ITT: Bands who's every track sounds exactly the same

ITT: Bands who's every track sounds exactly the same

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Cannibal Corpse


Twenty One Pilots, it's either dark lyrics with happy background or happy lyrics with moody background

So many metal band's find the sound that sells and just starts repeating it. Haven't listened to Amon Amarth since Twilight of the Thunder God or Amorphis since Skyforger.

Also, Ramones, but in a good way.

every reggae band

not really, how much of the ramones have you listened to


These guys are pretty guilty of that.

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Dream theater and Celtic frost

from st to road to russia

I beg your pardon?


the 2 most recent Amorphis albums are better than Skyforger and I wouldn't really say that they sound the same

Finnish radio channels are blasting Amongst Stars 24/7 and at this point I'd rather listen to Gangnam Style. That track alone has pushed me away from the newest album. I did listen through the three albums after Skyforger though and thought they were a bit same-y. Maybe I should give them a new chance.

Just don't listen to Finnish radio channels, they all suck

Every rapper
Every woman power artist

The Rolling Stones and The Doors


Especially since the 90s. Good song, tho.

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these fucks

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Sleater Kinney

the whole genre

But in, like, a good way

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