we end up with? The hip hop equivalent of "bronies".
I don't like how it sounds. Thinking you need anymore reason to not like an album than this is idiotic.
This is the type of person who "critically acclaims" TPAB:
I'm sorry I really don't understand your point on how hip hop's origins effect the legitimacy of the genre. That just doesn't make any sense to me.
Oops. You have a point about ITCOTCK and The Wall, I was just kind of listing off albums with good lyrical content, but those might have not been the best examples. That being said, are you trying to say Pope Killdragon's main appeal is not its lyrics? If the album/song has a main focus on its lyricism, are you really trying to argue that its not? I listen to some music for its lyricism and some music for its instrumentation, it just depends on the context. How about Ruminations by Conor Oberst then? Its a great, and moving album, that is pretty much entirely lyrical, because that's the point. Not all music is made strictly for its instrumentation, that's just a fact, and to deny that is just incorrect. Some music is to be appreciated for its lyricism, I just don't get how you don't get that.
This may be the best answer by far.
>Conversation is idiotic
Are you a caveman?
>muh false dichotomy to justify my universal hatred of people who have a certain skin color
I'm not saying " hip hop's origins effect the legitimacy of the genre.", I'm not that other user you were replying to. Being mostly loop-based isn't limitative whatsoever.
Were you born without ears?
you are just appealing to an imaginary conspiratorial fantasy to indulge yourself into never having to think about the album, must be nice to be able to delude onself so easily
Music made to be appreciated mainly for lyricism falls short in musical quality. That is why I do not like TPAB
Damn > GKMC > TPAB > Sct 80
The issue I take with TPAB personally, is that the song topics are derivative of many of the great conscious Hip-Hop artists who dabbled in Jazz flavored instrumentals (Common, Digable Planets, Mos Def, Talib Kweli, Tribe), and yet through all his conceptual “genius”, I just don’t resonate with the message of the poem (which is played out exhaustingly over the course of the album). I mean do you guys really get the chills when Tupac enters the poem? Well for me personally it’s cheesy as fuck. Artists that pretend to be messiahs are annoying as fuck. Kendrick’s ego in TPAB is what kills the whole experience. Even through his bouts with depression on songs like “u”, I just still can’t help but to feel like Kendrick isn’t as earnest and sincere as he comes off to be. However he loves the attention.
>The most critically acclaimed album of the decade
Let’s not pretend that most of the white American public didnt have the guts to critique TPAB for what it was at that time. Many journalists were losing their jobs at this time due to corporate agendas (look at Condé Nast purchase of P4K)
>imaginary conspiratorial fantasy
Open your eyes (and ears).
I may just drop it as you are not a person who appreciate lyricism in music, but does that mean you don't appreciate songs like Heroin by TVU, Hurricane by Bob Dylan, or War In Peace by Alexander Skip Spence? Lyricism allows for the listener to empathize and relate to the writer. Its just story telling, allowing for another level of immersion into the music.
If you can go in depth for why you dislike an album that's cool. But thinking someone needs to be able to go in depth and explain why they dislike an album is dumb. At the end of the day you you like or dislike albums based on how they sound to you.
Boring instrumentation everywhere. I'd rather listen to feedback that I can feel in my bones
You probably make really small poops unlike me. Ohoho, my shits are fucking massive and when I go to wipe there is nothing there
because I never heard it
I don't like hip hop
>epic records
yeah ok buddy
>Ohoho, my shits are fucking massive
Is your boi pucci loose from getting pounded?
>Still conversation is dumb
Again, are you a caveman?
So you didn't even listen to the songs, I put War In Peace there as a test. While Alexander is a largely lyrical writer, War In Peace is a song based in instrumentation. If I was being serious there, I would have put Diana. I think you may be pretentious.
What are you implying?
>t. Turdlet
how is that relevant whatsoever to tpab?
This album's racist against wh*te people
War in peace has boring instrumentation you goober. Just because it's based in instrumentation doesn't mean it's good. Im only pretentious because of people like you. I think you may be missing braincells.
Do you believe that video was the first time it has happened?
I don't see how anyone can argue that War In Peace is boring instrumentally. You could say you don't like it, but labeling it as boring just doesn't seem right to me. If you had actually listened to the song/already knew it, you would have called me out immediately. You are pretentious, work on that. Its not even that you don't appreciate lyricism, I get a feeling of elitism from you. I take you for the type of person who refuses to listen to anything in the top 40 out of principle.
It’s good, but it gets way more credit than it deserves. Also people act like it was the first hip hop album to incorporate non sample based jazz elements when the shits been done since the ‘90s.
It’s great, but not the best album of all time, hip hop or otherwise.
listen to this with lyrics:
if you only get that conclusion after the whole song, then you win
I love britney spears. Spacey, dissonant guitars is not interesting instrumentation by default. That would make every psychrock and shoegaze band good by default. You are just dumb. Pretentiousness is part of what makes this board good.
So you don’t like krautrock either then?
>Pretentiousness is part of what makes this board good.
Not really, but it's inevitable. I used to be you 7 years ago, now I don't give a shit about having a pole up my ass when I argue my points here. Not that other guy btw.
I think I'm done, but I have to say that the actual chord structure of War In Peace is very interesting. He's seemlessly playing in a scale based in A with liberal usage of borrowed chords and chromatic walk downs. He's going from A to Ab to G to Gb in such a smooth way that you would honestly just think he's playing in A major. I guess its not as interesting to a non-musician, but regardless we're so off point now its useless. I give up.
>a kendrick track went over his head
tpab in general goes over this boards head, as all the comments insisting it's a "kill whitey" album show
I agree with this guy. I’ve listened to the album probably 100 times but learned to hate it. The only people I know irl that still listen to it are self hating whites
No one listens to albums rationally, it's all about the emotions you get from listening and if this one doesn't evoke any thats all I need for disliking it.
it bad
Not that user, but I dislike hip hop for being boring and repetitive while still enjoying krautrock/minimalism because while still repetitive, it's subtly shifting in interesting ways, vs a static loop playing for the whole track
Kendrick was one of my entry points into hip hop back in 2013. when this album released, everything that I liked about Kendrick was just gone, for his music as well as him as a person
Yeah and Final Tribe had tons of live instrumentation, really felt dense and dirtier than typical rap. I do find that rap does sound much more alive when you have a real bassline, a real drummer, etc.
Literally listen to TPAB. It has that attention to detail all over. And just any great Hip Hop album.
Yeah S.80 and GKMC really embody the woes of everyday life in the ghetto/projects without being lol whyy peepo bad music. I really enjoy those projects and UU but TPAB and DAMN do nothing for me. I find too that if you listened to loads of jazz before hand TPAB sounds really boring. My dad showed me a lot of jazz as a kid and TPAB just sounded like some cheesy poached riffs at times.
Do you like MBDTF?
Ah, To Pimp a Butterfly by Kendrick Lamar. What a masterpiece
It so effectively creates an engrossing concept and aesthetic by playing a beautiful poem at the end if every song, slowly unveiling the hidden story of this masterwork. Lamar has quite the stunning voice, delivering extremely thoughtful verses that will make you question your inner racism. All in all, a classic.
Also, that’s because the main attraction on many hip hop albums is the rapper. The beat is just used to supplement the rapper on display. Not that the beat HAS to be boring or that production isn’t important, it’s just secondary, and instrumental experimentation can sometimes limit the freedom the rapper has, so instrumentals are kept pretty simple and repetitive when compared to other forms of music, hence why beats barely last a minute on most beat tapes.
That being said, as said, check out TPAB, as it’s one of those albums that actually attempts to do more instrumentally. Also check out And
>Madvillainy (the beats are repetitious, but you still might enjoy it since most of the songs are incredibly short)
>Flower Boy (I don’t like this one, but it gives you what you’re looking for)
>We Got it from here... Thank you for your service
>the album Faust did with Dalek (the name slips my mind)
>Third side of tape
>malibu Ken
>Electricity is on Our Side
There are probably others I can bring up but I can’t be fucked right now
I don't have to justify anything, I hate niggers
It's boring.
Not enough energy imo, mostly great tho. GKMC rarely sounds the same. It's consistent but diverse but TPAP is a little too consistent.
Blueface is unique, that doesn't make him likeable
its doodoo bro
album sucks. preachy, corny lines, pretentious. If you want to listen to some ghetto blues listen to meek mill, not this faggot
Shut up nigger
easily top 5 AOTD
or what manlet?
I remember when this came out and kendrick fans at my school were disappointed and than I listened to it and it ended up being one of my favorite releases of the 2010s
Not the same person but honestly I'd say listen to it and let it speak for itself.
It's thematically a fantastic album, split into various movements about growing rich and famous and the trappings that come with that. It's soaked in rich production, interesting samples and has real nice jazz undertones (Kamasi Washington and Thundercat contributed Sax and Bass)
It slowly builds up a poem as the album progresses through the acts and Kendrick's character acts as a tragic hero navigating through these new avenues.
It brings in a character called Lucy (Lucifer) that poisons him and takes him away from his roots and his family (e.g the horrifyingly vulnerable verse on U about facetiming his friend who had been shot because he was on tour so didn't visit, friend subsequently died.
Give it a few spins, it's a lot to digest but it's truly worth it. Any negative opinion I see is so surface level that to me it generally demonstrates it's either a) just not their thing or b) they haven't given it a far and objective try, removed from opinions of others
I listened once when it came out and it sounded like pretentious garbage. Until then he was making listenable songs, this is where he turned into a woke jazz blowhard.
Also rap sucks and I rarely listen to it anymore because it's boring.
DAMN made me appreciate TPAB more
Kendrick Lamar is just straight up boring my man.
i only listen to in the end
I don't like blacks. Therefore because this album has black people I don't like it. Complete rational chain of thought.
bro stfu, this album is corny as fuck lol
>lyrical structure and focus
>some very tasteful instrumentation
which on is it?
>BADBADNOTGOOD, who are classified as a post-bop band
literally by who?
>What about the album is not captivating? It tells you a story from front to back
>pertinent social commentary to the black community
not all that original at this point
>Hip hop is the new folk singer songwriter, the new blues, and currently is the best way to express yourself lyrically.
your optimism is adorable
This is textbook P4K suburban white/jewish cultural analysis
that's one way to say you're from /pol/, i suppose
That’s not part of 4channel, is it?
Go back to lereddit
Lmao youre telling people in music board to listen to music
Yes I will thank you
But fuck your taste
Fair nuff. Based.
That Faust/Dälek is called Derbe Respect, Alder
Electricity Is On Our Side and Malibu Ken are underrated as the fuck
It's not nearly as good as the previous 2 and none of the songs have long term value for me aside from Institutionalized, u, and Momma.
Lamar declares himself the de facto ambassador and protagonist for black culture, but he's such a weak storyteller--all flash, no substance, constantly recycling ideas--that this feels extremely disingenuous, like if a cheap magician tried to run for office.
Additionally, a lot of the most important "tricks" that Lamar employs wear out their welcome quickly, so the narrative feels immature. GKMC, by comparison, embraced that immaturity, and wasn't as conceptually demanding, which takes the burden off of Lamar's storytelling skills.
so basically, the record feels like some dude trying really really hard to convince you he's created a progressive generation-defining masterpiece, so even though it more or less IS a masterpiece--King Kunta is probably my favorite rap song--it still somehow falls flat if listened to all at once. The songs are good, the album is bad. (And even the songs sort of bug me; like with Jay-Z, they've got a very "the best production that money can buy" sort of vibe.)
respond to this guy
this mf has that luxury golden taste
It's not as fun as GKMC.
i love how much degenerates hate to hear this truth
How is he a shallow storyteller? A criticism I get of Kendrick is the rapping part, punchlines and shut like that, but storytelling? The stories are always so detailed and thematically appropriate to the rest of what he's talking about. I just straight up don't get this criticism.
I don't think he's declaring himself the leader of any black movement, maybe on alright but that's it, the whole album is extremely emotional and personal, not all the songs are about race relations but even when they are there are songs that contradict each other, and not because he just forgot the other songs, because that what happens when you're fully emotional, you can't think 100% logically, that is to say, I think people who think that he's preachy are stupid.
A lot of the time he's rapping about the direct consequences of releasing GKMC, a big part od the album is about fame and influence, so the supposed role model role he takes on is just because he fells that pressure after releasing a greatly successful socialy relavent album.
The part about it being "good songs not a good album" is just silly I'm sorry.
Can you expand on what ideas he recycles and where he takes them from?
fake deep pretentious shit and annoying vocals rhymes nigga with nigga
its mas produced and built for the broad consumer in hopes of making more money with the side effect of having less meaning and true expression of himself in the actual product
hip hop sucks
severely diluted for higher profit margins
This is why music discussion on Yea Forums is pointless nowadays
That's my input to this discussion. The album sucks and I don't reccommend it. I like some songs, eg. these walls but the lyrical content ruins the album. Production is great in some parts, gimmicky in other parts but the lyrical content is just cringe, I consider myself somewhat left but even I can admit kendrick is an overrated rapper, story teller etc dude is not as smart as he thinks he is. How much a dollar cost is also cringe
Malibu ken is ok...
Clumsily delivered lyrics
The beats are kinda nice though, but I wouldn't listen to it when I have to trudge through Kendrick's ugly voice and when I can listen to Cosmogramma or Black Messiah
GKMC was his peak and TPAB was his sellout album. After DAMN it seems he will continue to go down this path of lowest common denominator muzak
wrong album but the relevance of that situation is being raised by a single mother and sometimes having to live with her mother.
>when you have to explain the album's dumb premise to validate bad music
If that's what you're concluding from he said you're braindead
I don't really think the album does anything particularly bad, it just doesn't do anything really all that special. I don't really see this album as all that much different from any other modern pop rap album.
I don't see how you could say that with everything that's going on in the album. I remember I said that about Daytona after listening to it once, only to realize how different that album actually is after multiple listens. Sometimes you just miss some stuff by only listening to an album once, and I think TPAB is an album which calls for multiple listenings.
Even if I give it another listen and all of a sudden I start to find real depth in the album and see what everyone is praising it for I find Kendricks voice to be too grating for me to ever really think highly of it, You might be right in that it may be time for me to give it another chance though. I'm not all that big on hip hop but I don't really go out of my way to hate it like a lot of people here seem to.
>k-k-k-kendrick is racis!
butthurt white boi detected
Well give it another shot, listen all the way through, and re-evaluate you're opinion. I think its a completely respectable opinion to say that you don't like his voice, but saying it doesn't do anything special tells me you weren't listening to it with too much attention. Its a really creative album with interesting motifs, instrumentals, and subjects. Try it again, its a fantastic album with some great story telling.
Story telling and lyricism isn't something I value very much in music. Its a big reason why I don't like a lot of hip hop and my favorites in the genre are the albums that are more abstract and less focused on lyricism like cLOUDDEAD and The Ziggurat
because kendrick is a filthy nigger
I used to be like that towards hip hop as well, but over time I started to appreciate albums with good production that was backed up by good lyricism. I'm not saying that everyone follows this path, but I think its good to try and appreciate different aspects of music because it will expand your tastes if you allow it to, helping you find more new music than you would have. It also helps you be a bit more open minded in more aspects of life.
All I'm saying is to listen to the album and try to appreciate the story he's telling. Listening to lyrics allows you to relate and empathize with the artist in a way that instrumentation just doesn't allow. You do you though, music is subjective.
It doesn’t offend my ears. Good enough for you faggot?
braindead take. that song is about racial profile you fucking brainlet
i dont dislike this album, op
>/thread himself
Ultra based
Imagine thinking blueface is unique
It doesn't sound good. I can appreciate that it has some mildly interesting framing devices, like the poem that slowly unfolds through the album and leads into each song. Conceptually interesting. Unfortunately the album is just cringey woke rap that sounds bad.
>not using cringe ironically
You know what do
>the horrifyingly vulnerable verse on U about facetiming
>sprinkle some meme jazz on boring instrumentals
>babbys first sociology class concept/lyrics
Not even half as good as GKMC, he started taking himself way to seriously for what he is actually capable of creating.
I guess it worked out fine though considering his white hipster audience laps it up, and or are completely afraid to critique anything that is black """""art"""""""
>whites are afraid to critique black "art"
this describes the entire collapse of pitchfork in the late 2000s
It's just a pretentious, racist, and thematically corny version of this. Instead of actually diving in and commenting on something truly inspiring and true about the culture of its time and an underlying truth about culture and celebrity status in general like Kanye masterfully does here, Kendrick decides to half ass all of the same ideas and re-brand it as something new by tying in the racial themes as an eye catcher (Something Kanye already does inside this record but in contrast to Lamar he doesn't whine about it the entire time)
*vinyl scratching sample intro*
*whiny baby voice delivery*
*cringy fake tupac interview*
*spells out the entire theme of the album in case you were too dumb to grasp his genius since he's a poet and the savior of hip hop and the black race*
I'm not American and I deeply, deeply despise the idea of IdPol. If it brings African Amerians together, more power to them, it didn't do shit for me and I know it sure as hell wasn't supposed to.
>listening to any other hiphop ever that is not Bladee
HA. Silly user.
unironically this
afro-american culture is disgusting
Didn't Kendrick get upset when white kids were rapping along at his concerts and using the same words he used (i.e. "nigga")? Why would any white person want to listen to music that the artist doesn't want him to enjoy? If Kendrick was truly passionate about these racial-linguistic views, why would he even let white kids listen to his albums and attend his shows?
>okay, you can buy my album and come to my concert but only if you promise not to sing along or try and take part in the culture surrounding my music
Give me a break. He's a hypocrite trying to appease both white kids with money and the BLM community at the same time.
Cool, but this has nothing to do with the musical content.
god youre a retard
Ya seethe?
It was a publicity stunt idiot
T. mad someone has better taste than them
i dont like white people, so i dont listen to kendrick.
I would like it better if he was insulting me and being a coon then he would be more black
I think both of these albums are comparable, but they are aiming for something completely different.
I really don't think it was. Kendrick only seemed to say something because the crowd got up in arms. I really don't think Kendrick needs to do publicity stunts.
based as FUCK
Avant-jazz pretensions and reliance on histrionics rather than musical substance
Best album of 2010s.
Yeah it did it you dishonest fuck.
Living with your grandma sucks, everyone is like where your parents at
its ok i guess.