Why is it so good bros

Why is it so good bros

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The 2000s peaked with this album. I'm actually seeing them live in a few weeks and am very excited.


never made it past the first song

I wish Paul Banks could just fucking die already, i wish one of his moles could mutate and swallow him whole

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The production

chris stop hating everything I like please

hope you’re ready for the most lethargic crowd ever

probably the drugs
the bigger question is, when will people accept Antics was just as good?

It really isn't

Untitled is one of the best openers ever

It really is. Bought it for the Slow Hands single , then realized the whole album is spot on. The last track is one of my top 10 songs ever

wtf why

I feel the same way. Not sure why. It just captures a certain feeling for me. Like a feeling of lonliness and isolation in a beautiful city. Like a feeling of walking around a city at night, looking around at all the buildings and apartments, and feeling like you're not a part of any of it.

Because he's just another rich kid whose a gigantic piece of shit and makes shitty music, The Strokes do it SO much better

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strokes suck ass

Same here bro. I wish everyone could notice how perfect A Time to Be So Small and Take You On a Cruise really are.

but I thought he hated the strokes too because julian was a rich boy

he said at one point in his Yea Forumschella interview that he despise Banks but Julian does it better, and is better looking, lol idk his words not mine

Listen to it at night. I'm talking around 8 or 9 p.m. 2000 or 2100. On a bus or just walking around. Look at the streetlights as you do. It helps if it is pretty chilly out, and if you have had your heart broken a month or so ago.