if dubs michael gira dies in a car carsh march 13th 2020 and swans never makes any music ever again
If dubs I finally get a gf tomorrow
Congratulations user :)
swans is the most masturbatory musical project in existence not sure why the hipster elite embrace it the way they do
They really need to mix it up this time, Glowing Man just sounded like a retread of last two albums
Do you hate masturbation?
i dont want to listen to a group of 50 year old guys do it for 2 hours straight
Low IQ post
That isn't your fetish somehow?
We are on Yea Forums
I hope it's actually good and not The Glowing Man
Glowing Man was taking all the bad filler of the last two albums and making an entire album specifically out of it
literally just 2 hours of Michael Gira making stereotypical buddhist OHHHMMMMMMMM chants over guitar drones. Anybody who claims to like it is a pretentious idiot and should be dismissed on the spot.
if trips my crush answers my request to got out with her tomorrow
Where do you think they go with their sound on this one and going forward anons?
>Being scared to ask out your crush
How's your summer, do you think 8th grade is gonna be scary?
Dubs I read my crush his love letters
lol get fucked fag/tranny
I intend to
their best album was Filth and it was all downhill from there
probably back into ur mum's basement lul it's shit m8