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7 days last.fm chart thread
What u guys been listening to? Prove your superiority by recommending people some shit you think is good.


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I'm somewhat intrigued by the Lolina project but can't get into Hype Williams at all

looks like a weeb emoticon :o

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kim kardashian

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im gonna peck you


Good taste


been drinking somewhat
i only recognize a few of these but based on the album covers
estas tonne - internal flight

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+Bjork(even though debut, vespertine, and homogenic are superior), Aphex Twin, Massive Attack
+New Order
Why Farrah Abraham? It's interesting for what it is but not very listenable
+Jobim, Ornette
- Why Apostrophe? Zappa went to shit after the early 70s
+Kate Bush
-Car Seat Headrest

>-Car Seat Headrest
i very much understand your dislike for the band but i just want to say that the main reason for it being on the chart is the first track which is

>1 hour long flamenco song
this sounds really cool
thanks for the rec user
to you i rec cleaners from venus' midnight cleaners
for me its so bad that its good tier
and what adds to my liking of it is the honesty of the lyrics (though i definitely didn't understand all of them) and their confessions about her life combined with the odd music
its a real unique experience with some music that i do consider to be pretty bad but just enough that it becomes enjoyable again

To me it just sounds like NMH's first record which I find to have decent melodies but it's not all that interesting to me.

VTSS, Beau Wanzer
Throbbing Gristle - Live Volume 2
Rhythm and Noise - Chasms Accord

ulver - perdition city
sparks - angst in my pants

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i think im pretty epic

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Pretty entry-level taste though none of the records are particularly bad.

lolo zouai - high highs to low lows

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As someone who only really loves late 80s sample-heavy hip hop, Danny Brown is the best rapper and hip hop artist of our generation. Truly underrated.

+Danny Brown, Kate Bush The Pop Group
- Earl Sweatshirt, Weatherday

danny is great but I'd give that title to Earl maybe

I think Earl has potential but a lot of his lyrics are corny, his flows are all monotone and boring imo and his production is repetitive (though I like some of the ideas he was working with on his newest project)

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good albums

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+burial, black moon, prodigy
really really good taste, not sure what i should rec though
++jehu and slint ep
hello fellow zoomer, good taste

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calling earl corny is a very weird criticism thrown at anything he's done post-Doris, especially with the context of Danny being praised

his flow i understand but i wouldn't call it monotone

production on SRS is great(especially as when i listened i was coming off MIKE's work, sixpress and SOTC)

The twilight sad - it won/t be lime this all the time
A place to bury strangers - worship
Astrobrite - pinkshiny ultrablast
Trepaneringsritualen - kainskult
Sutcliffe jugend - offal
Koreisch - this decaying schizophrenic christ complex
Anenzephalia - ephemeral dawn
Controlled bleeding - music from the scourging grounds
Kid606 vs dalek - ruin it

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I think that the production is good, none of the songs seem to go anywhere though. As far as his lyrics go, they have 100% improved since Doris but Danny is a far superior storyteller, rapper, and includes life lessons into his lyrics. I dont really get anything out of Earls songs

that's fair enough, SRS, imo, takes a while to fully get into in terms of lyrics. the themes are kind of scattered and murky but every layer you peel back feels so rewarding

the repetitive imagery of drowning in blood and the allusion to his depression being caused by his bad history/father

>I said peace to my dirty water drinkers
>Psh, nobody tryna get it clean
>Why ain't nobody tell me I was sinkin'?

>It was holes in the boat, we ain't make a fuss

>Blood in the water, I was walkin' in my sleep
>Blood on my father, i forgot another dream

>Momma say don't play with them scabs
>It's safe to say I see the reason I'm bleeding out

>Lotta blood to let, peace to make, fuck a check

There's so much to unpack lyrically/thematically on the album I couldn't do it on some random post on /mu, I'd suggest giving it more listens. It's doesn't bang your head with the themes/meanings/motifs so its easy to miss them

>I revisit the past
>Port wine and pages of pads
>Momma say don't play with them scabs
>It's safe to say I see the reason I'm bleeding out

one of my favourite lyrics on the album, ignoring the reference to south african history the line is great for putting something nuanced from something simple and typing it into the rest of the album

>Momma say don't play with them scabs

a regular thing kids do but here these scabs reference the emotional wounds that Earl has that he's revisiting when he writes about his depression/history in his music

>It's safe to say I see the reason I'm bleeding out

this line ties the whole thing back into the motif of drowning in blood or just drowning in general

if you pick a scab it'll bleed obviously, earl here is acknowledging here that his music may not be the best way to deal with his depression and instead may be worsening the issue