/prod/ - Music Production

/prod/ please stop shit posting edition

New to production? Check it; pastebin.com/p2QUqMzj
Post what you're looking for in feedback. GIVE feedback to get feedback.
Post WIP's in; instaud.io
or any other anonymous audio online storage website
DON'T link to Soundclouds or youtube channels (or be banned)

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Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw haven’t opened logic in weeks
I’m not going to make it

Last bread:


dubstep user, i fucking hate my sound design now after the feedback man, i'm /cripplingselfdoubt/ now :(

...but that just means I must try even harder to git good 8)

>make some melody up
>let it loop for 10 minutes while i try to come up with something to go with it
>cant do it
>realize the melody sucks
>abandon song
How do i stop doing this?

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stop trying to make a single song in a single setting.

make different parts and save them all, then after a week try and put something together

Looping melodies is a death sentence. It will always sound shit after a while.

I just wanna know how mike dean mixes his kicks and synths

Or the opposite.
I find that that whenever I listen to something enough times it becomes accepted as the way it should be by my brain, which can be rather dangerous because the melody may very well be shit.

That's why you only listen to good music and don't waste time on bullshit that you know sucks.
This way only good melodies, chords, and rhythms get internalized in your subconscious and you get good taste instead of letting shit music shape it into being bad.

Not particularly. I see it as a challenge to force myself to constantly consciously decide whether I like what I'm hearing or not, which has so far been very effective in training my ear.
Sometimes it takes taking a step back and/or smoking a bowl to be able to hear the bad parts again though.

Good luck with that.


Repostan from yesterday because I changed the drums a little bit to fit better.
Does everything sound ok? I don't have monitors so it's a bit tricky mixing on cheap headphones and then judging the mix with various shitty speakers/in-ears around the house. Sounds pretty good to me though.
Also need a genre, since I can't really place it myself.

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Morning fellas first loop of the day

Try singing it to feel it better and don't loop it as much.

>page 9

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>What are you working on now and where would you like to branch into?
I'm working on hardcore electro using the GameBoy sound chip and I'd like to move into synth programming and algorithmic music

With pro tools

Doesn't sound too bad mixing wise. The drums get buried under the rest just a tiny little bit imo, but i don't have much of an ear for that anyway.
Just made this in an hour or so. I'm pretty much a beginner, so any advice helps.

This is the full thing, converting went wrong before.

what do you do when you want to make music, but you know it won't be up to your taste/standards?

Power through it and experiment until you find something you like. Just go with the flow. If you don't do anything at all, that's kinda bad, i guess.

sorry for being new, but how hard would it be to take a youtube video like youtube.com/watch?v=i-gJtb2CwNc
and take out the narrator's voice? could i do it myself in an afternoon?

or just mix just the background music and video, to obtain the same result

holy shit I forgot how bad those fleetwood mac stems were

added some drops and better drums
also some cheesy vox hits

you mean have the narrator's voice without the background music? that would be quite difficult.
But if you just want to cut out the parts with the narrator's voice it's very easy. Just download the mp3 from the video and cut it with audacity.

I just ordered teenage engineering OP-32 boys


Just made this yesterday, thoughts?

you mean a PO-32? that's cool though, definitely get one of the cases they are 100% worth it

Nice melody, very well written.

One thing I'd change is the 808. It doesn't punch through the mix enough and considering this is a trap/rap beat, that's really important.

Maybe try adding a kick on every beat? Might sound interesting and give it a more dance-able vibe.

So is sampling not shamed upon? Does it require some artistry?

I know that Kanye samples a lot, but he is also considered the greatest alive as far as hip hop sounds go... Even by myself.

Can anyone explain? Does sampling actually take hard work and to implement it in your songs also takes hard work?

I'm a complete beginner so I want to just see what you guys think.

go away justicefag

not sure what that is

don't lie

I'll browse more to see if I can understand what justice is.

I started fondling around with music just yesterday. So I've only been following prod from the last thread.


Sampling is perfectly fine unless you just blatantly rip someone off.


How do you feel about this carl wheezer type beat

Lmfao this is great.

What would count as a rip off? Would having someone sing over my instrumental be classed as rip off? Or using their drums or other instruments?

educate yourself you underaged monkey

Save this so you never forget again.

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okay today imma make some WeIrD snares like SOPHIE
and finish up that song
and GIT GOOD at some brostep bass's
then make something with it :^)

hopefully report back to /prod/ with good news

We're waiting for updates user.

baka desu senpai

gomen bitch.

first update is that max makes making cool snares stupid fucking easy :p

>first update is that max makes making cool snares stupid fucking easy :p
What are you using?
Are you making your own patches?

I just sample all my percussion from kitchenwares

nah i haven't started making custom patches, i'm a fucking noob lol

lfo/envelope/granulator so far, re-re-resampling snares/claps i already made with absynth mostly and layering foley, eaaaassy

it can be dope

not only I forgot that they were mp3 files but now I'm fully realizing how sloppy everything was played, I can't fucking loop anything without losing my sanity, I guess I'll have to chop every single small bit to make it fit

I thought these guys were pros?

Who is this and why is he directing traffic away from our threads? This is how /prod/ dies, slowly. I don't see him coming into any threads here and ever offering advice. Instead he needs to be an attentionfag and spread the small community here even thinner.

How often do you see people here help others out? It's a shitfest here and that's why a lot of people are leaving.

I wouldn't post in this shithole either

>I can't fucking loop anything without losing my sanity, I guess I'll have to chop every single small bit to make it fit

Thats because its real music you monkey. Its not some hyper grid aligned ableton template you downloaded from an arab with a 10 year old toshiba laptop and waves 8 crack.

>How often do you see people here help others out?
I try my best to do at least 1 or 2 long posts a day replying to someones honest efforts. I don't feel the need to be a tripfag though. My efforts aren't enough obviously but there isn't many other places to go.
Every production forum I've known about since I started browsing them in 08 is either boomers with insane studios that are condescending or normies trying to make "edm".
Facebook groups are the apex of cancer, you have to be a complete npc to even use social media today. Oh well, guess I'm going back to gearslutz.

well I want to make fake music so this is not good, besides they were absolutely sloppy even for their time
if anything this fag is stealing people from the sc threads, what really kill generals are discord servers

I mean, I agree with you friend. Trust me, I would like to make this place great myself, but it's just not possible because 4ch is filled with zoomers only shitposting and not taking anything serious when we should all uplift eachother here and really make some serious progress.

You should probably look into some discord groups, I don't know any but if you find some good ones let me know my guy.

They were at the time, which basically entailed being able to handle your drugs onstage and not implode the band by fucking everything that came at you (actually I'm really impressed by their professionalism in performance, they hated the shit out of each other most of the time but still kept it together for shows).

Also the story is that is the original vocal recorded shortly after she wrote the song, basically a test jam, and the engineer says after that take she never sounded right doing it again so he used the dirty recording.

No Yea Forums thread will ever be perfect, but it can be decent.
Anyone who's here expects some less-than-serious-posting. It's a good part of the appeal of the site.
As long as there isn't too much hardcore shitposting that fully derails the thread, and there are some helpful posts, /prod/ can thrive and be a good place.
Lately this hasn't been the case, but it can be, even with some non-serious posters joking around and memeing.

I mean, what's the point of coming on Yea Forums for high-level serious discussion and hating people who aren't serious?
It's like going on Tinder and complaining about promiscuity.
Sure it's not all there is to it, and you can find otherwise, but it's the main thing of the site/service and it's to be expected.

Of course... I never said that we should get rid of all of the shitposters. In an ideal world, there would be a perfect balance of shitposting and helpful advice, but that's clearly not the case right now.

At the moment there is only spergs sadly. Maybe it'll change.

>besides they were absolutely sloppy even for their time
You don't even understand the extent of their success.. Unlike today where all views are fake and bought, people like this had to persuade people to spend real money on their music and actually show up in person.
Despite your butthurt about some stems being out of your league/ability level, this band can still pull in HUGE numbers for live shows. Meanwhile the shelf life for "fake music" as you put it, is maybe 3-5 years. And thats for a forced meme like aviciishit and animals.

Step back and appreciate a few facts, Mr. Internet Hate Machine

You cannot get immediate feedback, there's no "point for point" feedback here either, there's nothing preventing non-community members from dropping their links in this thread. You don't know who is talking to you and if they even have minor success in music production here. You cannot drop an mp3/wav here and instead you must rely on instaud.io for everything now that clyp is cucked.

This format is great for political dissidence, making fun of lol cows, shitposting, and generally anything where user by default actually makes sense. It's not a format for art communities focused on improvement, unless you like keeping a loaded folder of copy-pasta, pastebin links, and images for every new thread. So get over it.

this is not a dick measuring contest, as you said I'm just pissed about those stems, I don't think they are worth the effort since I'm supposedly doing this for fun
I don't understand this post I just said that discord kills generals, I don't even care about receiving feedback

My explanation for "discord kills generals" is that, in our specific context of thread (or any art) it makes sense.

>In an ideal world, there would be a perfect balance of shitposting and helpful advice
That's what I'm saying.
I don't believe that "it's just not possible because 4ch is filled with zoomers only shitposting and not taking anything serious". We just have our ups and downs, and now we're at a down moment.
Hopefully we'll soon have an up moment, which will have a healthy dose of shitposting and a healthy amount of good discussion.

>I don't think they are worth the effort since I'm supposedly doing this for fun
With that mindset you shouldn't be remixing anything unless it actually resonates with you. But if you are doing it for other reasons than just fun, you should be honest with yourself. The motivation isn't the problem, it would only be a problem if you had no motivation.


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I'm doing it for this general

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Had a mother 32 for like a year and never used it. but now i do


Too much happening with the drums all at once and its preventing the other instruments from having space in the mix. Strip your drums to just a kick and snare (playing a simple pattern)for now and focus on getting a melody to sit and groove in between those two things. Adding more drums won't help if your other melodic elements aren't playing nice with each other.


this is a dataset for machine learning but it's a pretty good resource in general.

>The Groove MIDI Dataset (GMD) is composed of 13.6 hours of aligned MIDI and (synthesized) audio of human-performed, tempo-aligned expressive drumming. The dataset contains 1,150 MIDI files and over 22,000 measures of drumming.

Not sure how would I use this, but thank you for sharing.

this is exactly way comfy synth threads are better than prod

How much do SSD matter for production

>either boomers with insane studios that are condescending or normies trying to make "edm".
This is why i like /prod/. It's young people who's condenscending without having much gear or work to back their arrogance.

usually a lot but you have to consider the capacity if you're on budget, I absolutely need more than 1tb so I'm waiting for the prices to drop further

>without having much gear
speak for yourself bruh. i pirated all the plugin alliance vsts i could find. now all my tunes are wrapped in boomer warmth.

>materialism thread
yeah great, it's basically /gg/ for producers


There was one today, it's already dead.

IDK, I don't find people being assholes here annoying. It's kinda like the local slang y'know... They don't really mean it.
When someone is being an asshole on a "normie" site it's more like them being assholes in real life.

i just bought a 250gb ssd and a 1tb hdd, im trying to decide wether i install my vsts on the ssd or hd. i also been told it's good for faster recording but idk if that matters unless i'm recording 16 tracks

hold on. what plugins??

nah /gg/ is a shitposting general at this point and not even about guitars

just install your OS on the ssd. unless the HD is some old slow ass thing then it really won't matter.

do they even sell anything other than brainworx?

Holy fucking strawman. Wrong board for this shlomo.

i put 12 instances of the spl iron on my master, make sure the threshold is too high to actually do anything and then drown in the placebo.

they do other stuff as well. spl, elysia etc.

This cunt gets it.

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>Nowadays I can't stand the sound of multi-band distortion plug-ins like Trash 2/Ohmicide/Saturn. If you want heavy broadband distortion without obvious cross-overs then try Guitar Rig. I recommend achieving distortion by exploiting characteristics of plug-ins that weren't designed to for that task. Things like driving a shitty limiter too hard or using a compressor with built-in soft-clipping can give you a wild sound that is much more sonorous than the heavy-duty distortion plugs on the market. Otherwise Decapitator is a classic, HG-2, the new Harmonics from Softube I like a lot for subtle things, Karacter by elysia. Softube has a free Saturation Knob plug-in which is very analog in character.

This is you right? Why'd you take off your trip?

is it better than Slate plugins? and Waves?

it comes with the territory, but it starts to get genuinely annoying with consistent shitposting; i'm not annoyed or hurt at people being an asshole because it doesn't mean shit, i'm annoyed at them shitting up the thread and trying to bait people

they're fine. just a little different.
looking for de-facto 'best' stuff is a fool's errand.

i mostly just stick with the brainworx consoles emus, vertigo vsm-3, black box hg-2 and some of the elysia stuff. but Tbh i could just as easily pick something else depending on how i feel on a particular day.

>brainworx consoles emus, vertigo vsm-3, black box hg-2 and some of the elysia stuff
what are these for

quick eq + compression, saturation, saturation, saturation.

How to distort drums like this?


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low pass heavy saturation
that view count is sus af but i don't even care rn because i fucking love this lmao

cool imma make music like this now fuck sophie

Uhh likely any 1176 compressor emulation.
Also the Dynamite.


Just want some Opinions, 1. Try after learning Fl Studio.
What would you do better?
I don't even know in what kind of music style this is. Ty


it's shit
>I don't even know in what kind of music style this is
start from here, get an idea of what you want first and after you managed to arrange something that makes sense you can start worrying about the sound

how to distort that compressor

I have no piano experience and a track record of dropping things but synthesia makes piano look interesting and I realized it would be considerably easier for me to produce if I knew how to play be keyboard instead of clicking and dragging. There’s an M-Audio Keystation 88 for $100 right now while I’m idling at guitar center: should I just nab it and sell it off for $50 worst case scenario?

if you have the space take it

"all buttons in" and crank the input gain to taste.

100% yes, the only way to learn in to practice on one. Why would you be worried about dropping it, how often are you going to be carrying an 88 key controller around?
Also I just looked and the going rate for those is usually like 150-230, is that one fucked up or something? You can probably flip it for 150 if it's in good shape.

>Why would you be worried about dropping it, how often are you going to be carrying an 88 key controller around?
I'm pretty sure he's talking about quitting, not physically dropping it on the floor.

It is itself used, but there are no stated defects, it’s just a used unit. It might not be the mk-2 but I can’t tell if a mk-1 even exists or the sale tag on it just didn’t include the tagging. But no, it’s not broken.
I meant drop as in abandon but I’m trying to stop juggling 100 different interest and put more effort into holding onto one or two themes and pursuing things within them.

There wasn't enough hate for modular and trannies. This made us band together yesterday and we reached bump limit easily.

If you want to learn to read music notation, a poster here made this little tool for Ableton Live that will teach you sight reading.

I think the Matriarch looks sexy (regardless of what monstrosity they have demo it) and if I were rich and stupid I'd have preordered one already.
Probably just gonna save up for a Deepmind 12, but the idea of wiring up modular stuff makes my pp hard.

Korg made a ms20 midi controller once for their legacy collection. You can actually patch it up.

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hey guys, super minor hobbyist here. I'm trying to make something for a friend's project. He wants to write bars for my beat, and I wanted a classic kind of 90s piano beat.

Something about what I have going on just sounds not-right. Can anyone give some major criticism? be honest, do I need to scrap the whole thing and start over?

>back to gearslutz
Oh yeah, would love some advice from people who've been creatingvdemarcus tier trance with a prophet 5 on top of xanderbeanz hijacking the thread for self promotion and his his usual pity party

Shit, I need to pick up a second job...

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>just use samples bro
>if you're famous your label will clear them for you, and if you're not nobody will ever find out

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I got it for $130 after taxes. It comes with a 45 day no hassle return window, so I’ll just have to pay about $12 in taxes if I return it before September pretty much. That gives me enough time to try it out for a bit even I i absolutely hate it or something.

this guy just sounds jealous

>just use samples
>clear nothing
>create one of the greatest albums of the new century
>be untouchable

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You forgot:
>continue living as a worthless chav for the rest of your life and never reap any fruit of your labor

Clout is worth more than gold

Only if you make use of it.

I did it, boys.

I finally gathered enough courage/balls to perform live at an open mic. And I never would have been able to do it if it wasn't for you guys telling me my shit sucked. I kept practicing and learning more about music theory/synthesis until I was mediocre. Your abuse helped me learn. Thanks, ya animals.

you've got to miserably fail at least once to realize it's not a big deal and you can just try again at no loss :)

How come every time i load a new VST in my daw or plugin it makes a loud screaming sound when im playing music in the background??

Is it every VST or just one in particular?

>he still uses windows
When did you wake up and get a real artists machine?

When I'll get a concussion and my IQ drops by a dozen points.

every vst from kontakt to free ones
is it because im using a UR22?
it hurts my ears bros

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>tfw my late 09 macbook can't support more then 4 channels at the same time

No idea.
Could you record that noise in some way?
Or at least describe it?

You mean like my linux thinkpad x201 running renoise?

@ (that one trip guy)

i just synthesized a sound inspired by the gopro under the train from toofalltime on /r/soundporn :p

as soon as instaudio starts working again i'll post
pretty much everything else i did today was bad :^(

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it only happens when i play background music

You mean the left-side sound that appears towards the end?
How long does it last?

>when i play background music
You mean inside the DAW, or on another music player, youtube, etc?

yeah that large scream
it lasts for how long the plug in takes to load
something small it doesn't make a large sound but something big can make a big scream

its a song played on youtube yeah

Probably a driver issue.
Try changing the audio driver in your FL Studio settings and see if it still happens.

im using the latest drivers
guess i'll just deal with it thanks tho

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I don't mean the latest, I mean changing from ASIO to Realtek or whatever else you might have.

I'll take millions of dollars over millions of normie fans who don't give a shit about me.

*telemetry data intensifies*
Next you’ll tell me Macs are for fags too.
Lol the brainwashing is real. Your gaming computer isn’t optimized for audio.
>my ten year old portable machine isn’t good enough
If you haven’t yet I highly recommend opening it up and spraying the cold air liberally to get rid of all the dust, especially in the fans.
Mirin hard

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>insulting hypothetical fans
I hope you realize 99% of your fans will always be normies (like you). You have no idea the level of marketability that having a million fans implies.

Wow this general is really shit, what happened?

anyone else getting instaudio errors? It won't let me upload anything today and just give me the standard file type/size error pop-up.

Files I've tried uploading fit the requirements.

shitposting and people defending a non-minimal presence of it

instaudio down

it's meh at the moment but not *bad* bad lol

it's not that strange if you change vst while something is playing, it might be a shitty cpu too my interface doesn't scream but farts if I do something like that

>copy-pasta, pastebin links, and images for every new thread
There is a based-as-fuck general on another board that has a neocities site with all the standard information, resources, and links a beginner should know as well as links to content to consume and use that is hosted on mega. I feel like we could do something like that but someone(s) would need to step up.

Checked. I want to help put this together. We should start by listing out what info we need to add, we can start brainstorming ASAP. I think we should try by updating DAW specific youtube resources.

I also used their melody interopelation software where it combines two melodies together to become one.
I changed the key of two one hit wonders to be in the same key and I placed their choruses into the app. It is a hit or miss sometimes, but usually something VERY catchy pops out.

pic slightly related, its an interopolation of attractives faces, but now imagine what interopolation of catchy music sounds like.

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(invisible neet user here with nothing better to do who's been updating the pastebin here)

very down. only thing is I was trying to keep it neutral as possible and avoid making it bloated so it's easy to consume

Askes this in a thread yesterday and no one could answer: How do I effortlessly hop genres like Damon Albarn (Gorillaz) does? If I want to compose in different genres of popular music (synthpop, dub, hip hop, rnb, funk, rock, soul, cumbia, acid house, trip hop, trap) should I focus on studying classical music theory or just the fundamentals + jazz/blues theory?

>instaudio down
its working for me

if you want to compose different genres of popular music you should study each one of them instead of something completely different

but how come people like Damon Albarn seem to do it so effortlessly? Are people like that just geniuses? For example, he discovered a tribe called quest in the late 90s, and by 2000 he had already composed hip hop and hip hop influenced hits. Before that he was in a britpop band, completely separated from American music. It's like he can listen to something and not just emulate it but make something new out of it. I thought jazz theory and I guess ear training had something to do with acquiring this skill but now I'm not sure

>avoid making it bloated so it's easy to consume
Having a neocities site should help with this since you can have separate pages for different categories, however things end up getting grouped.
Yes, brainstorming with everyone would be good.
I brought it up and I wish I could join but I'm working 50hr+ weeks for the foreseeable future.

some of us are serious and need feedback


I don't think you need jazz to acquire ear training, probably you just need to play an instrument at a decent level and try different genres with it

look inside yourself

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still looking for a new producer name but hows the mix and I guess composition on this? It basically just loops but I was trying to make it not too repetitive


>he discovered a tribe called quest in the late 90s, and by 2000 he had already composed hip hop

he's a good songwriter, period
learning the basics of a genre gets easier the more you learn.

I write in multiple genres like that and i'm a *very bad* songwriter- learning to make decent boom bap beats took me about a year and a half, but understood the fundamentals of it in a few months (I really suck).
As a tourist who frequently does this, i'm assuming somebody that talented can just become interested in a genre, become engrossed in it, and start writing shit like that or heavily influenced by it within a few months

as for studying cla'ssical music when you're not trying to make it: that's probably top 5 stupidest questions i've seen here, can't even be nice about that. listen to the music you want to make, identify what makes it distinct from others, common tropes etc.... use them outside of that genre, mix and match shit, that's it.

Sounds good. I like the wave sound.


my little keyboard suggested using ProTools First. Pros/cons of using it as my DAW?

I made the retarded question about classical cause people here often lost "LEARN COUNTERPOINT" and "LEARN POST-TONAL HARMONY" while most people here just make edm and shit like that. It got me confused, maybe I took bait seriously
fuck, I guess it's back to the keyboard then. I've spent more time reading than actually playing this past few weeks. Wasted too much time looking for songwriting "secrets" and shortcuts

you could learn the basics of counterpoint in a few weeks and it makes EVERYTHING sound better
stop being lazy


so I DO need classical theory? By classical theory I was referring to traditional Western music theory etc, as opposed to jazz theory which shares the language but has different rules. Not sure if I was clear enough before

you don't need it, however learning functional harmony wouldn't hurt
I wasn't telling you to learn "classical theory" tho, I'm telling you to learn the basics of counterpoint. it's one of the actual "secret weapons" of songwriting, you should be able to see dramatic improvement in your compositions within a few weeks

>tfw self doubt and everything you do recently sucks
>make comfy drone and zone out to it

nobody will ever want to listen to this shit but it soothes me... idk, they only make sense when i'm all @.@ like this lol :(

alright, thanks! And sorry for the stupid questions


if you're still unconvinced, here are some examples of what prominent usage of counterpoint sound like in popular music


final time, only posting because user called me a faggot and said I should post *final version*
here, I barely changed anything and I hate this song now lmao


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What makes music organic? How can I have more of that in my electronic shit?

actual recorded sounds in real spaces (foley)
playing things by hand, not having everything in sync, non-constant tempo
slight saturation, man i love saturation

why the HECK is instaudio broken

What saturation do you use most?

i dont really like the genre but the ending had some cool sounds. I assume you used serum for most of this?

what genre do you classify this as? somebody thought it was dubstep and judged it by that standard last thread and i have fucking ptsd

i think like 3/4 synths are serum, rest is massive and iris 2

+dynamic tube

>Stock ableton
Fr? Have you tried other plugins before?

Ok /prod/ i need you big time, ive been hit with a dry spell for a month now and dont know what to do, im starting to feel that music production/making/composing was a phase in my life despite being able to make a little over 2 hours worth of music, i feel uninspired and the last time i composed was after the love of my life let me down for a third time, sorry for the blog but i want to ask for anyone in a similar situation, what did you do to cope/get out of this situation? Any help from anyone else is also deeply appreciated

best post itt

Ask youreselve my friend, is this how the story of my music ends? If the answer is easy 'yes', then go

Can't really come up with ideas atm, seems like music keeps sounding the same. It's confusing. Just want to compose shit, but all my melodies are basic as fuck.

T b h i dont really want to leave it because i really want to get at the very least a small fanbase but i tried my hand at everything possible, from rock to trap with all kinds of electronic and hiphop sparkled in between
Im there too brah, the only tip i can give is get out of your comfort zone, check if that gives you a different perspective in composing, also basic ≠ bad, unless you are into jazz dont try your hand at complex melodies

Don't you want to make good music rather?

I mean if im making music that i hate i wouldnt make it, i like myself what i do and want to find that small amount of people that also likes it, thats the problem ive been having, everything i do i dont like, so i scrap all of that

>*telemetry data intensifies*
>he thinks Apple doesn't do exactly the same


As well as the following (courtesy of /g/):

They collect BSSIDs and GPS data for their network location service.

They neglected fixing a security vulnerability for three years so law enforcement could use it as a backdoor. Who says they don't the same with iOS?

They also have a backdoor to remotely wipe phones.

Apple collects all your call history.

We had the fappening happen because it uploads all your images to iCloud. It even sends the files to the cloud without asking for permission.

Most iCloud data and some data from passcode-locked devices can be provided.

Israeli tech company says it can unlock all iPhones ever made, some Androids

Apple offered to help FBI unlock Texas shooter's phone

Apple ordered to assist the FBI

lmao you ask that as if stock shit is just bad by default, all of it's usable
yes i have tried others- obviously there's nicer out there (sound toy's decapitator being the most obvious pick) but personally it's not enough of a difference for me to justify buying it.

also the waveshaper in it ableton's saturator is underrated af.

>2 hours of music
idk how to judge that but i'm guessing you're 2 or 3 years in?

everybody goes through dry spells man- i write a shit load of songs and a few months ago i had it *bad* like writing complete shit for about a month........ a song... a week... maybe...
idk, point i'm trying to make is it doesn't matter where you're at in your musical journey, hitting a low point doesn't mean it's over

as for getting out of it, don't pressure yourself... listen to new music, revisit your absolute favorite stuff when you were a teenager..
when i can't make music i try to be creative in other ways: editing photos, cooking, sound design if i can bare it....
but i hope having fans isn't your reason for wanting to make music :^(

>what genre do you classify this as?
I'm not sure, but it does sound similar to dubstep which is why you are getting people like that. What do you classify it as? That's all that matters.

I just don't like a lot of the sounds that are coming out of serum from this one. It sounds too stock to me if that makes sense. I'm sure the wave tables you're using aren't stock, but it's just the way its used that makes it sound like that to me.

Thanks for the heads up user, ive been listening to poppier albums after my best friend caught on to jojis music, as for making other stuff i started learning about and setting up servers for lowspec games and the like in old pcs, im going to stay afloat for a while to let myself rest and get the prod juices going
>but i hope having fans isnt the reason
Yeah i know ill never be up to the level of jah and the nowadays trapstars but one can dream :^)

weird, i really thought it was straight forward death grips lol

>the sounds that are coming out of serum from this one
could you single any out? what you disliked the most? this is valuable feedback man (:
... i think i know what you're talking about

i got some typebeats, u wanna spit vro? :^)
the vidya stuff sounds fun though

Dubstep is most definitely the closest to this. Especially the initial era of pre-Skrillex Brostep.

I assume by your picture that you're trying to go for the Death Grips sound, but IMO it lacks the "rawness" and it's not nearly as aggressive.
No offense but it's like a PG-13 version of Death Grips.

Also some of the sounds are cool and some others are a bit too stock-sounding. I especially hate that hooverish sound, the YOIs and the wubs (these really make it sound like old brostep).
Almost everything is way too weak. Have you been putting 30 instances of OTT on everything like you should?
And the drums aren't nearly as punchy as they need to be for this kind of sound, so they contribute a lot to falling short of being aggressive and in your face.
If you haven't, use copious amounts of transient shaping, soft clipping, and limiting.

Arrangement-wise I find it a bit boring and repetitive but that's just me.
It definitely feels like it's missing something, so if you could have equally aggressive vocals it would make it feel more "complete".

Sorry im dont know wtf this means
>vydya stuff
I host for a small board in 23chan and its comfy seeing all the anons praising you as a god or the like

>PG-13 version
I lol'd

no ott, idk which you think is hoover like, completely understand on the wubs thing, i'm soft clipping and limiting the shit out of it lmao
yeah drum wise it was a creative decision to have the bass's on top and have the drums very low...
thank you for the criticism, i'll be actively avoiding brostep shit now lmao

"xxxtentacion type beat"
like it sounds like something he would use
.... that's a new chan to me


feedback please

>no ott
Biggest mistake.

>idk which you think is hoover like
The down-pitching sound that starts at 8 seconds

>yeah drum wise it was a creative decision to have the bass's on top and have the drums very low...
Your choice then, but it still makes it sound weaker.
For "loud" and in your face genres punchy drums are the most important aspect in getting that power.

>i'll be actively avoiding brostep shit now lmao
I think you could use a lot of modern Brostep sounds and it would still be cool. You just have to be selective about it, and most importantly, use modern techniques. If on top of that you alter them a bit to fit your vibe, you can 100% benefit from them.

>could you single any out?
I don't like the one that comes in at 15s,1m28s, 2m42s (i think it also plays in other parts, but in a different manner which I don't mind)

Have to say I really love the sounds that start to come in at 3m, reminds me of spectrogram imaging imported as audio (Harmor?)

A lot of the other bass sounds I like. I don't really like the high pitched sounds that come in with the vox-y sound at 44s, but after 1m I like these ones a lot more.

Decapitator aliases so i dont use it. Nah I'm asking more like if you ever explored the other options and then returned to stock or stayes stock throughout

Oooh you could start from there friend, but sorry i suck at writing and my latino accent wouldnt help, also the chan i tried to put 2 to the cube (8) to evade 4chans weird affix to censor that chan

>The down-pitching sound that starts at 8 seconds
LOL that was the biggest one i was second guessing when i did my final round of resampling today.
idk man, ott is so fucking easy to overdo and almost feels.... idk just easy.
thanks man, this really helps

3 minutes in is just more serum lol
thx m8

>if you ever explored the other options and then returned to stock or stayes stock throughout

collision and tension in particular have nice surprises
i stand by all ableton effects with the exception of the reverb and flanger, which are just meh imo


>3 minutes in is just more serum
cool, didn't know you could make something sound like that in serum

Dont be sad man, if you try your hand at singing/rapping i can lend you some home beats :)

>idk man, ott is so fucking easy to overdo and almost feels.... idk just easy.
It should be... Cheating is good if nobody knows

Attached: 50a.jpg (470x595, 47K)

What's ott?

Serums conpressor if i recall right

OTT stands for "over the top" and it's a preset for Ableton's multiband compressor that levels out lows, mids, and highs, in order to give you a more "in your face" sound.
It's been used so much in loud genres like Dubstep, electro, and EDM Trap that it's become a bit of a meme but it works really well and everyone still uses it.

If you don't have Ableton you can download a plugin emulation of it here:
When you set Serum's compressor to multiband mode it becomes an OTT as well, so you can either use it within Serum, or use it as an insert FX on other stuff using the SerumFX plugin.


>finally decide to kms myself
>all is wrong in the world, sammy is playing a nearby festival
>reason that his angelic singing would provide the perfect soundtrack for my final moments
>lay on train tracks, Sammy's closing song soothes me in my final moments as i become an hero


Attached: med_1416243233_image.jpg (640x480, 73K)

What is this?
Are you the Dubstep Death Grips user?

synthesized :)
inspired by this sound


Cool. Did you use Serum?
Are you the Dubstep Death Grips user or there are multiple people into sound-design here?

Serum+ a little convolution reverb, made it sound a lot more real

yes and i am ashamed.
there are a few anons who are really into sound design who are regulars

I don't even know what convolution reverb is keke but I'll look it up.

>yes and i am ashamed.
Why? sounds cool to me. Other Anons have their critiques but that's normal for a type of music that's new to you.
Nobody gets a genre right on the first try.

ayy does anyone know exactly how to replicate that bass sound on a bunch of gaga's ARTPOP tracks (swine, donatella, G.U.Y etc),
I get close with certain WTs and a lot of WT bending but nothing 100%
I know it's a pretty common bass sound, I'm wondering if there's a common technique for it

they're pretty useful in certain situations, more so if you're into film though

"wubs" are a new area to me, and modern dance sounds/structure are a huge blind spot for me; being "into" sound design, and realizing that sounds i made that weren't even intended to be dubstep sound dated to people is a big blow and makes me realize how bad I actually am at this

idk, i spent the last hour thinking thinking it over and realized I almost always feel this way after making any song that attempts to sound like anybody else, like i gotta beeeee myself u kno

every song is a learning experience, it's always okay because you can get better :)


Google Zedd bass tutorials from that period and the two years before it.
You can use Sylenth1 for it.
I remember reading a post somewhere that said something like "everyone was trying to emulate Zedd's bass but it turned out to be a Razor preset" but I've never checked myself nor tried researching it.

hey i actually have razor, i'll poke through and see if i can find it.

If you don't find it, try with a saw wave and a square layered an octave or two below it. Then perhaps some light bitcrushing and distortion, and a lot of compression.

i liked all of her earlier stuff but my god that song is trash


GUY is one of her best songs ever you fucking goofball

Anthony is that you?
How have you been man?

>How have you been man?
Looking for feedback. And a new producer name.

Which one's your track?


Track your stuff live instead of drawing quantized little beats into the piano roll

Found out a couple days ago that the interface I've been using to listen to mixes in the car went bad. The left channel became faulty and would quieter as you panned left.

Attached: 1563604538689.png (209x278, 38K)

Here's what I'd change:

>chords at the start:
The sound you used is too cheesy and I feel a bit muffled
The first chord is too dissonant for no reason. You should only use dissonance in certain "special" occasions to create tension and/or interest. When you use it all the time it just sounds bad. Especially in short loops like this.
The rhythm they play is too basic, which is made worse by how short the loop is. It gets tiring very soon.

The kick is too muffled. Needs some higher frequencies in the transient.

>chords as the song progresses
All those variations seem random to me. I don't get any sense of direction or meaning.
And the sound you used for that harmonizing "lead" is cheesy too.
But I like that you're using a separate sound to harmonize with the chords.

>bass that starts at 0:40
The sound is too cheesy and muffled
The melody has some directon, which is good, but I don't like it very much (I'd keep the first half but change the second because it doesn't work too well with the first and the chords) and it seems to repeat 1:1, which isn't good for tension/release. Instead of going ABAB, go ABAC, so the second half of the second repetition is different and concludes the section well instead of just cutting out something that's meant to continue.

The rest is fine, keep it up, you're very obviously improving.

>still looking for a new producer name
Call yourself "his wife he", and sign up to every website as "his wife he beats".

just as a follow up, the low end of the bass in the track is too crisp sounding for any type of layering i think,
razor seems to be the way to go with it's formant osc and the select knob on '3', then some formant knob tweaking seems to be as close as i've ever heard
so thanks for the razor tip whoever that was

Quick loop I made right now.

More emphasis on the kick and the bass, the loops are way too loud, try to EQ them so the frequencies don't clash.
Really nice idea. Interested in what you'll do with this.

>just as a follow up, the low end of the bass in the track is too crisp sounding for any type of layering i think,
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by that, but you can achieve that sound by locking the phase of the oscillators so they always start at the same point and have the alignment you need.
I don't know if you can do that with Sylenth1 (maybe you can only lock the phase but not change the alignment) but you can with many other synths (namely Massive and Serum).

i just mean the low notes never sounded 100% quite right, it has a very distinct digital sound,
i could be wrong but the razor patch feels like the only thing that needs tweaking to be perfect is just a little eq, whereas before it always felt like the timbre was off

interesting strides being made in stem isolation from printed audio files:

this is from the people over at splice:


this one's backed by sony and going to be FOSS. just waiting for a public release:


you are wrong


too slow, find a harder kick, use 808s, wetten ur drums

more reverb, the kick is way too loud

kick is fine, listen to most newer trap productions. probably a stylistic choice

there's a difference between 'in the foreground' and obnoxious. If that's really how new trap music is like then I don't want to listen to it.

>when your biggest cost in making music is the weed you buy

Attached: ray-trailer-park-boys.jpg (500x375, 130K)

try the flanger with a super fast square lfo, it's great tor robotic vocals

I'm glad you found the links useful.

Nice. Pretty realistic. If I heard that without context I'd immediately think it sounds like a train, so good job man.

>every song is a learning experience, it's always okay because you can get better :)
That's right.
I always feel like shit when I try something new and it's complete shit even when I thought it would be easy, but after sounding like shit for a few attempts it starts to sound less and less bad until I really learn how to do it and it starts sounding good (to my standards anyway lol).
Not meeting your expectations on the first try is basically a given. No need to drag yourself down over it.

nice, would like more low end though

nah he was right desu, i toned the kick/808 down a good bit, even if stylistically i do like the overdriven/distorted kicks that was over the top. but i didnt know what exactly he meant with more reverb (on what)

industry standard
anecdotally I've heard it crashes often

That organ synth sounds cheezy as fuck, and your lead gives the thing kinda a cave/sewer/dungeon feel like a Castlevania stage theme.
Just switch to dungeon synth already, apparently it's your calling.

What are your secret weapons bros?
I'm a sucker for additive/spectral/modal stuff and this shit is way too underrated. I also really like Moodal, sometimes I just use a shitload of resonators instead of reverb, sometimes I use it for even making physical modelling-like sounds from environmental noise and shit like that.
Other plugin that I use a lot is Obscurium. The fact that it lets you host other synths is what makes it for me. I don't like it too much like a synth, it is more like a weird sequencer for me.

Attached: LOOMIIB.jpg (1174x603, 498K)

I sample all my percussion from kitchenwares


how do i make my synths less gay how do i make my drums better how do i make my shit less repetitive why does all my music sound like shit should i just throw in the towel family

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Which PPG wavetable is this?

its stock ableton wavetable with some lfo chorus and noise random shit man

more mother 32 jams clyp.it/aajuiqye